Cascade – A work of Art
by Arrival Atlana Durak

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Title   A work of Art
Mission   Cascade
Author(s)   Arrival Atlana Durak
Posted   Tue Jan 08, 2013 @ 12:23am
Location   The Promenade 3E
Timeline   present time
She pushed her long braided coal black hair off her shoulder, her big blue eyes scanned the object with intensity. She was a perfectionist. The Artist antique looking sign hung slightly cock eyed over the entrance of the new ship. With hand carved and meticulously painted viens that wound their way through the wordings of the sign Unique Antique was open for business.

A small shoppe on the East wing there wasn't much more around there then a few other businesses. The unexplored corner of the Promenade and she rather liked it that way. There was a massage parole and some sort of holosuite type place that she really didn't understand. It was nice and quiet, where Atlana could continue her search for the last man responsible for her sisters brutal murder, while she continued to explore her passion for the history of all worlds.

The store wasn't much she thought as she stepped back inside, rows of old earth books, Moby Dick, Huck Finn, Twilght, True Blood, Winnie the Pooh the titles were faded but most were in great condition. There were oddities, Cardassian vases, Bajorian plagues and signs. Klingon's weapons that had seen better days, there was a little bit of everything in the shop. Rocks, from Earth's North American continent called geodes, she really liked the colors in those. Replicators couldn't replicate the history in these items. She had old papers from governments that no longer existed rolled up in scrolls stuffed in small shelves.

There were wind chimes from all sorts of planets that hung over head. The aroma of age in the air, Atlana was in heaven in the little store. In the back was storage, and Atlana's other life. The Obsidian Order, in the order there was no such thing as retirement. No such thing as refusal of an assignment. Back there were means of communication, ways of finding people and all sorts of nasty things a good spy needed. She planned on going back there as little as possible.

She wanted to enjoy the life on the station. This was her first day on the federation station... she had every intention of behaving... while on board.