Beg, Steal or Borrow – Staff meeting
by Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace

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Title   Staff meeting
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace
Posted   Sun Jul 19, 2009 @ 1:26pm
Location   Intel office
Timeline   SD 9 1400
Jarred sat at the CIO desk for the first time in three years, he looked around at the office, it was barren accept for the desk, three chairs and the computer terminal on the desk. "Chief, Ensign Lets get down to business of running a real Intel office now."

"I'm going to take the Bunker hill out for a spin tomorrow, Chief while I'm out I want you and the Ensign to go over the recovered sensor logs from the Asia, see if we can get a visual on that ship that attacked her, if it is what i think it is, I want stills sent to data analysis, one other thing." Jarred stopped and looked at his staff "We've now got a Klingon and Cardassian ambassadors onboard, lets keep an eye on intelligence activities, plus I need to arrange a meeting with the Cardassian ambassador concerning POWs' from the dominion war."

Craig looked at Jarred and asked him "I hope this is informal, last thing we need is an interstellar incident."

Jarred just looked up, "Chief, I want this to be kept to a minimum, Marti you'll come with me."

Marti looked stunned, "Okay boss"

"I keep getting the same report brought to me about three active camps at Galor prime, so if I don't get anywhere with this, we'll take matters into our hands after our activities with the Bunker Hill are done." Jarred spoke

"Jarred, last thing we need is for Dorian to turn this into another one of his political footballs that he tries to run with, plus some of his activities are bordering on entering our territory, I caught two of his officers parked outside the Romulan embassy, and it wasn't a courteously call I think." The chief added.

"Unfortunately he can say that the Romulan embassy could be subject to retaliation from the attack, so we're walking on egg shells with that one." Jarred said

Marti spoke next, "How do we handle any matters concerning these potential POWs?"

"Quietly, I'll talk to commander Davies about it along with the long Laundry list of things that need to be done, anything else?" jarred half expected a question and got nothing "Dismissed!"

Marti and Craig both left, Jarred picked up a PADD and went to go meet with Commander Davies, Jarred knew the matter of the POWs was a touchy one, but he was excited about the Bunker Hill assignment.


Cheif Craig Ayers (NPC)
Encrytions officer

Ens. Martina Perth
Intel Officer

Lt. Jarred Wallace