Things Past – A Fresh Start
by Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Richard Dunham

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Title   A Fresh Start
Mission   Things Past
Author(s)   Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Richard Dunham
Posted   Sat Dec 22, 2012 @ 11:17pm
Location   Officers' Quarters
Timeline   SD68 - pm

Rai'ya was concerned about Jon's antipathy so as soon as she had persuaded him to join her in her - slightly larger than his but still only single - quarters, she did her best to make the best of the space they had.

She had got him to help her deposit all that they didn't really need, in his quarters on the deck below and now they were just looking around at the remainder of their belongings and finding places for them.

Rai knew that Jon had lived minimalistically since his time in prison in his formative years but she couldn't live with only one bean-bag and a yoga-mat. She had to have a table, two chairs, a bed... even though it was a single but then as they had shared worse, they would cope with that until the Quartermaster could arrange for them to have more space in double quarters.

She tried her best out of consideration for Jon, to manage with the barest minimum and NO ornaments or un-necessary "clutter" as he called her beloved "stuff". The only luxury allowed was the faithful toy-bear that she had kept in their last quarters on their last posting... the one before all the traumatic events of their away mission and ......... her mind shut out the images of Bajor and the betrayal. She couldn't have told you the details and she was sure that Jon's experience had been even worse on the mission he had been sent to. She shuddered visibly.

"Tea" asked Jon offering a mug of something steaming and blue. It was Trill tea, very soothing for nerves and passed down through the generations through oral history tradition. At least until someone scanned it and stuck it on the replicator menu, but much like most things on a replicator the real thing always seemed to be better.

Rai'ya sighed and smiled a big broad smile at him. One that lit up her eyes with love as she returned her attention back to the present. At least they had BOTH survived. There had been some dreadful doubting time when that very basic had been seriously threatened for both of them and to just be with him now was a relief and a joy for her.

"Yes please" she breathed as he brought it over. She let him put it down and then slipped into his arms. "I missed you..... back then. Thank you for coming back to me." she said softly, reaching up to gently touch his beard and then to stroke his cheek with the backs of her fingertips lightly.

"Back then when?" asked Jon looking at her "Where did you just go?" he gave her a speculative look, thinking that she had just drifted off somewhere with her imagination.

"It doesn't matter. All that matters is that you and I are here now." she was still smiling adoringly at him.

"Shall we eat? Do you want to replicate something or shall we find somewhere on the promenade to eat out tonight?" she changed the subject.

"You're not going to cook?" asked Jon jokingly with a mischievous smile. He took a sip of his own tea then sat down next to Rai.

"I will if you would like me to?" she offered, the smile still steady. She would have walked through fire for this man, what was a little precarious cooking even if the results would mean he would tease her about her lack of culinary talent.

"I was only teasing" said Jon stroking his beard, the twinkle not leaving his eye. "And besides I've eaten a lot worse"

"So the Promenade then?" she grinned, finishing off her tea and disappearing into the tiny shower room to get freshened up ready. "What sort of food would you like?" Her disembodied voice was heard just before the water started running in the shower. Rai'ya had always prefered a water shower to a sonic one. She was thinking about whether she wanted Terran, Indian or perhaps even Bajoran but deep down she didn't even need to hear Jon's reply to know that he would say "Klingon." meaning his favourite: Gagh!

"Ferengi?" said Jon over the sound of the shower with a chuckle in his voice. Clearly he was not done with trying to tease a little bit of a rise from her.

"WHAT??" She called back. ~Tell me he didn't say Ferengi?~ she asked herself with an internal moan. ~Please NO!~ Her stomach rolled in protest and she suddenly wished she'd been braver about the replicator instead of getting excited about going out. Now she felt really tired and drained as she imagined the indigestion she would have all night, not to mention the effort it would be to pretend it was nice as she choked on it.

"Yeah" said Jon with a smile and a chuckle as he leaned against the closed door to the shower room "how about some frozen Tube grubs in there jelly." Jon knew that Rai didn't like Ferengi food and neither did he and it was now very possible that both were too stubborn to admit it.

Rai'ya didn't want to disappoint Jon but she reeeeeeeally didn't want to eat Ferengi food either. Her mind started to do cartwheels trying to work out a tactful excuse to find something else.

"Honey, didn't you say last time that you wished you'd tried Betazoid Fillet of Androfish? This might be a chance to find some of that?" she tried as she emerged dripping, wrapping a small towel around herself, leaving enough cleavage visible to make a lot of leg and boob visible.

If she couldn't get him to choose something nice to eat then perhaps she could distract him into staying in after all.

Jon recognised those feminine wiles when he saw them....both of them and he knew what they could do. 'Its trap' he thought to himself, a way to get out of the teasing he had started. Silly Jon he should have taken the bait the alternative would of been far more pleasant, instead he opted for a different, perhaps unwise option. "I have my heart stuck on deep fried grub now in a fine maggot sauce."

Rai'ya dropped the towel and moved to the wardrobe. She dressed without saying anything else but when she was done she came and stood next to him, smartly attired in the most sensible, modest dress she had and with her hair tied back. She put on some subtle make up, knowing that Jon didn't like her to paint herself too much and when ready she said "There, done. Right which level is the Ferengi restaurant on? Or are we going to have to explore to find it?"

"You're fine with having Ferengi food?" asked Jon knowing she wasn't and still trying to get her to admit it. He really didn't want to have to try it either.

"I'm fine with anything you want, at any time" she replied feeling distinctly frumpy and unattractive since she apparently couldn't even get his interest when she was completely naked.

He had been behaving very oddly since they had come on board, seeming not to have any interest in anything much, but until now he hadn't rejected her. Now she was really worried and she couldn't care less about food any more.

Jon was thinking, they were just playing a game, who would break first and admit they did not want to eat Ferengi. He gave her a thoughtful look and stroked his beard "Are you sure you don't want to do anything else. Anything at all?" he asked her.

"I'm fine" she lied flatly, sinking deeper into her worried thoughts. ~What if it gets worse?~ she asked herself. ~He won't see a Counsellor.... he IS how long before he decides he wants me again?~

Alarm bells suddenly started ringing. If Jon was good at one thing it was knowing when people were lying to him. He may not have mental powers like a betazed but he was good at reading people. "Ok what....when did this get serious?" he asked in confusion.

"When did what get serious?" she answered, still flat. "Do you mean your depression ever since we got here? That's been serious all along. Or do you mean the revelation that you don't want me any more?" she went on, oblivious to the people nearby on the walkway as they approached the Upper Promenade.

"But...but" said Jon flabbergasted and surprised by the rapid turn in these unfolding events "Don't want!" he exclaimed "Of course I do....I thought we were just laughing around trying to see who would break and admit they did not like Ferengi food first." Then he stopped "whose depression?"

"Yours. You've been flat and sad since we left the space-bus. I haven't heard you laugh since we unloaded our cases. You've even been asking for food you don't like and refusing sex. What is that if it's not a form of depression coming on. It's been several days now, not just an hour or two....." she was thinking it all out as she tried to explain it.

"Leave that sort of thinking to a professional honey" said Jon slightly accusationally and very defensively.

"Oh okay, so physician heal yourself." she returned, no less worried by this patronising rebuff than she had been by the physical rejection earlier. She fell silent now, her appetite gone as she waited for him to choose somewhere to eat so they could get this evening over with. Perhaps they'd wake tomorrow to a better frame of mind and a brighter day. Rai'ya was half Bajoran. Bajoran's always clung to the hope of a new day.


A JP Between:

Ensign Amoran, Rai'ya
Security Officer - DS5


Lt (jg) Jon Franz
Counsellor - DS5