Beg, Steal or Borrow – Into the Fray
by Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Colonel James Darson & Arrival Kaia & Arrival Alexandria Marshall

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Title   Into the Fray
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Colonel James Darson & Arrival Kaia & Arrival Alexandria Marshall
Posted   Sun Feb 08, 2009 @ 2:37pm
Location   Outside the Matahari Bar
Timeline   SD 8 0800
The normal activity on the promenade were interrupted by the near unison marching of the armed marines marching on the seeming unaware people inside the Bar, even the Gorn at the door didn't want to get involved. Jarred spoke “this bar is now closed by order of Starfleet, we have orders to search it top to bottom, your cooperation is requested, but isn't expected." Jarred looked around the room.

Darson’s Marines filed in and took up positions inside the bar, ready for trouble. They were armed with Mk 1. Carbines set for heavy stun.

Natrina approached, "I am Natrina Kerren, owner of this bar. What can I do for you today?"

Darson turned to face the approaching Natrina, and gave a mocking half bow and said with exaggerated faux politeness, “Ah, the lovely Ms. Kerren…once more, I find myself in your bar…unfortunately, under horrible, horrible circumstances. Because it appears that you are a prime suspect in very serious crimes…and I’ve been authorized to use any means necessary to bring you in…even if that means wrecking the bar and dragging you off kicking and screaming…but believe me, I don’t want it to come to that.”

"How precocious. I do not believe I'll be compensated for my losses while you tear my bar apart? Very well, but if anything is broken, it’s coming out of your tab Major."

Darson nodded his head in acknowledgment and said, “Of course…You know that I’m good for it Ms. Kerren…I never like to hold a debt to anyone.”

Natrina turned and left her bar, but she knew they would find nothing. She ran a respectable establishment, and kept her private affairs as far away from herself as possible. She had a saying. 'Don't keep skeletons in your closet, bury them.'

The MP's stopped her at the door, blocking it with their bodies and rifles, wearing a look that said it wasn't a good idea to try to leave.

Jarred held up a PADD and turned it to show the photo to Natrina, "Play nice and you'll only go to jail for oh....6 months" Jarred continued "are you always that photogenic? I think it doesn't do you any justice frankly. Does it major?"

Darson shrugged as he cast his eyes about the entire room, “It’s true that the camera does add a couple of kilos…but I wouldn’t worry about it,” He locked in on the bar, and sauntered over to it.

Natrina spoke, "Very well. But do refrain from using your telepathy. If I feel the need to tell you anything. I will do so willingly." She said while motioning to her head. However, Natrina Kerren's thoughts were expertly organized and shrouded. It would take Vulcan months in order to break through the surface.

Jarred crossed his arms, and looked at the woman, "Oh please do tell, I'd like to hear you’re version of events."

"I was accompanying Kaia on one of her Xenoarcheological expeditions. She needed my assistance, and I needed transportation to pick up a rare vintage of Andorian ale. That’s when we found it. Unfortunately before we could even claim it as salvage, a group of very unpleasant pirates arrived. It is troublesome knowing that the Federation just doesn’t wipe its space clean of them. Anyway, they try to steal the ship, and end up crashing it into a star. I managed to escape with Ms. Kaia." Natrina noted. "Now are you done wasting my time?"

Jarred thought ~no point she’s a good liar~

Pawing through the drinks on display at the bar, Darson knew that that entire story was a pile of steaming crap, but decided not to say anything and just continue listening. For now, this was Jarred’s show…albeit one that lacked Darson’s sense of style. And he was more than willing to let the intelligence officer make a complete and utter fool of himself before stepping in.

She grinned, "Of course, the ship was in neutral space, and no one was onboard. The pirates seemed to have an opinion on the ship also. Maybe you should question them...the only thing is, they're dead. Pity. Now I have to speak to Mr. Gabriel. Good day."

"Marine, arrest her!" Jarred barked, "the only place you’re going is the brig! First off, you’re a good liar, second the photo is before the pirates entered the system, third" Jarred stopped for effect "possession of restricted Starfleet technology is still punishable by prison time, and I think you’re going to be there for a long time." Jarred's eyes burned with anger.

Natrina grinned, "Your word against mine Mister Wallace though I find your zeal amusing. You are a poor Intelligence Officer. Relying on photographs to prove things in court. Tsk, tsk, tsk. I will not resist, but know that I've seen better intelligence officers in my time. We'll move the game to the courtroom, unless I am to face the Major's firing squad for something so trivial." She did not lose any of her cool, and enjoyed toying with the man's anger. His greatest weakness.

"In this case my word has more swing, if you'd like we can send you back to Cardassia?" Jarred boasted "Oh did I hit a sore spot? Or is that warrant still valid?"

Darson mentally winced as Jarred mentioned Cardassia. Although Natrina looked human, he was almost completely sure that she was in fact a Cardassian that had had some form of reconstructive surgery as a disguise. Not only that, but the way she acted and carried herself were indicative of special training…maybe even from the Obsidian Order, which was bad news if it was true…for a variety of reasons.

Darson banished the thought from his mind temporarily as he wandered back over with an unlabeled bottle in hand, and hopped up onto a table that was strategically placed in between the two, and that groaned under the weight of his armor. He said in a calm and measured tone, “You know, sometimes I wonder why I even bother getting out of my bunk in the morning…and then I remember that I get to witness things like this on a daily basis. So both of you cool your daiquiris, and I’m going to tell you what’s going to happen.

Darson twisted slightly, to face Jarred, and said calmly, “Mr. Wallace, two things. First, don’t bark orders at me. That’s easy enough, isn’t it? And second, although I am loathing saying it, you’re acting like a complete fool. Can’t you see that she’s playing you like a cheap accordion on a bright summer day in the middle of a Bajoran garden?”

Not waiting for a response to that metaphor, he twisted back to face Natrina, “And you. Three things. First, I would not have you executed by firing squad. I’d have you drawn and quartered, desecrated by a Targ, and then tossed out an airlock with garlands attached…its more poetic that way, don’t ask me how. Second, this,” he shook the bottle in his hand so that the liquid sloshed around inside, “is Romulan Ale. One of several bottles that you have hidden behind that bar. Highly illegal in this part of the galaxy. In fact, it’s so illegal, that I’m going to have to confiscate this right now,” he said as he slipped the bottle into his cloak, never to be seen again.

“And third,” he said as he hopped off the chair, “As much as I want to, I really, really don’t believe your original story, so I will have to place you in custody right now, and shut this bar down pending the conclusion of our investigation,” He motioned with his hand for two of the MP’s from his squad to approach and restrain her.

Natrina spoke, "Oh you do amuse me Major...I will not be closed long."

"If you play nice we won't turn you over to the Cardassian authorities, for whatever 'Malicious and Poor Commerce practices' means" Jarred said almost laughing "Next is Kaia"

Darson sighed as he maneuvered the captive Natrina to the entrance. He called back to Wallace, “Go on without me…I’m going to take this prisoner to my detention center.”

Natrina grinned at the Marine. "Oh you don't think little old me is a threat to your big and strong Marines? Don't you?"

As Jarred left, Darson’s voice turned shrewd and cunning, the warning sign that he wanted to play a game of sorts, “Well Ms. Kerren, you’re finding yourself in a bit of a pickle, aren’t you? Your establishment closed down for who knows how long, an investigation on extremely serious charges…My antics in the bar aside, I have an opportunity that I wanted to present to you…one that will end up being quite beneficial to both of us. Not to mention lucrative. Let’s walk and talk shall we?”

"Very well Major, lets talk." Natrina mentioned


Major James Darson
Marine Commanding Officer

Jarred Wallace

Natrina Kerran
Former Obsidian Order Spy