Things Past – Your past is never far behind
by Chief Executive Officer Melvyn Raddon (NPC) & Lieutenant JG Petro

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Title   Your past is never far behind
Mission   Things Past
Author(s)   Chief Executive Officer Melvyn Raddon (NPC) & Lieutenant JG Petro
Posted   Sun Oct 20, 2013 @ 4:41pm
Location   Promenade
Timeline   SD 55 (BACKPOST)
Petro held up a dress made of silk, or something like it, probably imitation silk but it felt so smooth. She pressed it against her shoulders and gave a little turn when she stopped cold. A familiar, and unwelcome, face was staring at her.

"My, my, my, time has been quite favorable to you, my child." Raddon said as he observed the J'naii through the reflective surface of the store's glass window.

Petro nearly dropped the dress, catching it at just the last second and hanging it back on the rack with some difficulty. She left the store and came around the corner to where he stood. She looked around for someone, anyone to interrupt them.

Melvyn merely smiled as he continued to gaze upon her. "You seem surprised, child. Certainly you haven't forgotten about me, have you?" He asked plainly. "Has it really been that long since we last worked together?" He asked intently. To Melvyn, it was only a few days ago that he was observing the clinical results that his company had gathered from working on the young J'Naii.

"I must admit, your new home is much more preferable than that salty aired planet from before. Or should I say. . .'our' new home." He said as he gazed around the station and the surrounding promenade.

"Worked together?" Petro nearly spat the words. "Is that what you call it? Why are you here." She asked in a harsh whisper. "This isn't your home."

"Oh, that's where you are wrong my child." Melvyn stated as he stepped closer to her and examined her face. "My, my, my. . .your alterations have made you appear so much more. . .authentic than before." He said as he continued to observed the individual officer.

"As I said, 'our home' now. I've relocated to the station. In fact, I'm having a new restaurant/bar built on the promenade." he replied. "But I thought you would've been more excited to see an old friend like me, my child." He said lightly.

"It hasn't been that long since you took part in Project: Halcyon. Granted. . .there were a few complications, but you turned out no worse for the wear." He added.

Petro wrinkled her nose. "Project Submission it should have been called." She turned to walk away from him. "I would have been excited to never have seen you again." She stopped a few steps away. "And just so you know, some of those complications are coming back."

Melvyn's eyes grew wide with excitement. The project itself had been successful in altering the chemistry of the young J'naii by increasing her adrenaline and testosterone levels. The ambiguous nature of the J'naii's species made her the perfect subject. However, there were some setbacks. The heightened aggression proved to be too much of a liability and the project was forced to a premature conclusion.

Melvyn slowly paced around the young girl as he observed her. "My goodness. . .I always knew there would be some lingering affects, but the other scientists believed your body's anti-bodies would eventually counter-act the effects." He said in a lowered tone.

"But you. . .you can still remember everything, can't you?

Petro glared at the man. "I can," she said, "especially towards the end when you wanted to try experiments of a more personal nature."

Melyvn laughed softly. "You can't fault a man for recognizing beauty. . .can you?" He asked as his finger traced along her more femininely defined jawline.

Petro shook off the unwanted touch.

"You helped make history! Do you have any idea what applications Project Halcyon helped create? Science, Medical. . ." he stepped closer to the girl and spoke in a more defined, but lower tone. "The Military Industries of countless governments saw fit to pay virtually immeasurable amounts for the results of our project." he said.

"To what end?" Petro asked. "What will they do with the kind of experiments that were developed? Am I to be a prototype of some kind?"

Raddon leaned away from the girl as he thought about the answer carefully. "The information we gained from our time together would undoubtedly go towards 'Genome Counseling' " He said. He was not going into complete detail, but he knew that governments were already lining up to pay top-dollar for the chance to augment their soldiers the same as the J'Naii.

"Just imagine the diseases and disabilities you could help cure just by working with my company once again." He said. "We can *continue* to do a lot of good." he added.

Petro listened to the speech and considered the possibilities. Reluctantly she lowered her defenses. "What do you need from me?"

Melvyn's face widened with joy. "Allow my people to run just a few tests on you." He said, "Nothing more, and nobody will ever be the wiser." He said to the young woman.

Raddon understood that his future plans lied in gaining a sample of the J'Naii's blood and rDNA. With that, Project: Halcyon could begin its next phase.

"On one condition." Petro said, looking up at him. "And I'll concede to the tests."

"By all means, name it." He said. He really wasn't too concerned with what she was about to say. He was more focused on re-starting Project Halcyon. He had already acquired the assistance of Dr. Lance Murdoch. With the information from the J'Naii, his project would be complete.

"I want to see the research documentation." Petro said, her voice firm. "All of it. Even the side notes."

Melvyn paused for a moment, but then responded. "Very well, child. I'll be in contact with you once we are ready to proceed." he said as he took another puff of his cigar.

Petro nodded and turned to walk away. "You know," she said over her shoulder, "that cigar smells only slightly worse then you do." She left without another word but smiled at her own jab at him.

Lieutenant JG Petro
Communications Officer/Quartermaster

Melvyn Raddon
Raddon Corp.