Deception: The lesser part of Valour – Life and Intel
by Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace

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Title   Life and Intel
Mission   Deception: The lesser part of Valour
Author(s)   Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace
Posted   Sun Jan 25, 2009 @ 5:27pm
Location   Jarred's Office
Timeline   SD6 18:10

=^=Kasikova to Wallace, please respond.=^=

Jarred looked up from a report and responded =^= This is Wallace.=^=

=^=I need to speak to you, I'm on my way to your office. Please meet me there...I will be there in 10 minutes.=^=

=^= I'm already there, I'll leave the door unlocked =^=

=^=Kasikova out.=^= Zorana walked as fast as she could without drawing attention to herself. Within 10 minutes she was directly in front of Wallace's office. She stepped in and waited for the door to close behind her.

"Ok whats going on?" Jarred said with some interest.

"I'm heading to Earth with the Captain." She said looking at him as she took her seat. "Is there anything you want me to do while I am there?"

"Are you going too be in San Fransisco or Oakland?" he questioned.

"San Fransisco I believe."

"Then its likely you won't have time for a side trip."

"Just tell me what you need me to do and I will worry about the rest...I can tell the captain that I need to see my mother."

"At the Oakland shipyard ground complex the main storage facility is where I left a few belongings, just use this Iso-Key at locker 244, its in a grey field case. there's some other stuff in that locker that I'll just leave until I can get back to earth myself."

Zorana took the Iso-Key from Wallace, "Just the grey case?" She asked.

"Yeah, its got a security seal on it. If any Starfleet security types ask you about it, you're an authorized carrier of it by me, the owner."

"Ok, am I allowed to know what it is or is this one of those intelligence secrets?" She grinned.

"If you really wanna know, its a stack of old photos and some other things I didn't want to take with me aboard the Asia during my time there. I left half my life in that locker, I haven't seen my parents since Will died..." Jarred trailed off.

"Sorry Wallace, I'll get the pictures for you."

~Anything else?~ She thought as she looked up at him.

"Since you're going to be on Earth, I need you to go to Virgina for me, Langley to be specific." Jarred started. "Starfleet Intelligence maintains a Major Office there still, I want you to go to The office of Special Services, ask for the Quartermaster, he'll be expecting you."

"Not sure if I have any relatives that way." She said teasingly, "Ok, what's his name?" She started making mental notes about what he wanted her to do.

"The Quatermaster, I don't know his real name, or even if he's actually part of the military in any way, he's always in a suit, He'll give you a black case with your name on it, as well as a briefing on its contents, and any training you might need."

"Training?" Her eyes growing wider.

"There won't be any phaser play, but you will be issued a new one I'm sure. Officially your still in medical, but we have operatives from all fields who help out now and then."

~Operative?~ She sighed and nodded, "I can't be far from the captain for long Wallace. If this is going to be done I can't be 'missing' for long."

"He could meet you in San Fransisco if you want, he's not above using a transporter to meet someone. That would seem less suspicious if you want?"

"That might make it easier to be honest with you. I think the captain wont question me if I only go see my mother, not running from one place to another when I am to be there to assist her." She paused for a moment. "I take it I will be reporting to him and then him to you or?..."

"He's a supply officer for purpose of discussion. His work is largely classified, I don't even know his name, he's gone by the Name Darcey don't know if its his first or last." Jarred interjected.

"Darcey, right." She smiled thinking of her favourite book and holo program. ~Now is not the time for this Kasikova.~ She told herself. "Will I be able to still contact him if he is coming to me or does this get switched now?"

"I'll send a message to him, he may even be in San Fransisco himself. He's got a Welsh accent so it might get hard to understand him at times"

"I'm an expert on accents." She let her accent come through, thick and strong. "He vill have nothing on me." She smiled.

"I don't doubt that lieutenant." Jarred continued, "I saw the list of officers who will be on the Board of inquiry for the Court Martial, this could get ugly."

"Vhat?" Forgetting to restrain her accent.

"I have a copy of the JAG report here, don't know any of these officers on the board."

"But I have nothing to do with the court martial..." ~Except to be of assistance to the captain.~ She finished what she wouldn't say out loud.

"They're gonna question the Captain, make sure she doesn't crack. Better yet make sure she gets some recreation time in before she has to testify. if she's relaxed then the whole thing will be a lot easier, I know from experience."

"Right, ok." She nodded and stood, "Is there anything else I need to know? I have to talk to the other counsellor and have her take over for me."

"Stay away from Ferengi run casinos." Jarred smirked.

Zorana laughed, "I don't think you have anything to worry about there." She walked to the door. "Well Wallace, wish me luck." She smiled nervously.

"Good luck and don't work too hard." Jarred smiled and went back too the stack of reports he had.


Lt. (JG) Zorana Kasikova
Ensign Jarred Wallace