Interlude – Check Up
by Commander Richard Dunham & Lieutenant JG Taleria von Alesk

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Title   Check Up
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Commander Richard Dunham & Lieutenant JG Taleria von Alesk
Posted   Thu Sep 09, 2010 @ 8:05pm
Location   Counsellors Office
Timeline   MD33

Standard procedure he had been told. That classic line that seem to get him in trouble more often than not. It had been many weeks since his last appointment with the stations chief counsellor, but the this follow on appointment was 'standard procedure' when dealing with post traumatic stress. He had after all crashed and burned through a temporal anomaly, the promptly crashed his starship into the USS Sarek. He had of course seen the counsellor after that, it was after all standard procedure for a pilot to see a counsellor if they had crashed a fighter, but that had been a while ago. A long while ago considering the events that had transpired on deeps space five after. He had been cleared to fly, but now he was back for his follow up appointment to check if everything was 'ok'. He pressed the chime for entry into the counsellor domain.

Kreallia sighed as she heard the chime ring. Yes she had fixed it atlast, finally to more sharp beedeedo coming from the door. "Come." She said, shaking off the brief moment of pleasure, returning to her work.

"Hello,~" said Dunham with smile and a small awkward wave, as he crossed the threshold into the counsellors office.

"Hello Rick." Kreallia said, an equally as bright smile on her face. "Here for a chat or official buisness?"

"I thought chatting was your official business," said Dunham with a smile, and finding his familiar spot on the sofa. "Just here for my follow up appointment. I hope thats ok? sorry I didn't book an appointment, its been a bit hectic around here recently." Dunham said politely.

"Well my time isn't limited." Kreallia laughed vibrantly. "No appointments today and crew evaluations don't start until next week!" She continued. "So..... how are you, has your flying ability been affecting in any way? Is something troubling you?"

Dunham gave an affirmative thumbs up and a grin. "Flying is all good, the natural skill is there as well as the training." He said slightly egotistically; though truth. "You duck if you think I'm swinging my ego about to much" he said jokingly.

"Ego is just a self representation." Kreallia said with a slight smirk. "So now abnormalities in social behavior? No sudden mood swings? No compulsive choices beyond pure instinct?" Kreallia asked, pure proceedure of course, she asked the questions just because protocol demanded it.

"urrrm no not really." Said Dunham a little unsure, as by nature he was a pretty compulsive kind of guy. Then he paused and frowned for a moment suddenly worried, "I did ask my girlfriend to marry me.....that's not a 'compulsive choice' is it." Dunham now seemed to be worried about his own decision making process.

"You asked her to mary you!" Kreallia exclaimed, jumping up from her seat. "Did she say yes?" Kreallia asked intently, she was eagar to know and positively giddy at the fact that Chelsea and Rick were getting married, well possibly.

"Yeah, she said yes." said Dunham with a giddy school boy grin. He was getting caught up in t'Jay's excitement.

"That is so sweet," Kreallia said with a slight tear in her eye. "Well when is it? Where is it? And of course what kind of wedding is it?" Kreallia blasted in a rapid fire questionaire.

Dunham shrugged and the look of his face displayed little or no idea of the answers. He smiled. "We've got plenty of time to think about those questions. We haven't really discussed wedding plans yet, i think its still sinking in, for both of us. But I'm sure we together me and Chelsea can figure out the basics like; planet, guests, date, ceremony. That sort of thing.....To be honest I'm not worried about that, I'm more worried about what I'm going to tell my Mum. I don't think she's going to like the fact that I put family over career." Dunham shrugged. "A problem for another time perhaps. Thank you counsellor it was a pleasure to speak with you again."


Lieutenant Commander Richard Dunham
CAG Squadron Leader


Lieutenant JG Kreallia t'Jay
Chief Counsellor