Judgement – Encumbered requests
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   Encumbered requests
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Fri May 20, 2011 @ 6:36pm
Location   Romulan Embassy
Timeline   SD37 17:40
The transporter was the quickest means of travel and Tasha made full use as she approached the Romulan Embassy.

Isha always had the upper hand where Tasha was concerned and the 'Power struggle' would be some form of leverage that she would use, but Tasha had dealt with that another way, but out of respect, she still felt she had to see the Ambassador.

She stood outside the full length glass door, affording the receptionist behind the desk to see her standing there and she knew the drill. her arms stretched outwards and then upward, she spun about with the slowness required to show she was not armed.
The door slid apart, inviting her in.

"Captain Tah.." She started, but the receptionist finished her introduction for her.

"This way Captain," Nahir said. An odd still had settled over the consulate since the ambassador had returned from the court offices and she had admitted no-one to her suite since, not even the peculiar blue creature so recently arrived from ch'Rihan. There was nothing further to say as they crossed the short distance to the door that led directly into the suite, but the Ambassador was expecting this visitor.


"Come in, Tasha," Isha said as she saw the doors open. She waited for them to close before she spoke again.

"Io non piangea, si` dentro impetrai - I wept not, so to stone within I grew," Isha said her thoughts clearly not within the room. " I was perusing your database a number of weeks ago and discovered Dante Alighieri - quite a visionary ... I wonder when you had such a beautiful language to choose as your standard tongue, you opted for the one you did. Please sit," she suggested with a flick of her hand.

Tasha nodded her head. "Thank you." She replied for the offer of the seat. "Nearly, but not quite. I don't cry, so inside, I turn to stone is the correct translation, but then it is a known language to me, it was Italian and the translators never quite get it right." Tasha advised as her hand waved around the room, gesticulating to the unseen stations translators as she sat in the plushness of the leatherette sofa and was sure it looked different to the last time she was here.

It was odd that Isha should state that as she walked in, after all, there were times when she felt that DS5 was a journey through Hell on more than one occasion.

"Why Dantes Inferno?" She questioned, looking up to Isha, who appeared to be on a different plane than the Captain.

"Oh, I had a little time so I taught myself to read it in the original language, so perhaps it is my own translation that is remiss," Isha said, "I find the whole tract oddly appropriate." Isha chuckled though humour was absent at this time. "If your justice system followed Dante's guidelines you would find that your Federation ran far more smoothly, she said as she sat opposite.

Tasha smiled and shook her head, glad that had developed as a race since those early scribings.
"Thankfully, we have come a long way since then." She responded.

"I did not ask you here to discuss literature, nor power systems. I wished to speak in confidence, and for that favour I will grant you what you require - for essential processes, not to allow ill trained 'diplomats' to run their replicators," Isha added before she continued. "Do I have your absolute confidence, Tasha?"

Tasha was intrigued. There was an easy calmness to Isha, in total contrast to the last time that she had sat in here when she had freed Dorian and had received a severe dressing down from the Ambassador. The friendliness, as unstable as it was, had returned.

"Isha, you know that we have always tried to be open with each other and certain things stay purely between us. I don't require anything at present," Tasha stated as she leant forward, fearing that there would still be consequences "and you are always assured of my confidence." She said with a finality.

"Thank you," as she nodded in acknowledgement Isha swallowed, "I'm pleased that we can still be friends. You know as well as I that occasionally one must do things for the greater good, appear distant when one would prefer to be friendly," she continued. "I feared that you may have decided that I had become hostile."

The Captain knew that to be true, she had felt Isha had become more hostile and uncannily enough, more rocklike than she had been in a while.

"Not so much hostile as cold." Tasha replied in a quieter tone as her eye dropped to the floor, a sense of shame fell about her. "But in saying that, we are both people who have to deal with a multitude of emotions sometimes so much so that we change, without realising it." Tasha brought her eyes upwards. "It has not escaped my notice how attentive you have become to Chelsea, so no, you have your reasons and I am not one to push the boundaries... too far." She said with a whimsical smile appearing.

Isha thought about that for a moment. "I have family, I have colleagues, I have acquaintences, I have staff, servants, vassals and all other manner of hangers on but before Chelsea I don't think I ever had a friend," she said. "though I truly do not understand what she gets from the arrangement as she asks nothing of me," Isha continued, she still did not properly comprehend the seeming lack of obligation and reciprocity in the relationship.

Ishas statements about the lack of friends struck Tasha. She had never thought about Isha and friends in the same sentence and it made her feel ashamed that she had not really offered the hand of friendship and she had sought Isha's help on more than one occasion, but their 'relationship' was one of give and take, not friendship. It also made her feel sorry for the ambassador and she began to think of the people she commanded and she realised that she too, had few friends.
The Captain wrung her hands together, not sure now, why she was actually here and feeling slightly uncomfortable at Isha's admission and time as ever, was pressing.
She stood, turning her back to Isha before she returned the reason she had been asked to visit.

"You wanted my confidence." She turned around, "What do you need?" She enquired using 'Need' rather than want.

In the space of a few words Isha's entire reason for wishing to speak to Tahir had changed. The spark of the idea was all in that awkward look of empathy that the Captain was trying not to display. "I cannot help but empathise with women who for whatever reason find themselves alone in the universe," she said weaving herself a context as she spoke. "I have been approached by an acquaintance who informs me that somehow the proprietor of one of the bars on the promenade has fallen under suspicion of murder. My first request is one that I am sure you can easily grant. I have been asked to, and I have agreed that I will provide her with legal advice, as I believe she has found that offered by the JAG Office is not to her satisfaction," Isha said.

Tashas look changed to one of confusion. She was not aware of any charges being brought against anyone for a murder. Then she realised that this must be to do with Box of delights.

She nodded. "Ms Ibalin. I was not aware that any charges had been brought or that she was seeking counsel." Tasha replied with a shake of her head and an expectant look.

"All I need you to do is to authorise an interview with her. As Chelsea's wedding is tomorrow, I would prefer to make that interview tonight rather than cause my client to wait without proper representation for another day."

"That can be arranged. Counsel is never refused an interview." Tasha unnecessarily replied.

"My second request is slightly less orthodox, though I believe not without precedent in cases of this nature. However I am sure you will see how it will be to your benefit to agree to it. I am prepared to post bail for Ibalin to be released into my custody, I will give my personal assurance that she will not abscond, and that she will continue to co-operate in the investigation until such time as the charges against her are dismissed. Of course you will have to discuss it with your JAG Office, but I am sure that Villiers will find no issue with my proposal. For what its worth I do not for an instant believe Ibalin to be guilty, my concern is that of an alien woman alone, trapped in a system that she does not understand - if I found myself in such a situation I would hope for a friend," Isha said, "even if that friend came in the form of an attorney who I could trust had my rights and interests at heart."

The captain watched her for a moment, the glint in her eye was of pure emotion. The question Tasha heard herself asking, was why this powerful Romulan, was building so many bridges.

Her hands moved behind her back and tied themselves into an intricate knot.
"I am sure that you would manage to find someone to come to your aid. I see reason in your proposal and I am sure that we can arrange that for you. I know that trouble seems to follow Ms Ibalin, but as a female in a male's domain," Tasha said from experience without actually finishing the sentence.

"You will recall that I am also bringing the case against Lieutenant Commander Gabriel. If you are able to agree to the arrangement I propose, I will find myself in a position to petition my government for greater clemency in his case, it’s a win-win situation Captain Tahir," Isha added through a smile.

The smile grew wider on Tasha's face. "I appreciate the candour, but I am not doing this for Gabriel, I am doing it for the right reasons and the proposal you offer as far as I can see is just. If you happen to feel that you can assist my crew in return," Tasha shrugged her shoulders, "then yes, I see that as a win win scenario." She could not help but keep the smile on her face. "Isha, if you will forgive me, I have other business that I must attend to first, but I'll signal Commander Villiers and confirm the arrangements." Tasha said as she moved towards the door.

"Thank you, Tasha," Isha said softly, she had not expected it to be quite so easy to arrange.

Tasha bowed her head as she was permitted to leave and as she left, she did not see the figure watching her from the shadows.


Captain Tasha Tahir


Ambassador Isha t'Khellian