Unity – The Legion of The Beast
by Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal & Cardassian Gilnn Denat Meran

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Title   The Legion of The Beast
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal & Cardassian Gilnn Denat Meran
Posted   Fri Apr 23, 2010 @ 9:55pm
Location   Cardassian Embassy - Tharek's office
Timeline   SD17 - 13:50
Tharek looked at the chronometer built into his desk. Nearly an hour had passed since his agressive meeting with Isha, and he was more than keen to forget it. He walked to his alcohol cupboard and took the largest Kanar bottle from within. Placing it down onto his desk, Tharek followed and sat himself down.

"S-sir." Lemat said softly over the comm.

"What is it Lemat. I don't have time for you now." He said, trailing off into his large bottle.

"A Gilnn Meran for you sir."

Tharek's eyes grew wider. Could it be the same Meran? He thought to himself. "Send him in immediately."

The comm clicked off, and within seconds, the door to his office was open, and the form of Denat shadowed the doorway.

Denat sharply removed his hands from view and concealed them behind his back. At the sight of Tharek, a warm smile graced Denat's face and he proceded further into his office. "Tharek you old dog, where've you been my friend?" he cheerfully remarked reaching his arms forward for a welcome.

Tharek held his hand up to stop him. He moved around the desk to the other Cardassian. Tharek mimiced Denat's smile though. "I've an image to maintain Denat, can't go around showing that sort of welcome to men of Cardassia." He said, almost laughing. Tharek lunged forward with both arms open and welcomed Denat. He patted Denat firmly on his back. "I've been up and around, you know how it is when your responsible for relations with diplomatic cesspits and idiotic Federation forces."

Tharek sat himself back down behind his desk, pouring himself a very large glass of Kanar, and another for Denat. "You must tell me how you are Denat. I've missed your incessant nattering."

"Well you seem to recognize my taste for Kanar has not deminished since our last proper encounter." He replied. Retaining his smile, Denat gestured towards a settee along the far side of the room.

Tharek nodded, taking both glasses with him. He sat himself on the settee, and placed both legs onto the small coffee table placed near the seat. He then passed Denat the glass. "Your love of Kanar is a match for even mine." Tharek joked, smirking. "How goes military life then, Denat?"

After sipping a small amount of his Kanar to reminice on a past memory to share about the military, Denat answered. "At the end of the day, it's just paperwork. However, on the frontline, which we have both experienced, is still a spinechiller."

"Don't worry. I've got plenty of spinechilling work set up for you. First things first though, and I'm so sorry for going straight to business, but I want you to coordinate the entire security staff of the embassy and the Rakara. Also, I'm bringing in more troops for plans I've got. Think you can handle all that on your first day, or do I have to stick you behind a desk?" Tharek said, swallowing most of his Kanar with a single gulp.

Denat challenged Tharek's swallow with his own, and continued further towards an empty glass. "Well, although the desk job is quite tempting... " He peered away with a small smirk. "I suppose I shall do as you request of me" he looked back at the Vi'kar Gul with the smirk still well presented on his face.

"Good. Because I'd hate to have to throw you out an airlock on your first day of work." Tharek said with some seriousness attached. "Go see Sotar, he'll get your quarters ready and fill in the necessary paperwork for you. After that, start working." Tharek stood up, propelling himself to his full height. "It was nice seeing you again Denat."

Denat rose also, and looked up at the Cardassian. He stood and shook his hand closely with his free hand supporing himself on Tharek's lower arm. "It's great to see you too my friend." His smile grew bigger and he released his grip of the shake.

Tharek looked down on the considerably shorter man. "Likewise." He exclaimed. "Now, don't let me hold you up. Get started." Tharek said, dismissing Denat with a quick flick of the wrist. "I'll check up on you soon." Tharek called after Denat as he left.

Tharek then took his position behind his desk. His anger for Isha soon replaced by joy. With Denat, a Cardassian with multiple honours, running his personal army, nothing stood in his way now. Tharek was unstoppable, and he wanted Isha to tremble. Tremble at the might of Cardassia. He wanted Isha to know, that unlike the other men that threatened her, Tharek would fulfill his threats. He wanted her blood spilled, and he knew that it would spill all too soon...


A Joint Post By:

Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal
Cardassian Dictator


Gilnn Denat Meran
Head of Embassy Security