Interlude – Important tasks
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal & Cardassian Gilnn Denat Meran & Cardassian Gul Turrel G'mar

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Title   Important tasks
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal & Cardassian Gilnn Denat Meran & Cardassian Gul Turrel G'mar
Posted   Mon Jun 28, 2010 @ 3:48am
Location   Cardassian Embassy

Tharek did not just believe the words that exited his mouth. "Parasite on our people? Dear Turvan, the Order was a gleaming beacon of hope against the Dominion. The only slither of hope our people had. The Order isn't the parasite here, it's the civilian council."

Turvan bit his tongue. "I suppose we'll have to agree to disagree." He replied as he began to stand. "But there is one thing that your crew can do for me while I am on this station. . ." he began.


Turvan looked at the gathered individuals. "What can you tell me about the fleet the Romulans are building at the station. Particularly the vessels that are assigned to Romulan Ambassador?" he asked.

"The Romulan ambassador is of no concern to me now. Niether is her Norexan Warbird." Tharek replied.

"How would such a vessel stand up to the Rakara in a confrontation?" Turvan responded.

"It'd be a fight and a half, but the Norexan has the upper hand, it's one of Romulus' newest classes." Tharek said, letting out a sigh. He wanted a better ship. Or at least one able to outgun another ship.

Turvan paused slightly before asking his next question. "This embassy has the privilege of being between both a Klingon and a Romulan embassy with its own defensive escort. I believe it is imperative that we not allow this opportunity to pass us by." Turvan said.

"Opportunity?" Tharek asked with his eyebrow raised.

"As diplomatic staff, the crew of this station as well as the Rakara have access that would not be provided to any other Cardassian on a Federation installation. Access and authorization that can be used to obtain sensitive yet necessary data on the schematics of the Klingon and Romulan cloaking apparatuses." he concluded.

"That's all you needed?" Tharek asked, almost laughing. "The Rakara is outfitted with a cloaking device, salvaged from the remains of a Keldon class vessel disabled during the battle of the Omarian Nebula."

Turvan scoffed. "Salvaged remains." he paced around the office as he continued. "Salvage remains, what Cardassian relies upon salvage remains?" he asked rhetorically as he turned to the young Glinn seated across from him.

"Your expertise is in disruptor and firearms." he stated factually. "Would you ever trust a 'salvaged remain' as your primary weapon in battle?" he asked Meran.

Denat looked at him and paused for thought 'If Tharek gave it to me then yes of course you idiot.'

"No Gul, i would'nt trust a carcass of what it could potentially be." came out of Denat's mouth instead.

Turvan nodded in agreement. "We are Cardassians, not Bajoran terrorists, we don't rely upon 'salvaged remains' to secure our future. Especially defective equipment from over 14 years ago." he stated.

"I understand your precarious position onboard the station, Getal. You have security constantly watching your every movement. Therefore, it would be best to have your men handle this important task." he said as he turned towards Meran and Turrel.

"Exscuse me?" Tharek said, shocked by Turvan's comments. "If you checked your rank Legate, I outrank you. Do not come onto my ground and make decisions for my men."

"Be that as it may, Tharek, you have to recognize the opportunity we have to gain valuable intel on our current 'neighbors' " he responded.

"The Romulan's and I have certain 'agreements' that are being respected by both parties. I plan on taking every available advantage I'm given. I recognize the potential here, but I do not need you to interfere Legate. I'll get you your ship, I'll even pull some front line troops for you, in exchange for that recording. Anything else that happens between us is out of Cardassia's business, and is between me and you." Tharek said, taking in a breath.

Turvan nodded, "Very well, with that I shall be on my way." He said as he stood and nodded to the gathered officers. "Pokor malin çad" he said in their native tongue.

"Journey safe Legate." Tharek said with a polite bow of the head, before turning on the heel and letting Turvan find his own way out.


A joint post by...

Hydel Turvan
Cardassian Union

Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal
Cardassian Dictator
Obsidian Order/Central Command

Gilnn Denat Meran
Embassy Chief of Security

Gul Turrel G'mar
Commander of Rakara