Cascade – A moment of clarity
by Arrival Atlana Durak

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Title   A moment of clarity
Mission   Cascade
Author(s)   Arrival Atlana Durak
Posted   Wed Mar 27, 2013 @ 2:41am
Location   Unique Antiques
Timeline   1730 SD 71
Atlana had had a very busy day, between Trellis, Getal, Muz and everyone else she definitely got a mixed feeling about the station and its inhabitants, there were so many people here and there was so much going on. She was happy to retreat to her shop once more and go through the trappings there in.

Opening the last of the boxes she pulled out some items she had not realized had been packed there. Some personal items... is a small silver box, that was lined with velvet. She found a Bajoran Earcuff... the starbursts on it were unmistakable familiar to her. She stared at it for ever moments, found wasn't the right word. She knew she had it, she'd just misplaced it for the trip. She'd had that cuff for what... 14... 15 years now... what was it. Atlana let out a soft sigh, a breath she was not aware she was holding back. It didn't help with the tension building in her back.

She'd have to return the ear cuff, it was the right thing to do. She wanted to be part of the community of the station and she wanted to stay there. That meant making a peace with Sarish Anjar.... like it or not. She'd have to accept that he too lived on the station.

A Truce maybe, she thought as she put the trapping back in the silver box and put it on the counter. A truce would be tricky, he'd expect her to be dishonest... lie. Atlana hated that he thought so lowly of her, after all it wasn't her kind that had bombed a school! It wasn't her that killed children... Atlana frowned... but it was her that had hunted down and systematically killed all of his team. Whether he was sorry or not, whether he knew it was a school or not, she had done her job intentionally and with pleasure.

Atlana pushed the box into the replicator and watched it vanish into a dozen pieces, leaving just the tricket box on the counter. That was it, she thought, the last of the boxes for the store. Everything was out and available. Now it was just a matter of getting permission to open from Trellis... she sighed. Yeah, right.

Well there were other things to do, Getal wanted her to look into what he considered to be an assassination attempt. She rolled her shoulders and closed up shop... time to go to work, she thought.