Cascade – Not here. .. not now
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Arrival Atlana Durak

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Title   Not here. .. not now
Mission   Cascade
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Arrival Atlana Durak
Posted   Mon Jan 14, 2013 @ 10:00pm
Location   Main Security
Timeline   SD 71 - 14:00
Trellis had been studying the files of both individuals since he had received notice from Docking Bay Security about the arrival of two persons of interest. Naturally on any space station everybody was a person of interest in some form or fashion. However, it was not everyday that a member of the Obsidian Order and the Bajoran Militia arrived within days of each other.

Trellis had spent the past several days contacting the owner of the Klingon Bar where their infamous "Last Stand" had taken place so many years ago. It took a awhile to job the Klingon's memory since he had become accustomed to so many fights and drunken brawls within his establishment. It was not until he provided him a picture of both combatants that the Klingon gleefully (if such a word could be applied to Klingons) remembered seeing the two nearly kill each other in such reckless abandonment. It was almost as if the Klingon was proud to have hosted such a chaotic encounter.

Needless to say, the conversation did not help Trellis in understand what caused the two to go at each other such a fashion. Neither individual had much of an established history. The Cardassian's records were well-guarded by the remnants of the Obsidian Order while the Bajor's file was barren due to Bajor's lack of file keeping during the Occupation and his employment as a roving mercenary for so many years.

Trellis knew that the best way to investigate was through direct communication. Fortunately, he knew that the Cardassian shopowner had to come to Security to obtain a sales license for her establishment. He looked at the monitor and noticed that it was almost time for their scheduled appointment.

Atlana was meticulous about being on time, a pet peeve if you will, she could not stand being late. It was inexcusable, and perhaps a trait her father had instilled on her. So when she entered security she was just a moment or two ahead of her appointment. Atlana looked around... she asked around until a young enlisted man showed her to Lieutenant Commander Gabriel's office. To which she gingerly knocked at the open doorframe and waited for permission to come into his office.

Trellis saw the woman arrived and he stood to greet her.

"Hello, I'm Lieutenant Si'Lar Trellis, Chief of Security. Please, sit down." He said as he shook her hand.

Atlana smirked. "I seem to me making acquaintances with several officers today." She shook his hand. "Atlana Durak." She expected the Lcdr and was a little beside herself over seeing the Lt instead.

Trelis noticed the confusion on her face as well as in her voice. He made a mental note to have Alexia fix the door to correctly display his name.

"Commander Gabriel was relieved of duty and is no longer a part of Starfleet." Trellis said formally. ~and rightfully so~ he thought to himself.

"I have assumed command of the station's security since then." Trellis said proudly. "Can I get you something to drink?" He said, attempting to accommodate his guest.

Atlana smiled politely but shook her head. "No thank you, Lt Trellis." She shook her head. "I came down because I needed to acquire a sales License." She was comfortable in security as she had not really spent much time if any in a holding cell. Funny how that worked itself out. The concept of being somewhat civilian was an exciting and interesting possibility.

"Yes, yes...your uh...license." Trellis stated as he tried to segue to his real purpose for meeting with her. "Ms. Durak, I wanted to speak with you in regards to your history." He said as he sat in his chair and faced the woman. "Your records indicate that you served within the Cardassian Obsidian Order, but further information is a bit obscure." He added.

"More importantly, it does not give much information about your involvement with an individual by the name of Sarish Anjar." He asked directly.

Her smile never left her face, but it definitely left her eyes they sparkled and a albeit small feeling of entrapment rose in her. "I wasn't aware that was common knowledge Lt." She retorted carefully. "As far Sarish Anjar, that matter remains personal."

Not the response he was expecting.

"Ordinarily, such information would not be necessary. However, the last time you and Mr. Anjar encountered one another it resulted in a violent altercation that nearly left you both dead, in addition to significant damage." He said. "Not to mention your history with being associated with the Obsidian Order as well as Mr. Anjar's. . .colored background." He continued.

"I would be negligent in my duties if I did not concern myself with the arrival of yet another member of the Obsidian Order who has a violent history with another resident of this station." He stated.

"Therefore, Ms. Durak, I require more information." he concluded.

Atlana was not overly accustomed to explaining herself, she had risen in the ranks of the order quickly and had little to fear from the Obsidian Orders folds, starfleet really didn't intimidate her much. Still, she was trying to live a somewhat normal life and that did require some adjustments. "Sarish and myself have a very colorful history, it started 18 years ago when he and his team blew up a school on Cardassia Prime. Injuring hundreds and killing 16 boys and girls. Our last encounter he denied it. We fought." She offered. "I had no idea he was here until the other day." Her answers were cut and dry. Truthful with a few missing details. But she had to assume that he had brought this up because of their fight, either Sarish had reported her as a Cardassia Operative or someone had reported their "conversation"

Trellis nodded. There was obviously more to the story, but Trellis did not have enough information to pry further. But it was more important for him to keep the peace moreso than root out every injustice in the galaxy.

"Well Ms. Durak, I just want to make it very clear that vigilante justice will not be tolerated onboard this station. Whatever plans you have for Mr. Anjar, you are not to care them out on this station. Not here, not now." He said intently.

Atlana fought the urge to roll her eyes. "Two things, Lt. One." Atlana stepped alittle closer to the desk that he sat so interestingly behind. A physical object to block her. "I am not aware nor do I control Sarish's action so cannot tell you he'll behave himself. Secondly, if I were planning something, it would be due justice and you would be the last person to know about it."

The threat was in her eyes and in her smirk, it was hard to fathom that a women who carried herself with such grace and carried such a wealth of knowledge about art and history was an assassin for Obsidian Order. A true wolf in sheeps clothes as it were.

"Be careful Ms. Durak. While I can understand the stress you and your people have been under since the bombing of your embassy, please do not mistake Starfleet's kindness for weakness." Trellis responded while looking into the woman's eyes.

"Now, as for your permit, after I have concluded the requisite check on your business I will be in contact with you." He said as he stood and gestured towards the door. "Until then, my office will be available for any further assistance you may need." he said.

She'd been dismissed, there was a first for everything. "Starfleet's never been weak, Lt." She offered as she nodded her head and began to walk towards the door. "Misinformed perhaps, but never weak. Some of my best opponents were startfleet officers." She reached his door. "Good day to you, Lt Trellis."

Si'Lar Trellis
Acting Chief of Security

Atlana Durak
Owner: Unique Antiques