Cascade – Ivor Prime - Obstacles
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Lieutenant JG Saria Rex & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian & (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Karen Villiers

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Title   Ivor Prime - Obstacles
Mission   Cascade
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Lieutenant JG Saria Rex & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian & (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Karen Villiers
Posted   Wed Mar 20, 2013 @ 12:30am
Location   IRW Dhelan - Main Bridge/Outside the Ik'ga Cluster
Timeline   SD 71 - 07:00
Lieutenant Duquesne stood on the bridge of the IRW Dhelan as various Romulan officers went about their assigned duties. Very few happy with the presences of a Starfleet Officer on their bridge, even less happy with the fact that he was using their equipment to communicate with Starfleet.

Rianni stepped into view and nodded to the assemblage of her former colleagues, "Good morning, hope you've not been waiting too long for us." She smiled, if Isha had taught her anything it was to get there in her own good time and not a second before, "So, let's get underway, shall we? Mr. Duquesne...."

Duquesne nodded in response as the Romulan Commander addressed him. He then turned to face the viewscreen as the Commander came into focus.

"We have potential Borg activity on Ivor Prime, the IRW Dhelan are assisting our away team. We are implementing a plan to evacuate all non-essential personnel and civilians In the event that the team report back a Borg presence. We will also issue early warnings to strategic relay posts both in Federation and Romulan territory. Preparation and early warning is our best weapon. Lieutenant Duquesne," Commander Villiers addressed the leader of the away team via the link, "Have you anything to report? What is your current eta?"

Duquesne noticed interference, but addressed the assembled staff anyways. "We are preparing to enter the Ik'ga Cluster." He stated. "From there we will begin beaming down into separate teams onto the surface of the colony." The interference became much stronger.

"I anticipate that our official ETA time will be 10:00 hours." He continued.

[Onboard DS5]

Tahir looked across to Steve, the newly ensconced Chief Engineer and then to Petro. "Can we try to enhance the signal from the Dhelan?" She asked rather than ordered.

Thoughtfully, Wyman stroked his chin as he regarded the flickering monitor. "There's nothing I can do from the conference room, obviously. But I can try to up the power to the subspace transceiver. Maybe tie the lateral sensor arrays in... make a whole section of the station into a big antenna, basically. I'm just spit-balling, of course." he muttered, more thinking out loud than addressing anyone.

While the engineer was thinking out loud, Petro picked up her PaDD and began moving her fingers about. From an onlooker it might seem as though she were playing a game. In a sense she was. The objective: coordinating the communication relays to boost the signal without interfering with other operations. No sooner had Wyman finished his thoughts, the flickering on the monitor ceased and a crystal clear picture of Duquesne could be seen, as well as the background.

[IRW Bridge]

Duquesne could tell by the confused looks on the faces of the assembled officers that something was interfering with the transmission. Eventually, the interference cleared enough for him to resume.

"Yes, as I was saying before. We are preparing to enter the Ik'ga Cluster and from there we will begin---" However, his sentence was cut short as the transmission was terminated.

Duquesne was not one to swear, but this was certainly testing his limits. He turned to Commander Monteros. "Is there some signal jamming us?" He asked.

The disruption was not lost on Vaebn tr'Vainlli, Leader of Warbird Control. The lateral sensor arrays were functioning as normal, power was functioning as normal. All systems were functioning as normal. Whatever it was the disruption was external.

"I am endeavouring to pinpoint the origin of the signal," he said with a sly look at the new commanding officer. She had not made her mark here yet, not in any notable way, and that mark still had the potential to be either a lasting cut that could be worn as a badge of honour, or a smudge that would fade and be forgotten.

Rianni sent a nasty look to tr'Vainlli, evidently he'd not been informed who was in charge here, "tr'Vainlli, I'll answer questions directed to me from now on, thank you. Let us know as soon as you pinpoint this signal." She was starting to get sick of people who kept forgetting this was HER SHIP.

Vaebn's left eyebrow twitched. Everyone else could see that he was addressing her not the Fed. It was his job to inform the Riov of what is going on, she would have no answer to give otherwise unless she was psionic which her knew no tto be the case.

"Ordinarily, I would agree; however, I'm thinking there is something blocking the connection with the Starfleet communication bouys." Duquesne said, not entirely sure why the communication was suddenly terminated.

He reached over to a nearby communication console and signaled for the arranged quarters for the Starfleet crew.

*COMM* "Bridge to Ensign Straggard, our briefing with Deep Space Five was terminated. We'll need for you to try to find out what is blocking the signal and get communications back online." He said.

"I'm on it." David said. He started to run diagnostics on the systems.

"This is definitely not natural, but its also not in full effect, my guess is we're on the edge of it now." Craig commented looking over at a display.

"I figured as much," Lieutenant Duquesne said as he continued to stare at the screen. "What could produce enough power to block the transmission of a vessel this size?" He asked the assembled Bridge.

"...Borg?" Saria suggested, hesitating. "They'd sure be able to do such things. Like some kind of dampening field..." She began tapping on the console in front of her. "I'm trying to scan it now."

"If we really are dealing with Borg, then why not just launch an attack directly. They've never been known for cover operations." Duquesne replied. "Scan the area for any type of transmitter. The colony is still 1 hour away, how in the world could they have something powerful enough to block our transmission at THIS distance?" He asked incredulously.

"If I can get some help with this Romulan gear we could set up a reverse oscillation, something long enough to make a break for it." Craig commented "then we can figure out what the hell is going on."

Saria walked up to Craig's console. "Let me help you with that." She began tapping on the controls hastily. "My scans were scrambled, so this might be our only option."

Duquesne knew that this wasn't a naturally occurring space phenomena. Somebody didn't want them communicating with the outside world. Which mean that they were getting closer to figuring out what had happened to the colony.

*COMM* =/= "Bridge to Sgt. Wyatt, prepare your team to beam down to the surface. It seems like we've just received a welcome from the colony and it doesn't appear to be friendly." He said into the comm unit.

Luke and his team had been standing by in the lower decks, =^= Understood, ready and waiting just give the word =^= He turned to his team "Right lads get your fingers out and on the trigger we're going in hot and by the sounds of things its going to get sticky so stay peachy marines!"

Rianni could not believe the nerve of this Duquesne, he was actually on her bridge using her comm and ordering his people to perform operations on her systems like her crew, the ones who actually understood the equipment, were somehow less qualified than his people. It had finally become intolerable, she'd taken this mission in the hopes of bridging some of the gaps between her old colleagues and her new ones, but this man's arrogant usurping of her power had gone too far, it was an insult not just to her but to all Romulans, "MR. DUQUESNE! I WILL NOT REMIND YOU AGAIN WHO IS IN COMMAND OF THIS VESSEL AND THAT YOU AND YOUR PEOPLE ARE HERE AS OUR GUESTS! YOU WILL NOT ORDER ANY TESTS ON ROMULAN EQUIPMENT WITHOUT FIRST DISCUSSING IT WITH ME AND RECEIVING MY PERMISSION! IS THAT UNDERSTOOD?"

The Comms channel was still open when the obvious infuriated Romulan lashed out at Duquesne, =^= Might I remind you that if there is a Borg presence our last problem will be who is in command of this ship and giving out permissions, and since we are the ones going down there first we'd appreciative if our and your command could stay together long enough for our safe return=^= Luke hated romulans as much as the next guy but to get this done they needed there help.

=/= "Sergeant Wyatt, proceed as planned if the Commander doesn't want to cooperate it will be discussed with her superiors when we return, and with the special envoy when he arrives at DS Five." Craig turned to Rianni "it looks like dead men to talk."

Duquesne recognized the stress this mission was creating on everyone, Federation and Romulan alike. He also recognized that if the situation turned bad, then he and every Starfleet officer onboard would be dangerously out-numbered. Now was the time for diplomacy.

"Craig, Wyatt, continued as planned. Prepare for a pre-mission briefing shortly before each team begins to beam to the surface, Bridge out." he said as he closed the comm unit and nodded to the Intelligence officer.

Luke eyed the other marines who we're clearly on edge, one mad his way to the front of the group and spoke out "Do you really think its Borg down there Gunny?" he asked there was a certain unease in the young lads voice he must have been merely 20 and probably hadn't seen combat.

"Not knowing is always scarier than knowing what you face Private but when it comes to the Borg I'd rather not know. Don't ask questions, Don't blink twice when you're down there don't get distracted and don't get split from your squad. And if the Borg are down there and they do get hold of you pray that one of us are near by to shot you. I will either bring your back alive or dead but I will not allow you to live as one of those drones and I expect any of you to do the same!." The marine looked almost stunned by his response but they new he spoke with experience and from the stories he was probably right.

Duquesne recognized the importance of the Commander saving face amongst her crew. "Commander, may I speak to you alone within your Briefing Room, please?" he requested.

Craig looked over at the Romulan =/= "Mr Wyatt check in as scheduled, in case things change."

Luke tapped his badge =/= "We're just itchy on the trigger down here, give us the word and we'll be away" he for one just wanted to get this over and done with and he knew it would be the same for the rest of his marines.

As the Romulan Sub-Commander joined him in the next room, Duquesne looked towards Craig. "Inform the rest of the team that we'll meet in transporter room 3 at 08:00, we're moving up the timeline and beginning to beam down immediately." He ordered as he entered the room behind the Sub-Commander.


Gunnery Sergeant Luke Wyatt
First Sergeant

Lieutenant JG Saria Rex
Chief Science Officer

MCPO Craig Ayers (NPC'd Andy)

Ensign David Straggard
Propusion Specialist

Ensign Calista Devon
Paramedic & Senior Nurse
(NPC - Jools)

Lt K'Vel
Junior Doctor
(NPC Dayne)

Captain Tasha Tahir

erie'Riov Rianni t'Khellian
CO, IRW Dhelan

Michael Duquesne
Tactical Officer