Cascade – In the middle of things
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Commander Rakka & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Lieutenant Commander Steve Wyman

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Title   In the middle of things
Mission   Cascade
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Commander Rakka & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Lieutenant Commander Steve Wyman
Posted   Tue Feb 12, 2013 @ 9:39pm
Location   Main Security Office
Timeline   SD 71: 05:30

Rakka clenched her fists tightly, using what felt like an epic amount of self-control to resist pounding them down onto Trellis's desk in sheer frustration as he continued to whine. The more he went on impotently about his extremely doubtful ability to handle his position, the more frustrated she became.

"You will not just parachute onto this station and try to take control over everything! I have run things without any assistance from you or that delinquent Gabriel!" Trellis said angrily to the Nausicaan that towered over him.

"Parachute--what the hell are you talking about?" Rakka snarled, feeding off of his anger and throwing it back at him. "You're a drunk, Trellis, I know you are--I'm not going to let that go!"

Trellis was slightly concerned by the response, but his own anger prevented him from backing down. "What I do during my off-time is my concern!" He quickly shot back. Her comment into his habits was a direct attack of his professional and personal integrity.

"Furthermore, the attack on the Cardassian Embassy is under control and the safety of this station is my top concern!" he quickly replied

Rakka unconsciously mimed the wringing of a neck with her large hands. If he continued to repeat himself with this bullcrap, she was going to lose it. Just... lose it. In fact, she was very closely on the verge of pulling rank on him.

"Excuse me Lieutenant Trellis Sir?" Alexia spoke from the doorway.

"What!?!" Trellis snapped.

She started slightly but held her ground, a little paler but still keeping her cool. "There's someone here to see you Sir. He says his name is Lieutenant Steve Wyman but he won't say what he wants." she announced.

Si'lar rubbed the spots cascading down his temple as he regained his composure. "Fine. . .fine. . .send him in." he responded as the breathing within his chest began to slow down.

Rakka crossed her arms tightly, glaring at Trellis a moment longer before turning to face the visitor.

The door swooshed open, and Steve started to step in. When he found himself greeted by a glaring Nausicaan and a group of others - none of whom looked too happy to see him, he stopped mid-step. "Umm..." he started, taken very much aback by the prospect of what he may have walked into. "Am I interrupting? Because I can come back at a time when you're not quite so... vocal..."

'Quite the entrance there Wyman...' he thought, his shoulders slumping momentarily before coming back to loose attention.

"No!" He stated pointedly. "I mean. . .no, have a seat." Trellis said as he gestured towards a chair next to the still fuming Nausicaan.

"How uh..c--..can I help you?" Trellis asked, still flustered.

Wyman gave the Nausicaan a sidelong glance as he eased into the offered seat. "Lieutenant Steve Wyman - recently assigned chief engineer. The Captain said I should swing down here to square away my security clearance first thing in the morning. Well, this is first thing - minus getting my daughter up and dressed." He was a bit nervous having such a mountain of a being next to him, glaring down at him. As a result he started to ramble, but quickly cut himself off before he got too bad.

"Well. . .umm...welcome to the Deep Space 5, Lieutenant Wyman." Trellis replied, trying to regain his bearings.

"I'm Chief of Security, Lieutenant Si'Lar Trellis." He said, he turned slightly in his chair towards the much taller individual. "This is Commander Rakka, she is currently. . .assisting me." He said shortly. He wanted to use more "colorful" phrases to describe the woman, but he held himself back from giving into the desire.

Rakka shot another glare Trellis's way, giving a meaningful snort but not otherwise responding.

Trellis took the lull in conversation to transition back towards the matter at hand. "Yes...uh we have recently instituted new security protocols for Senior officers, particularly Engineering and Science officers." Trellis said as he tapped on his console and brought up Lt. Wyman's file.

"Can't say that's a bad thing. But then, I also can't say I know the context." Steve remarked, clasping his hands in his lap and trying to ignore the hot Nausicaan breath on top of his head.

"The increase in security was necessitated by the brief, by devastating invasion of the station's primary departments. ( While we eventually regained control of the station, we lost dozens of officers in the process. As a result, my department established a system of checks to prevent Engineering from falling into enemy hands." Trellis said as he brought up an authorization screen.

"I'll just need you to sign here, Lieutenant." He said gesturing to a specific point.

With a slight chuckle, Wyman pressed his thumb to the indicated spot. "Sign. Quite the outdated reference there."

"We're also still working on the investigation of the bombing of the Cardassian Embassy ( However, repairs have been going a bit slow due to not having a Chief Engineer, so I'm certain you'll have your hands full." he added.

Alexia was interested when she heard this was the new Chief Engineer and began to watch him as the scenario unfolded. She was always interested in new personnel but this was such a large station that it was hard to tell who was a genuine newcomer and who was just someone she hadn't seen before but yet who had been here all along without catching her attention.

Her curiousity was usually *not* her most tactful feature and soon someone would notice that she hadn't retired from the room as she was normally expected to when an audience was requested and granted with the Officer in Charge of Security, whomsoever that might be on that particular roster.

You could usually tell when someone was watching you. A prickly feeling in your earlobes and a heat on the back of your neck usually means someone is looking at you, and your brain doesn't know how to tell your eyes how to react. That was the feeling Wyman got as he was listening to the security chief go over the ins and outs of how DS5 operates. He was about to comment when Trellis looked past him toward the door.

Rakka cleared her throat, wondering when he was going to notice the receptionist, whose perfume the Nausicaan could have smelled a mile away.

Trellis was about to respond when he noticed that Alexia was still present. "Was there something else you needed?" He asked.

Alexia jumped, suddenly realising she had been noticed and worse that she had been staring too. "Oh, no.... sorry Sir.... I'm good to go...." she indicated widely with her hand around, stopping its arc in the direction of the door instinctively.

"Alright, then I'm certain there are other duties you have that require your pressing attention." He replied, somewhat dismissively.

"Well, I could spare..... " she began hopefully but noticing the look on Trellis' face, changed her mind and dropped her shoulders. "That is, yes sir. If you'll excuse me." She moved towards the door and slid out quietly, taking the safe choice.

Rakka looked back and forth between the departing woman and Trellis. Was he always so rude to her? She opened her mouth to criticize, but realized the irony in time. The Nausicaan was not exactly widely renowned for her polite manner. Still... it irked her. Trellis managed to irk her in every way imaginable. She gave a noisy huff and a long sigh, shifting her formidable jaw back and forth and making *clicking* noises with her fangs.

Trellis fixed his mouth to respond when he audibly noticed Rakka's discontent. "Is there a problem Commander?" He inquired in an annoyed fashion.

Rakka snapped her jaw and made a hissing noise deep in her throat. "Look," she said thickly. "It's one thing to snarl at me--I snarl back. But it's another to be so rude to that woman who has been nothing but polite to you."

"Of course you would find yet ANOTHER THING to 'assist me' with!" He emphasized by throwing his hands up. "What else do you have a problem with, hmm? My uniform, my-my spots!?! What else could use your. . .your. . .your immaculate detail!?" He said as he pushed himself out of his chair and onto his feet.

"GODS, Trellis!" the Nausicaan roared. "Stop acting like such a CHILD!"

"I-I don't have to stand here and take this!" He said as his heart-rate increased and sweat began to accumulate on the sides of his forehead. "Not from you or or Dorian or or ANYBODY ELSE on this damn station!" He said to the Nausicaan as if each word was a pointed dagger.

"If you think you are so damn high and migh-- or that is...if you want......can run everything so DAMN WELL, THEN YOU FINISH THIS MEETING!" he shouted as the words race from his throat and from his lips. Before either person could fully respond, the Security Chief turned and purposefully walked out of his office, barely giving the doors time to swoosh open, and out of the Main Office.

Rakka bared her fangs and likely would have thrown the nearby chair after him, if Lieutenant Wyman hadn't been sitting in it at the moment. She looked at the engineer, and suddenly his presence planted her feet firmly back on the ground. She took a calming breath and eased herself into Trellis's chair. Wedged herself, more accurately. The chair was designed for Trellis and it squeezed her hips like a vice. After a moment of fruitless adjusting, she leaned forward and propped her thick arms on the desk, staring across it calmly at the human.

"Don't mind him," she said in her usual rasping tone. "He's under a lot of pressure. Now--where were we?"

Now in his career Steve had seen his share of blow ups. Usually they were equipment related, but he'd seen more than a few mental moments as well. This one may very well have taken the cake. "Well I'm not entirely sure about where we were - I was mentally story boarding the tale I'll be telling over dinner tonight."

Glancing over his shoulder at the direction Trellis had stomped off, he could only remark, "Should someone... go after him?"

Rakka shrugged and leaned back in the chair, crossing her arms. "Oh, I'm not worried. If he wants a break, let him have a break. I'm more than qualified to take over here until he finds his head again. Did you have any questions that aren't about all this foolishness?"

Since that severely limited his line of questioning. Steve cleared his throat. "No... I think I'm good. I have my security clearance, base security is concerned about my department going rogue, and I think the security chief is a bit out of his mind - and it's not even 0800. This could have been an average day back on the Hyperion. Now if we get attacked by pirates or something breaks down and threatens to blow up the base, it'll be a typical day in Starfleet."

Rakka rolled her eyes. "Don't tempt fate, Lieutenant," she quipped. "If there's nothing further, you may go attend to your duties."

Since it was clear that he was being dismissed, Steve wasted no time in standing and coming to a loose attention, "No Commander, I have nothing else." With that he turned on his heels and walked out the door, the entire time wondering what sort of mad house he'd joined up with.

Alexia had watched in silence as Trellis had stormed out past her almost sweeping her PADDs off her desk in his wake. She had not dared to speak to him in that mood so she was not too surprised to witness the departure of another of the participants in the meeting also leaving in what appeared to be an unhappy aura, albeit in a far less out-of-control manner than her Departmental Boss.

She sighed and rolled her eyes, secretly wondering if Gabriel was ever coming back. She missed *the real boss* as she still called him and became sad at the thought of their last meeting. She was NEVER going to give up on him. She hadn't been able to tell him that because he had been trying to be kind by warning her off, she knew that much, but whatever he believed, she would still be here, faithful to the last. It wouldn't matter if he never cared for her, she just wanted him back in charge. She missed him professionally as well as personally. Putting her PADDs back straight, Alexia went back to her work again with an unheard sigh.


Commander Rakka
Security Consultant / Trainer - DS5


Si'Lar Trellis
Chief of Security


Lieutenant Steve Wyman
Chief Engineer


Ensign Alexia Jackson