Beg, Steal or Borrow – Just for everybody's safety
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal & Klingon Ambassador Toran of the House of Moqrhat

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Title   Just for everybody's safety
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal & Klingon Ambassador Toran of the House of Moqrhat
Posted   Sun Aug 02, 2009 @ 11:51am
Location   Deck 59 - Conference Rooms
Timeline   SD - 9
"Computer, lights" Gabriel commanded as he entered the spacious conference room and set the assortment of padds on the conference table. He had arrived several minutes early so he could set up the conference room to his liking before the assembly of diplomatic officials arrived. He wasn't a diplomat, therefore he wasn't involved in learning the various idiosyncrasies of each group, nor did he feel like answering a barrage of questions. He wanted to simply lay down the ground rules and keep things going.

Tharek was first to enter besides Gabriel. He pompously walked in and sat himself in a chair at the far end of the table. "Hello Commander."

Gabriel looked up. "Good, you are punctual. I like to see that. In front of you you'll find the Padd that will list the things I intend to discuss during this meeting." He stated.

Tharek picked up the PADD infront of him and began rapidly reading. "Very interesting Commander, very interesting." He put the PADD back down and looked over the table towards Gabriel.

Back on the station only a few hours, Raedheol strode into the room, a somewhat peevish expression on his face. He cast a passing glance over the Cardassian before turning his attention to his host. "What's this about, Gabriel?" he asked, "Feeling the need to highlight your promotion to one and all? ... and a change of scene for you too! Things do change quickly round here, don't they," he observed, quite aware that his own promotion had occurred in exactly the same period, and that last time the two had met he was not openly wearing the uniform of the Tal'Shiar.

Gabriel looked towards the man and studied him for several moments. "I guess the saying is correct," Gabriel said as the man took his seat. "You really can't serve two masters." he stated.

"At first, I thought you were just a lackey for Isha, but now I see you've found yourself another boot to lick." Gabriel commented. The fact that Raedheol was here and openly wearing a Tal'Shiar uniform meant that the Romulan were sending a message through their "Diplomatic" embassy. Perhaps he would take up Welzter's offer of exchanging information.

"I'm so glad you've found your niche, Gabriel," Rh'vaurek said without wavering, "I never could tell how you fitted into a role that had anything to do with intelligence, in any context of the word."

He turned aside and spoke to the other Ambassador, "erie'Khrein Rh'Vaurek Raedhoel, acting-Ambassador for the Romulan Star Empire," he said introducing himself in flawless Cardassian, "It's some years since I've had the pleasure of visiting Cardassia Prime."

"Really? I myself have yet to visit the splendor that is Romulus." Tharek tried to adjust his tone so he didn't come off as standoffish or too arrogant.

"Hmmm," Rh'vaurek said, a thoughtful sigh that implied he would much rather be there than here, "I was attached to the embassy there for several years before the war ... I imagine it has changed, somewhat."

Gabriel tried his hardest to avoid the smirk as he thought back to the Romulan Commander for whom he had "invited" to enjoy the comforts and amenities of the station before tossing him to the Intelligence Officer onboard the Freedom. More than likely he and Isha were half-way towards Romulus and conveniently out of his hair.

Toran had already sent Marok across the room. Their first 'meeting' on the station and he was late. Moments late Toran, with Marok in tow the side of his face showing the consequences of his error, entered the conference room. Nodding to Gabriel, whom he had met on his arrival. "My apologies for my 'tardiness'." Taking an empty seat, his aide standing behind him.

Gabriel started at Toran for several moments before shifting his gaze towards the others in the room. He made a mental note about the Klingon's tardiness, but decided not to comment at the moment.

"Alright, I plan on making this quick because we all have other things to attend to. I am Lieutenant Commander Dorian Gabriel. I am the Chief of Security of this station. I called this meeting so we could discuss a few issues just for everybody's safety since it is not everyday that the members of the Federation, Romulan Star Empire, and Klingon Empire have sat in the room with former members of the Dominion." Gabriel stated as he sat his padd down and activated the larger screen.

Rh’vaurek steepled his fingers – he knew a thing or two that Gabriel did not know … he knew that the past had an odd habit of creeping up behind those who thought they were free of it, and if the rumor on ch’Rihan was true, the past belonging to Lieutenant Commander Dorian Gabriel was about to jump from the shadows and sink its teeth into his neck … still, he thought, that’s a pleasure to look forward to …

Gabriel turned back towards the gathered individuals. On your padds you will see a detailed list of policies and regulations that have been specifically tailored for you and your attachments while onboard this station. Specifically: Romulans, no stealing things, Cardassians, not conquering things, and Klingons, no breaking things." He said with a straight face.

“You’ll find that Gabriel is quite the comedian,” Rh’vaurek said to no-one in particular – I’ll be sure to have my people only break and conquer things,” he said dryly, casting the padd onto the table with a flick of his wrist. “The Stelam Shiar has had an official presence on this station for almost two years, such … red-tape has been unnecessary in the past. I can only conclude that you doubt the ability of your own team to cope with the additional challenges of playing host to our esteemed neighbors.”

Toran sat back and listened to the Romulan and Cardassian objections. Grinning to himself, he wondered how they would react once they knew there were 2000 Klingon warriors be stationed on DS5. While the garrison was being commanded by a Klingon officer, those troops were at Commander Davies disposal so 'officially' under Federation control. Those forces he corrected is own line of thought, would be working not only with the Marines but with Gabriel's people as well. Motioning to Marok, who leaned forward, he whispered as the others argued. "Set a private meeting with this Commander....discretely."

Gabriel stood up straight, "Oh I'm sorry, you didn't like that? Well then you definitely won't like this either: Your men are free to do as they please within your respective embassies, but they will NOT loiter about the station as if this was Risa. Each of your may not maintain a security officers detachment any larger than the corresponding party's number of officers onboard. Meaning, if the Romulans choose to only keep a dozen officers onboard, then the Klingons will only have a dozen officers onboard. Exceptions will be taken into consideration on a case by case situation." Gabriel said in a straight-forward manner. He knew it was better to say all that he had to say immediately and then deal with the fall-out afterward.

"Any questions?" He asked.

Tharek raised his hand in accordance to Gabriel's question. "Yes. One. Does the Cardassian Union scare you that much?"

Gabriel looked each man in the eyes for several moments before responding. He tossed the padd in his hand on the table loudly before responding. "Each of you are here for some self-serving reason. I could care less what they are, but I'm not going to allow this station to become the battle ground for some proxy-war that you all choose to engage in while on this station." He said while giving a sweeping glance around the table.

"You can continue to play your little games of politic espionage and whatnot, but it will be done from the inside of your own embassies. Anything done outside of those doors becomes my jurisdiction and I promise you that I lack the gentle touch of our Chief Diplomatic Officer." He responded.

Now it was Toran that needed to correct the officer. "Commander, The Klingon Empire was requested by the Federation to establish our presence here, so what possible 'self-serving' motive could we have. Unless you call honoring an allies request 'self-serving. As to this 'proxy-war' you are concerned about. The only increased activity in this area has been on the part of the Romulan Star Empire."

Turning to his Romulan counterpart, nodded then returned to Gabriel. "That is not a smear against my esteemed colleague here, merely a statement of fact. The reasons behind that activity, and the resulting implications have yet to be determined. We all will have to wait and see how events play out as the USS Freedom continues her mission to Romulus following the attack on this facility."

Well I never, a Klingon with manners, Rh'vaurek thought. He said nothing about the reference to the USS Freedom, the topic of Isha was not one he wanted to broach in this company. He also chose not to mention the response to the Klingon presence that was being considered by his government.

"Indeed," he said keeping those thoughts to himself.

Toran then cast a brief gaze down the table to the Cardassian representative. "No doubt this 'activity' has aroused Cardassian curiosity. However as Cardassia was devastated by both the alliance and their Dominion masters at the end of the war. They would hardly be considered a threat to the mighty Federation." Again turning to the Cardassian. "No disrespect intended Ambassador."

"None taken." He motioned his hand in a non-aggressive manner before turning his attention back to the conversation.

The migraine that Gabriel was beginning to develop was a clear reminder as to why he hated his posting at the Federation Embassy on Qo'Nos: Ambassadors are nothing but a bunch of quibbling little school-girls when you get to the heart of it.

"These rules are very simple, gentlemen, you follow them and stay out of each other's hair, we won't have any problems." He said as he straightened his uniform and deactivated the panel behind him. "If you have any further questions, comments, or concerns, take them to the Diplomatic Office." He said, not wanting to deal with these prima donnas any longer than necessary. "Otherwise, this meeting is dismissed." He concluded.

"Gentlemen," Rh'vaurek said as he rose, "I have the honour of extending the welcome of the Romulan Empire to you this evening, a quiet .... Ambassadorial affair to welcome you to the station. Your aides and ... consorts are welcome to attend. Please inform my staff."

I could get used to this, Rh'vaurek thought, but then he'd had forty years of Isha training him how to behave.

Tharek stood up as Raedheol finished his sentence. "I would be more than happy to attend this evening, i shall inform your staff as to my time of arrival." He then bowed to the people in the room. "Good day gentlemen." He then left the room with his hands behind his back, not saying another word less Mr. Gabriel spark up a rule about it.

~Yzalla would love the chance to get out and about.~ As Toran stood he turned to the Romulan and bowed his head. "I would be Honored." With a glance to his bruise aide who was already noting the event on his data padd, Toran exited to conference room. As he entered the corridor his guards immediately fell into place.

As he reached the door Rh'vaurek turned back to Gabriel, "I'd have invited you too, but when you read your padd, you'll find that the 'one rule' is 'no fraternising with your enemies'," he said. "Good day."

Rh'vaurek smiled. The only thing that would make him happier would be running into Milarno - he had a lot of tension to work off.

As the last man filed out of the room Gabriel rubbed the side of his head in a counterclockwise motion to deal with his headache. He began to wonder how much trouble he'd get in if he just shot the whole lot of them. It would have certainly made *him* feel better.


Lt. Cmdr.
Dorian Gabriel
Chief of Security

erie'Khrein Rh'vaurek Raedheol

Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal

Klingon Ambassador Toran