Cascade – Ghost Story
by Arrival Sarish Anjar & Lieutenant JG Saria Rex

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Title   Ghost Story
Mission   Cascade
Author(s)   Arrival Sarish Anjar & Lieutenant JG Saria Rex
Posted   Wed Jan 16, 2013 @ 6:45pm
Location   Science Lab
Timeline   MD72
After his conversation with Atlana and the return of his mother's earring Sarish was confused. He didn't put much stock in Counselors, found little use for them for the most part. But he needed to talk to someone.

There being no counselor on board, he decided to head for the science lab. It was a long shot of course, but maybe there was a psychologist that he was unaware of on staff there.

He approached the lab and entered, looking around for someone who might be in charge.

Saria just walked out of her office, when she saw a man standing in the science lab. It was a Bajoran. She holstered her isolinear scanner in her utility belt, and walked up to the man.

"Can I help you, sir?" She asked the man.

"Yes," he replied fingering his earring and forcing a smile, "The station seems to be short a counseling department for the moment and I was wondering if there was someone in Science that was qualified."

Saria smiled. "Well, I'm not sure if you're at the right place. You see, I'm not too keen of counselors myself, and my staff has limited capabilities in counseling..." She said. "But I could always try."

He gave her a long appraising look, "I guess it couldn't hurt. I don't have to tell you of the history between my people and the Cardassians, it is a long and painful one. My own parents were taken to the mines and forced into slavery. They died in captivity. My sister too was taken and no one knows where she is to this day.

I joined the resistance and became a freedom fighter. You see this ring that I am wearing? My mother gave it to me just before she was taken. I was captured once and it was taken from me.

Well about 18 years ago my team and I blew up an Obsidian Order training facility. At least that's what all our intel, checked and double checked told us. But that's not what it was...."

His words left him for a moment. "Instead it was a school. I didn't know it till later. Much later. Four years ago a Cardassian who's sister had been killed in the blast, tracked me down to a Klingon bar. She'd already tracked down and killed the other members of my team, my friends and she tried to kill me.

Went for my heart and I moved so she almost took out, organs a bit lower but just as vital. We almost killed each other. The other day she shows up here. We had well a shouting match in the hallways, then today she comes into my restaurant and gives me this.

She is an antique dealer now and had bought it knowing it was mine. She... she gave it to me."

Saria studied the object that Anjar was referring to. He held an earring in his hand, that Atlana gave him. It was half-moon shaped, and was decorated with various crystals.

"Does it resemble you of anything? A relative of you, or maybe something you lost over the time? As I recall, Cardassians weren't too keen on those earrings." Saria said, calmly.

"As I said, it was my mother's she gave it to me shortly before she and my father were taken away. I lost it, or more accurately, it was taken from me about ten years ago, during an interrogation."

"Well, do you know what it might mean? That it is a message, or just an act of kindness?" Saria asked, while leaning on her desk.

He paused considering her words. "Just an act of kindness. She brought it to me with a proposal, a truce if you will. As long as we are both on he station, we won't try to kill each other.

I don't really trust her, nor do I trust any Cardassians, but she seemed sincere and she is right, if one of us were to die, the other would be the prime suspect, though I suspect that we both have a fairly extensive list of other enemies."

"So, you're telling me there is some kind of passive-agressive relation between you two?" Saria asked. She could imagine Atlana being mad about Anjar, but on the other hand, she understood that Anjar fought for his freedom but was given the wrong intel for his terroristic attack.

"That would be an understatement," he replied dryly. "I could show you the scar she left me with from our meeting four years ago, but its in a rather sensative area."

He pointed to his navel. "It starts there and runs... down."

Saria raised an eyebrow. "Well... I hope it's only a scar. Because then you're lucky she didn't rip it open..." She said, calmly. A scar on the torso though, it reminded Saria of her past. When Anaia Rex was wounded in a fight with rebels, and then nearly ripped over her belly, and wounding the symbiont Saria carried now. She laid her hand on her abdomen at the thought of it.

Sarish raised a brow at her gesture, "I'm sorry, did I trigger bad memories for you?"

"Kind of..." Saria said, looking at Anjar. "But it's alright. If you have a memory worth of 1200 years, there's a guarantee that something bad did happen. Nothing to worry about, but thanks." She smiled.

His hand moved towards her, he was naturally a touchy feely person, with the exception of Cardassians of course, but he pulled his hand away at the last moment. He didn't know this woman, had only met her, it would be impolite to touch her.

"I'm not sure how I would deal with all those... those past lives, or memories, or however you put them."

Saria smirked. "Well, how would you deal with bad memories from times ago?" She asked. "Everyone's got his or her way to deal with them. Even I've got one, and honestly, it isn't that bad at all." She saw Anjar moving his hand toward her, and then quickly retracted it, but Saria didn't mind. She accepted any way of compassion.

"I try not to think about it, because when I think of what I did intentional or not, i am overcome by guilt."

Saria nodded concurring. "So, if I'm correct, she thinks that you knew that the building was a school? Was the hostility between you mutual, or was it more from her?" She asked Anjar.

"She DID think I knew, but since our talk yesterday she isn't so sure. As to the hostility when she sliced me open, the hostility was mutual, though I was just defending myself." He pointed to his heart, "I almost killed her as well."

"I would imagine so..." Saria said. A sudden beep came from behind her. "Excuse me, some of my research just finished." She turned around and looked at the terminal.

He stood back against the bulkhead steepling his fingers. He wanted to stay far enough so that if any of her information was classified she wouldn't think he was after it.

"Alright, got it." She said, leaving the terminal. "So, Anjar. Is there anything else you want to discuss?"

"No," he replied, "Nothing more thanks." He hadn't remembered giving her permission to call him Anjar, but she had been helpful to him so he decided not to press the issue with her.

"I'm glad I could help." She smiled. If you wish, you can stay here as long you want, but if you ever need help again, may it be "counseling" or just Science, my door is open. Most of the time."

"Thank you and thank you for letting me stay, but I think I will go back to my own place. I need to center myself more and the best way to do that is through prayer and meditation."

"Very well." She said, nodding him goodbye, and watching him leave. When he was gone, she heaved a sigh of relief. Was Atlana really someone that would kill?"

Lieutenant JG Saria Rex
Chief of Science

Sarish Anjar
Owner Endeavors