Interlude – A Quick Drink and a Night Out
by Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   A Quick Drink and a Night Out
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Mon Oct 18, 2010 @ 2:22pm
Location   DS5
Timeline   SD34. 16:00
Jana was in her lab and was working on a emerald like gem necklace on her work table. She had a silly grin on her face, she couldn't stop thinking about her time with Ben. She was humming some ridiculous tune that was forever stuck in her head that she didn't even notice Alison walking in.

"What's got you in such a good mood?" Alison asked, "Have I met him?"

Jana nearly jumped out of her skin when she heard her friend speak. "What? Oh!...His name is Ben. He is the new ACMO." Jana blushed.

"Really?" Alison asked leaning her hip against the work table, "You don't waste any time, do you! I don't think I've met him," Alison said. "So what's the story?"

"What do you mean I don't waste any time?" She laughed and put the necklace down. Jana leaned forward on the table. "I broke my wrist and I met Rick's fiance...but you knew that already...she and I were going to go out for drinks and dinner to 'compare notes' on Rick. Unfortunately...or rather fortunately there was an emergency so she asked if it was ok if Ben went in her place and not wanting to eat alone I said yes." She smiled. "He is gorgeous!! He stood up for me when the new Chief Surgeon kept baiting me and making comments about my body."

"Wow, big drama," Alison said with a smile. "That's pretty," she added with a nod to the necklace Jana was working on.

Jana laughed, "you know me and seems to follow me wherever I go. That, " she said, "was found on a dig...and I was nearly killed in the process." Jana shook her head, "I wont bore you with the details. What brings you down here...are you alright?"

"I'm doing ok," Alison said. She had concluded that guys who were never quite able to tell the truth were not worth being worried about. "I thought you might like to grab a drink and catch up," she said.

"Just let me lock this away." She said grabbing the necklace and putting it back in the safe. Jana punched in her security code and double checked it. Since the episodes with the ferengi she double and triple checked the safety measures she had in place for her research and the artifacts that she had in hand.

"Let's go then, "Alison said once Jana was done with her precautions. "What about the Box of Delights ... or there's that Klingon bar if you fancy something a bit less civilised."

"After everything that has happened, let's go somewhere...civilised. I am not in the mood to deal with Klingons again...and as much I love spending time with Ben, I don't want him to have to perform surgery on my wrist again either!" She laughed as they left the lab.

"Oh, I forgot!" Alison laughed, "The Box of Ds it is then."

They soon arrived and found a table, after the drinks were ordered Jana leaned forward and placed her folded arms on the table. "I'm sorry Ally...I couldn't dig up any new information." She frowned slightly. Jana wished she had been able to help out her friend but nothing came out of the information she sought out.

Alison smiled slightly, a wan expression accompanied by a shrug. "I didn't really expect anything ... the trail has gone cold and everyone claims to know nothing. I'll probably never know what happened," she said with unusual practicality, "and its probably better that I don't. That way I can forget about the lies and just remember the good parts."

"Possibly I suppose. I am sorry I didn't have any better news for you on that front. Perhaps we should go clubbing tonight and find you someone handsome to dance the night away with. " She winked as their drinks arrived.

"Let's just see how it goes," Alison said wrapping her fingers around the tall stemmed cocktail glass, "a few of these and that might turn into a good idea," she laughed.

Jana laughed. "Should I see if Ben can come along too or should be simply make this a girls night out?" She asked.

"Ask him along if you like," Alison shrugged, "I don't mind."

"Then it's a date! How about tomorrow night? I have to get back to the lab tonight and finish some stuff off while the information is still rattling itself off in my head." She laughed and sipped her cocktail.

"OK, while you do that I'll go back to my quarters and find something a bit less uniformy to wear."

"I am sure you will find something! If not come by my quarters and we will find you something to wear!"

Alison grinned, they weren't exactly the same size. But she didn't think she would have any trouble finding something to wear, "I'll see you in an hour, outside on the promenade," she said.

"Sounds great! I'll catch you later." Jana smiled and waved at her friend. Now she had to gead back to the lab with a quick side stop to see Ben.


Lt. Jana Kasikova

Lieutenant Alison Bennett
Operations Officer