Interlude – Curiosity Kills The Cardassian
by Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal & Lieutenant Ryan Milarno

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Title   Curiosity Kills The Cardassian
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal & Lieutenant Ryan Milarno
Posted   Tue May 04, 2010 @ 7:08pm
Location   Somewhere Near The Cardassian Consulate
Timeline   Current

"Computer, bring up the Deep Space Five crew manifest." Tharek asked in his usual loud tone.

The computer beeped in acknowledgement, and brought up a small display on Tharek's PADD.

"Computer, show all of the medical staff onboard with Bajoran DNA." He asked, louder.

A list complete with Chelsea Adams, Rachel Milarno and Ryan Milarno appeared. Tharek rubbed his chin at the sight of the Doctor Milarno. He was agressive, but it was almost a Cardassian agressiveness. Tharek would confront this man again, and show him who was top dog on the station. To know where the power lies.


Ryan was in sickbay getting his weekly check-up, Chelsea or anyone he knew weren't available so a nurse dealt with him; he was sat on a biobed as the nurse was running cellular regenerator over the broken skin from where the Cardassian skeletal structure appeared around his eyes and started to run up his forehead before suddenly fading. "How long until it's all completely healed?" he asked. "It's taking forever"

As he sat waiting for a reply he began to wonder about the Cardassians onboard...*How would they take to this?* he asked himself but his thoughts were broken when the nurse replied. "Well Ryan, it hasn't actually been that long...but to you I can understand it will feel like forever but trust me, not long now...a few more treatments with the cell regenerator and it should be fine, and now the colouration is returning to normal...I'm done here, if theres nothing more you're free to leave."

Ryan nodded "Thankyou" he sighed as he got down from the biobed and left sickbay, wandering the corridors aimlessly, where he was going he had no idea.

Tharek was also wandering the halls now, searching for Ryan. He had no idea that they would meet sooner than expected.

Tharek strode into the man at an intersection of corridor. Tharek gazed onto the persons face, and sure enough, it was Ryan's. But, with prominent Cardassian features. "Now, I know for a face you haven't got those ridges to improve your eyes."

Ryan stared at him for a few seconds, he shook his head. "Unfortunately no" he bluntly replied, wondering why he chose to make conversation with him. "Why?" Ryan asked him.

Tharek places his hand on Ryan's chin, and moved it from left to right, so Tharek could see all of Ryan's Cardassian features. "Your Cardassian. Everything Cardassian concerns me."

"Not this one" Ryan replied defensively. "I may look a little like you but I don't consider myself Cardassian"

"Then what do you consider yourself? Your not Bajoran. Your not Human. What are you?" Tharek asked, knowing the answer.

"Half Bajoran and Human...just like I was before...all this...doesn't mean a thing" he explained.

"Sure." Tharek said in disbelief. He placed a single hand on Ryan's shoulder. "Your always welcome at the Embassy, should you visit. But, I guess a half Bajoran, half Human medical officer wouldn't waste his time with a race that won't pass him glares or abuse."

Ryan frowned. "And what exactly do you mean by that?"

"When you walk the halls of this station, which do you feel like more? An outcast, or a friend A half Human Bajoran, or a Cardassian?" Tharek asked, circling.

Ryan thought for a second. "If I'm honest...Like a Cardassian, the rest of the time an outcast, as if I shouldn't be here" he answered honestly.

"Exactly. I don't see you as if you shouldn't be here, or as an outcast. You are part of a great race, and should take equally greater pride in it. Make the people who glare at you tremble in their boots as you proclaim yourself... " Tharek walked into an open area, and bellowed the words, "Cardassian!"

Ryan could see the pride that Tharek had. "But how can I take pride in being Cardassian after what my father did to Bajorans, it was brutal and horrible and quite frankly that's how I came to be born"

"Look at it through Cardassian eyes. Do you think a race that is so easily put down, so easy to sucumb to the will of others, deserves to not be treated in the way that it did?" Tharek paused for a moment, knowing he was digging himself a bigger grave. "Do you want to know of your father?" Tharek said, raising his eyebrow quizzically.

"I have Bajoran family...friends...forgive me if I don't answer that question." Ryan stated, and he'd never thought about it before. *Do I want to know of my father?* he thought. When it comes down to it...what child wouldn't? "Yeah...maybe" he replied.

"What was his name?"

"His name is Preloc...Gul, I'd like to know more about his life, why he killed the Bajorans in the camp where I was born...any assignments he had after...and" he was hesitant for asking this... "And if...if I have any other family...?" Ryan asked.

Tharek smiled politely. "With pleasure. Come by the embassy in an hour, I'll have your information on, Gul Preloc?" He asked, making sure he was completely sure.

Ryan smiled a little and nodded. "Yeah."

"I'll dig up what I can." Tharek already knew who it was though. Tharek knew Gul Preloc all too well. He didn't want Ryan to know though. Tharek wanted him to visit him in his own domain, in his territory. Tharek wanted to show him another side to life. The Cardassian Side.

"Thanks...I'll see you in an hour" Ryan thanked him and then headed in the other direction. A little confused about that conversation but in a way felt better by it.


Vi'Kar Gul Tharek Getal
Cardassian Consulate Ambassador


Lieutenant Ryan Milarno
Assistant Chief Medical Officer