Unity – the escort (Part one)
by Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw

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Title   the escort (Part one)
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw
Posted   Thu Mar 25, 2010 @ 7:54am
Location   BII offices, shuttle bay 4, runabout USS cheyenne
Timeline   MD 18
==BII Offices==

Wayne had been going over the reports he had been recieving reports that there was something big happening and that it involoved some rogue ship that had disappeared from a surplus yard. The fact that the rumored ship was an ambassador class was not lost on him and to be honest he was thankful that some people talked to much when they drank. However this was also slightly disturbing news to him as he had fully intended on bringing his three ships through this sector in order to get them to the company ship yards as fast as possible. Of course there were plans in place to handle most things but still the news was concerning enough that he decided to pull out one of the contingancy plans they had come up with ages ago.

Operations fast track

requirements: 2 repair ships, warp capable tugs, dock yard crews.

Objective: To make a ship operational in the fastest amount of time possible with the focus being on engines, weapons and shield systems, all other systems are secondary in nature. Bring ship to ship yard in order to finish repair or referbish work.

Logic: Most people would not beleave it possible for a civilian company to pull off such an operation and would give us the upper hand for a short time. The she would be ready just that much sooner if the ship yard does not have to worry about certain aspects.

Wayne put the file into a briefcase and walked out of his office. It was rare that he would personally be involved in such an operation but this was a bigger investment then he had undertake in several years and he was not about to sit on the sidelines for this one.

He walked out of his office quickly and with a couple hand gestures he had two of his personal guards with him. This was not his normal operations as none of his kids were asked to go rather the two men with him were men who had stood with him for the getter part of his entire career. Both were retired marines who had in their time in the corps risen to the rank of sargent major. With those men at his heels he led the way to Shuttle bay 4 where a number of runabouts slated for civilian use had been stored.

==Shuttle bay 4==

Wayne walked up to the office of the bay supervisor and asked him if there was a runabout that was ready for immedate departure. It had taken the rather Jr. NCO a while to find the records needed. "Sir I have one runabout that is able to leave as soon as the preflight is taken care of." Said the young man

"Alright son point her out to us and we will take care of the preflight for you." Said Wayne lightly he knew it would do no good to intimidate the young man so he went the other way.

"She is right over there sir the Cheyenne." Said the young man.

James and his escort walked over to the runabout and in a few minutes had the preflight done and had secured clearance to launch. They would be gone for at least three days but they did not exactly feel the need to tell the young man that piece of information.

==USS Cheyenne==

With Wayne at the helm his escorts checked out the runabout and set about making the small craft ready for the three of them for what would be considered an extended mission. Then everyone sat back and started to relax, with the ship on autopilot and their destination already laid in there was not a great deal for them to do so they sat up a table and started playing cards while the ship speed to her destination at warp 5.