Beg, Steal or Borrow – Old XO meets New XO
by Arrival Alexandria Marshall & Commander Karen Villiers

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Title   Old XO meets New XO
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Arrival Alexandria Marshall & Commander Karen Villiers
Posted   Wed Jul 29, 2009 @ 6:46pm
Location   XO's Office
Timeline   SD9 Afternoon
T'Lan was placing the last of her personal effects in a crate, and preparing to transfer to the Dreadnought as its Commanding Officer.

"Commander T'Lan, I hope that you were not too aggrieved by my performance earlier today," Karen said. The woman was a Vulcan, but in her experience that did not always mean that feelings were always deeply repressed. "Its nice to have the chance to meet you in person before your departure."

Commander T'Lan looked up, "Commander Villers, It is agreeable to meet you." The Vulcan responded.

Karen extended her hand, "I should congratulate you on your new posting, Commander. I know you have not been here long, but I'm sure that your impact will be remembered."

T'Lan spoke, "I must warn you of something, Commander. It is concerning the Chief of Security. During my tenure as Executive Officer, I have had to discipline Lt. Gabriel for acts ranging from behavior unbecoming of a Starfleet Officer. Unfortunately, he has not yet committed any actions that can be considered a violation of Starfleet regulations."

"Is that so?" Karen raised an eyebrow. "His appointment to security is recent, isn't it?" Karen asked - she was, for the time being trying to keep an open mind, it would be needed particularly if the Romulans did attempt a prosecution as Brailsford thought they would, but Karen was not going to let this opportunity pass by.

T'Lan spoke, "Unfortunately, his methods have caused me great concern whether Mr. Gabriel will recognize the due process of law."

"My first meeting with him was tense to say the least, I'd appreciate anything that you can tell me about him or any other troublesome officers you may have come across," she did not want to give the impression that Starfleet had any particular interest in Gabriel.

T'Lan spoke, "My relations with the other members of the crew have thus far been agreeable, unfortunately, just recently, I have had to intervene in an incident involving Mr. Gabriel and a human that was placed into stasis for approximately three hundred years. Apperantly this particular human was one of the first interstellar explorers Earth had sent out to explore star systems nearby Earth. Mr. Gabriel attempted to detain this human as a spy, and Ms. Marshall though she was held by the Eastern Coalition."

"So he's sailing very close to the wind ... I'm always a little suspicious of people who know just how far they can stretch the rules without snapping the elastic ... it makes me wonder why and how they reached the conclusion that they could get away with it."

T'Lan spoke, "Be wary of him Commander Villiers. I have found that he will not report to my authority. Instead he reports to his own allies within the ranks of Starfleet Intelligence and elsewhere." T'Lan could not say anything more. "I can say no more Commander Villiers, but to express concern over what spirit our two races formed this Federation in." T'Lan wouldn't say she thought people like Gabriel were dangerous.

Karen nodded, "I appreciate your candour, Commander T'Lan, and I wish you all the best with your next assignment."


Commander Karen Villiers

Commander T'Lan