Intermission – Arr.. Treasure!
by Lieutenant JG Malak Muz & Arrival Atlana Durak

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Title   Arr.. Treasure!
Mission   Intermission
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Malak Muz & Arrival Atlana Durak
Posted   Mon Oct 21, 2013 @ 4:30am
Location   Atlana's Quarters
It was the morning Station time - before all the busy hustle and bustle begins. At Atlana's quarters a beeping could be heard.. once.. then twice.. then silence. Noone was actually present however, just a Padd that was there. The Padd only had a few sentences on it. ~Now you see me, now you don't. Am I here, or am I there? The next padd you'll find is at the controls that makes things disappear."

Atlana had taken a shower, after working on she heard the PADD and was more alarmed that it had made its' way into her cabin without her hearing anyone. She looked at it's cryptic message as she finished drying her hair. "Hmmm, a game or a trap?" She wasn't sure who it was from, was it Muz her adorable Muz playing games, Sarish.... or something that went bump in the night. Atlana dressed and braided her hair, her dress was less shop keeper and a little more militaristic, as she dressed in slacks and a top that was figure hugging, her collar exposed more of the nasty scar across her features then usual and her knife was covered in a the cuff of her boots. There was a dozen places on the station where things "disappear" but Atlana thought of two off the top of her head, the transport room and the stations waste refuse.

"transporter room first." She thought to herself as she started out the door of her quarters. If this was someone she wasn't looking forward to seeing there were issues... huge issues.

The Public Transporter room is definetly a good guess. There is indeed a Padd sitting on the control system of the inoperative system. There is also a a box with a bow on it. Upon opening it one can find Tibetan Hairsticks. The Hair sticks are made of a cylindrical body of metal, penetrated along its axis by a wooden or metal handle. The cylinder can turn around the handle, with a slight rotation of the wrist. On the ivory pieces there is ancient trill written on it. The Padd reads.

"You found the first Padd, you are definetly sharp. The Next Padd can be found in one of the rooms that can use photons to create a harp."

Atlana couldn't help but smirk as saw the Hairsticks, they were beautiful and she was sure this game was all Lt. Muz's idea. After all he knew her curiosity for history and other worldly treasures... and beside the hairstick were Trill by design. The next clue gave her pause, what on earth was a harp?! "Computer..." When the computer chirped Atlana put it to work. "What is a harp?"

The computer explained that it was a musical instrument made by several different cultures on several different planets. Atlana could only assume that the next clue would be in the stations concert hall or at the public replicators. They were several decks apart. There were dozens of other possible places it could be any replicator could make just about anything. Atlana started for the concert hall, the Tibetan hairsticks tucked neatly in her braids.

When the woman arrived to musical room.. There wasn't anything there. Or Anyone for that matter. It was only a few moments before the soft woosh of the teleporter could be heard and a padd appeared next to her. A padd - with words no less. "Ahh.. Not quite there. This is a room with which things can appear. From this room, you could request that the computer make a harp appear. It is a grid like place with not alot to see. The room number to enter.. is Number 3."

Atlana suckled on the inside of her cheek for a moment, not only was he playing a game which she actually liked, but he was watching her. That so much reminded her of the Order, and that she didn't particularly care for so much. She knew where he wanted her to go, the holosuites but she wasn't going to be followed, not this time. Atlana walked out into the corridor pulled off her combadge and as she walked slipped on the first person she got close enough to. Now her signature was going one way and she was heading somewhere else.

"Computer, locate Lt. Muz."

"Lieutenant Junior Grade Malak Muz is in the Starfighter Bay, Executive Officer's Office."

Atlana smirked. If he was smart enough to watch her using her combadge it'd be an insult think he hadn't considered taking off his own combadge and was playing after all she considered him a treasure unto himself. Atlana tossed back and forth on whether or not to go to his office or the holosuite like he wanted. For the moment she saw no harm in going to the holosuite. He'd been talking about doing a holosuite venture of some sort anyways and she'd never really been in the holosuites. "Fine." She told herself

Moments later Atlana was standing outside holosuite 3.... ok.... Atlana stepped inside the holosuite holding her breath in expectation of what was or wasn't to come.

The holosuite is already activated and as she walks in. Atlana would note her surroundings involved a field of green grass that she was stepping on. She could see mountains to the south, and to the west the ocean was in the distance.. a soft green. There is an abundance foilage, with tree's in teh background. A familiar voice can be heard behind her, "Trillius Prime. Trill." He offers softly. His voice is somewhat more subdued. When she turns around, he has a box in his hand with a bow.

She smiled at him. "You left your combadge in your office, Lt." She looked at the box in his hand and slowly her eyes came up to meet his. She was glad it was him, of all the people it could have been. Atlana smirked. "You've been busy too."

"Or I programmed the computer to always report there - gets me out of work." Malak softly joked with the woman. He nods his head,"sort of.. I also got you this." He reached over to offer it to the woman,"One more gift.." It was a comb in the same tibeta style but with ancient Trill text. He watched her a moment and smiled,"You seemed to like the gifts.. I thought I would make it a little harder this time.. Though I apparently suck at doing poems." He smiles faintly.

She looked at him "Malak.... you've given me so much already.... " She offered. "I... I don't know what to say. I've never been showered with so much affection." Atlana's big blue eyes were childlike to some extent. She could remember presents on her birthdays as a child but that stopped with the war... that had been a very long time ago. And since she was all work and no play men had been allies and enemies nothing more. "I think you are a fantastic poet." Atlana closed the gap between then without worrying about the comb in his hand and kissed him softly on the lips, the same way he'd kissed her the night before.

"Gifts are a good show of one caring. It's about going out of your way to do something for someone. It took me a few lifetimes to figure that out." He offered to her. He smirks,"Not good enough to.." The sentence is stopped by the kiss. This actually catches him by surprise and he almost falls back. He steadies himself and one hand goes to her hip - the other to the back of her neck. He kisses her back softly and when she pulls back - the pilot actually doesn't have a witty retort - for once.

Atlana only grinned at his silence. "I care about you too." She said simply.

"Good." Malak's voice is soft. His fingers come up to touch her cheek. He shakes his head slightly and his voice is soft,"Though.. I do have some bad news." He says softly,"Not devestating but I will be leaving for Trill for a few days."

Atlana felt the the happiness of the moment had been shattered. "You'll be back though, right?" She asked hopeful the answer would be yes.

"Do you really think I would leave you?" Malak says with a soft chuckle and he shook his head,"I definetly will. I have a friend of mine who needs some help.. It's a Symbiont thing. Muz has to help theirs out." He says with a shrug,"I should be back with in a few days - I believe. I still have to get approval but I can't see it not going through." He watches her and motions with his head,"Shall we go for a walk or stay here?" A slight smirk,"And where's my present, eh?" The last piece an obvious teasing.

She smiled back at his tease. "Come back soon and perhaps something will be waiting for you." She retorted with a mischievous twinkle in her eyes. "Walk, definitely walk. Show me your beautiful home."

"Hah, Oh?" Malak retorted good naturedly. He slowly dipped his head and began to walk with her,"Home is where people you care about are. This is just somewhere I've lived." He offered with a shrug of his shoulders. He slowly began to walk with her,"Though I can remember life times.. It's weird to remember the feel of brick and mortar.. with everything now cold steel." A slow shake of his head,"I'll take you to my home town if you like? Have I missed any fun in your life though?"

Atlana looked at him with curiosity. "Any fun in my life?" Did she need to tell him about Sarish? About the Order... no. It was probably safer for him if she kept him out of it. Caring for him and about him made Malak not only a liablity but a potential target as far as the fragments of the order were concerned, the fact that he was a starfleet officer made no mind. "Aren't you fun enough?" She smiled entangling her arm in his.

"Ahh.. I like it. I am a pilot so you are stroking my ego which is definetly a plus, touch to make things fuzzy.. great deflective techniques." Malak says as he teases her. He smirks and looks forward with a nod,"But yes.. to answer your question. I am." As they walk, they near an older city - one that seems to have some older buildings and then the newer age,"This is my old town.. I've lived here .." He pauses,"three times.. I was born here twice." He says with a motion of the free hand,"Trill is a very open society. We like to embrace the new.. it's rare to have those that cling to the old.."

Atlana smiled softly at him. "You know I am a retired Obsidian order operative. Fun is a matter of opinion." She retorted. "If I keep something from you, it's only because I am trying to protect you." She offered. "Trill's are interesting people." And then she looked at him. "You like old things, you came into my shop." She offered. "That must make you unique to your kind."

"You'd be surprised how well I can take care of myself. But I understand what you are saying." Malak offers with a smirk. He doesn't push it further. He looks forward again and his head dips - his voice goes somewhat lower in an almost mocking tone, "A failing of the Host Malak that will somewhat inhibit the symbiont Muz." He offered to her 'uniqueness'. He shakes his head,"Our future is in our past. I never really had an interest in history until Muz - but the council wont here it." He glances to her,"What do you know about the Symbiont Process? Why people are chosen? The goal of all of it?"

Atlana is taken back by the intonations of his voice, he's making a mockery of himself and yet proud... was this behavior part of his earlier trip to Trill. "Very little." She admitted after a moment and his question. "But I will listen and learn of course."

"The goal of every Symbiont is to gain more knowlesge. Expand." Malak offers to her, his voice soft. He smiles faintly,"The host is to help this process. It is a waste of a lifetime to not experience new things." Malak takes her into an older shop. He glances about, "So much that if two symbionts are together in one lifetime.. they can never again or face penalty." He looks to her,"So a focus of past things can be considered distasteful to some in my species. Its not ostracise worthy.. Just gossip worthy." He pauses,"You never studied trills? I would think the order would have looked at ways to manipulate joined trills."

Atlana smirked. "My speciality are...." She paused. "Were more focused unfortunately." She sighed. "Many years learning about Bajorans, too many perhaps. But in the same breath I've come to know and respect their culture far more than my own in some ways." She shook her head. "Tell me more, please. So Muz and Malak can never meet again should the two becoming unjoined. I thought a host would die without his or her symbiont."

"You certainly have a way with Bajorans. If I didn't know better you and that one guy.. What was his name?" A brief pause as the pilot tried to remember,"Sarish.. seemed to be having some kind of tension." Slight smirk. Malak shakes his head,"No No. You misunderstand. If Muz is removed.. I die, yes. Atleast in this form. My memories stay with muz." He smiles faintly,"But say I dated another joined Trill.. That symbiont and muz could never have other hosts date... make sense?" He offers to her. His hand comes to his stomache area,"But yes.. I would have hours if Muz were removed.. Its a permanent process to, from what i understand. A horrid death."

Atlana left the Sarish comment alone.. Sarish was a complicated matter. How do you tell someone on yes, that man killed my little sister. Her hand went to his hand on his stomach, touching his cooler flesh. "Then we best leave Muz where he is. I like you and him in one piece." And then she looked at him. "Well then dating and relationships must weaken the host pool as it were. For fear of being rejected as a host, correct?"

Malak moved his hand and took hers to be on his stomach. He stopped walking and closed his eyes for a moment. She could feel movement for a moment. He opened his eyes and smirked. He looked at her and nodded,"Its not on the books but only single hosts are chosen. Even after being joined, they barely tolerate it." His voice moves back to an almost annoyed overtone,"Relationships are frowned upon but understandable as the host is weak." He rolls his eyes,"All of the well known symbionts have relationships in every host. Its a political ideology more then a practical one."

Atlana looked on him with soft eyes. "Malak, are you having an argument with yourself?" She remembered their conversation about ghosts and manifestations.

Malak looks taken a back by the question. He shakes his head,"No.." He says a bit curiously. His head tilting perplexed. He watches her a moment and then his eyebrows raise,"Oh. I was just emphasizing the political ideology." He says with a shrug,"The lectures that are given to us as initiates. " He shakes his head,"There is enough Xenoph.." A brief pause and his features tint as he catches his words,"Those in starfleet have enough issues at being accepting of my species choices that I would not interact with my former hosts in front of others." He sighs softly,"You are the only one to know that I even conducted the ritual."

Atlana smirked as she finally took her hand back from his stomach. "Your secret stays safe with me." She offered. "So tell me more, I'm hungry for knowledge know. Do Trills keep record of their past?" She pulled the comb out and the hair stick. "And the script.... what does it say?" She was like an eager child, willing to learn. Eager to gain as much information as she could.

Malak watches her with a grin,"Computer.. Load My Quarters." The room dissolves to show his quarters and she finds herself surrounded by different shelving that have relics from past and things more current. He nods his head,"The Muz symbiont has had every host save three items that were prized." He offers. He looks to her comb,"My first host was a female. Priestess. Those were thought to protect her from the evil spirits."

Atlana's eyes widened with surprise and than her cheeks flushes with embarrassment. "Malak, I.... I can't accept these. They're centuries old. Priceless, irreplaceable." She pulled the hair stick from her braid. "I don't feel I would do Muz's Former host just in having them."

Malak shakes his head,"Then you would probably be disheartened to know that refusing a gift is one of the largest insults of her time." He moves to face her and pauses a moment in thought. He frowns as his hands come behind him and a soft exhale,"Atlana.. I've lived hundreds upon hundreds of years.." It can be confusing talking to a joined trill - obviously Malak the host has not, Muz has though,"I've worked for two governments as an intelligence operative, a pilot, an artist, a lover, a housewife, a man down on his luck.. I even worked with the resistance of Bajor.." He waves his hand,"Not with this host ofcourse." He watches her with a shake of his head,"Even with all of those events - You know what I learned? Everything fades to dust. Malak. Jon. Muz. It will all fade. Even the Obsidian order's records will one day be turned to dust.. Tal Shiar.. Federation Record.. We will one day not be known and never remembered."

Atlana let out a soft sigh. "How can I disagree with an argument like that?" She teased him. Atlana kissed him on the cheek... "You are an absolutely gem of man." She told him. "I'd be honored."

There was a soft blush to the features of the trill - the spots getting darker in response. He dips his head a moment and glances around,"Thank you." He offered gently to her. He took a look around as if momentarily forgetting where they were. A soft exhale,"Well.. Then.. Good.." Speechless for the moment.

Atlana smiled enjoying his momentary lost of words... "Wow... silence from the great Malak Muz... will wonders never cease."

There is a moment's pause and a shake of his head,"You're mean.." He offered gently with a slight smile and then a breath with a wave of his hand,"I should.. get going.." He says softly,"I'll see you soon?" He offers.

"Count on it." She smiled back.

Malak Muz
DS5 - Starfighter Executive Officer

Atlanta Durak
Owner unique antiques