Judgement – Business Not Pleasure?
by Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Richard Dunham

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Title   Business Not Pleasure?
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Richard Dunham
Posted   Sun Feb 27, 2011 @ 11:42pm
Location   CAG's Offices
Timeline   SD37 - 08.30

Chelsea was finding her way through the jobs she had to cover for Karen and one of them was the Departmental Heads Reviews.

What better place to start than with the one she dreaded having to do the most. Rick Dunham.

How was she going to get all 'business' on her lover? This would be a test of her professionalism. She walked in, exactly on time for the appointment she had efficiently made.

"Good Afternoon, Commander" she knew she was allowed to smile at him, that at least was easy.

"Good afternoon, Commander" said Rick smiling and replying in turn. He pulled out a seat politely for the commander to sit on. He however remained standing. behind him was a holographic map and strategic overview of deep space five's fighter complement and movements. Rick got out the laser pointer from his desk. "Can I offer you a drink?"

"Cappucino please, sweet." she replied and crossed one leg over the other demurely as she focussed on his display and presentation.

"You're sweet enough," said Rick with a wink as he went over to the replicator and ordered Chelsea's drink. As he passed the coffee he commented "Relax a little, its going to be ok. Just a departmental review, thats all"

"I *am* relaxed." she frowned, in total denial. "And please don't tell me i'm sweet when we're having a business meeting. If anyone were to hear.... "

"Yes Ma'am" said Rick smartening his uniform by tugging it straight. He walked over to his board and began his brief. "Ok as you can see by this graph, due to commitments to sector authorities and their pirate hunting program, we currently have eighteen Broadsword Multi-role Assault Fighters, seven Peregrine Heavy Fighters, thirteen Razor Interceptors and my favorite, only sixteen Valkyrie Space Superiority Fighters."

"Now, we have at any one time. Three flights, here, here and here." he pointed at various areas on his map. "Also we have one wing of razors on close patrol of the station, in a clockwise and a counter clockwise orbit of deep space five. As well as having two fighters in the barn ready to go on alert status." He then changed the map to zoom out of the area of deeps space five to the sectors around it. " now before moving onto sector wide commitments any questions?"

"Yes. Does *in the barn* mean here, on alert, ready to go?" she asked, genuinely unused to the terminology.

Rick nodded his agreement.

"And, forgive me for not being technologically up on these things but why do they change direction? Is that to make them less predictable in case anyone attacks them? Do they change at random intervals?" she asked, fascinated.

She knew so little about what Rick did and he so rarely could be persuaded to talk about work when they were together that she was really personally interested.

"Its a big station, 5880 Meters in Length and 8910 Meters in Width. If we only had one patrol doing a orbit of the station, when it would be at one pole it would leave the other pole vulnerable for attack, so we do two patrols to try and cover as much area as possible. Now Sector patrols."

"So, you would split the wing." She nodded as she began to understand and get a better picture. "Incidentally, how many craft make up a wing?" she asked, curious.

"That depends on the mission, typically though a wing can be between two to eight craft."

Rick took a breath as he turned his attention back to his map, "with our converted runabout to a fuel carrier we can now have warp capable travel for longer and further for our star fighters. This has opened up the opportunity for better deep space exercises for our pilots, as well as strengthening patrols and sensor sweeps on incoming ships. As you can see from the map, no matter what direction a ship comes towards deep space five, we have it set up in a way that they will bump into at least one patrol before they reach deep space five local space and our fighters there."

"Efficient use of resources." she commented. "I feel safer already" she smiled at him, knowing she'd get that one back later.

"This is an improvement on the previous arrangements, mainly due to the new fuel carrier conversion?" she moved on quickly but did not miss the look he shot her, leaving her unable to resist the slight smirk that inspired.

"Yes" said Rick still maintaining his serious demeanor and keeping his answer to the point.

"It's a resourceful idea." She agreed.

Rick nodded in agreement then pushed forward. "Ok logistics, our Valkyrie Class Space Superiority Fighter use a type U+ Micro-Pulse phaser array and a type V Array, were looking to commence upgrades on these next week. Also following a report from starfleet we need to begin an upgrade processes on all starship fighters, on their sensor arrays, the specs for which we should be getting from command in the next couple of days. These upgrades will require extra manpower for the department, also I'm not happy with the rate we are producing micro-proton-torpedo's from the industrial replicators."

~ok, I asked for that.~ Chelsea thought to herself, noting how he had stepped up the techno-babble and left her totally on her medical rear-end with all that detail about specifications and types etc.

"I see" she fibbed with a very worthy attempt at a convincing expression. She moved on to something she *had* understood but on which she had a question to clarify the reason for the log-jam.

"So, firstly do we need to assign more replicator resources to better stock the Industrial Production and thus improve the volume of output, or is the problem that we might need to review the allocated time the industrial replicators are available to your department specifically, to avoid clashes over who can do what and when?" she took a small breath and continued.

"Secondly, do we need these to have a higher priority on their production orders? I mean, how much do we *need* them to protect this station and how urgently, in your opinion Commander?"

"Priority over the use of industrial replicators has been given to the engineering teams who are fixing the station Ma'am. I would recommend a review of time table positioning in relation to resources and the use of industrial replicators. Station defense should always be given high priority commander and the starfighter wing is part of the stations defense program."

"Do I take it extra manpower would need to be imported already trained? Or could you use staff from other departments, perhaps Engineering? If they were temporarily reassigned?" Chelsea asked next, silently noting the irony of her proposing the idea that perhaps temporarily reassigned staff might not be sufficiently trained in the relevant field.

"I would say the allocation of resources and manpower is your remit Ma'am, any engineer familiar with tactical systems could help us in fixing up our birds."

"I'll discuss it with the Captain" Chelsea replied with a nod. ".. and the priorities on the Industrial Replicator. I agree with you that the station's safe defence is a high priority and should be treated as such."

"Any other question Ma'am?" said Rick professionally.

"No, Commander, thank you for your time and co-operation." Chelsea replied in like terms. It wasn't until she had risen and started towards the door that she shot him a smile that lit up all the way to her eyes.

"Just one thing, Commander.... " she looked serious for a moment as if she'd thought of something she should have asked. "How many of your previous routine Departmental Monthly Assessments have ended in your being propositioned for a date?"

"All the time" he said jokingly but with a totally straight face. Still somehow managing to maintain that professional sombre demeanor, yet with eyes sparkling with fun and frivolity.

"I see.... and would it be worth my while taking a chance? You *do* happen to be the most attractive man I've ever assessed..... " she teased gently, her grin returning with a sparkle. "Dinner? At the best Pizza place on the station? Antonio's at 8?"

Rick straight face broke with a wry lopsided smile that crept at the edge of one side of his face, "is that an order to dinner ma'am?"

"Naaaah, even *I* don't stoop *that* low... but i'll be there and if you don't fancy it, you could send along one of your handsome pilots in your stead..... or maybe i'll pick up a 'take home' waiter... " she shrugged nonchalantly and left with a smile on her face.

As Chelsea walked pass the reception area to Rick's office she heard the comm link between his office and his aide. =^= Jon cancel all my appointments after eight and make sure to keep my schedule cleared after. Thank you kindly =^=

A JP between:

CAG Squadron Leader
Lieutenant Commander Richard Dunham


Commander Chelsea Adams