We All Fall Down – Family disappointment
by Ensign Kivan Ta'Gas (NPC) & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal & Alderman Dorian Gabriel

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Title   Family disappointment
Mission   We All Fall Down
Author(s)   Ensign Kivan Ta'Gas (NPC) & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal & Alderman Dorian Gabriel
Posted   Mon Oct 06, 2014 @ 7:52pm
Location   Promenade
Timeline   WAFD: Day 2 - 06:30
There he was.

Probably the last connection to any semblance of family that Kivan had left in this universe. On one hand, he found this to be good news. Good news that his search had been fruitful and that he was on the right trail and had found exactly who he was looking for. On the other hand, he was saddened to know that Tharek Getal was exactly the person whom he thought he was. Murder, dictator, villain. . . all were words that could aptly describe the individual just several meters from him. Unfortunately for Kivan, "family" would have to become one as well.

"Th--Tharek Get..al", the younger Cardassian managed to get out. He took a deep breathe and straightened his Starfleet uniform tunic as he closed the gap between the two individuals.

"Tharek Getal." He said again once he was within several steps of the individual.

"What." Tharek said, barely looking up from his PaDD. "Hurry up, I don't much care for people who waste my time." Catching a longer glance at the figure in front of him, Tharek noticed the Cardassian features, mixed with Bajoran. And the cleanly pressed and bright yellow Starfleet uniform.

"I am Ensign Kivan Ta'Gas. . ." he began to say, but he was interrupted before he could finish the sentence.

"Ta'Gas isn't a Cardassian name. Ta'Gas is a Bajoran name." He replied with a small hint of disdain in his voice.

Kivan waited until the Cardassian was finished, trying to not take offense at the curt response, "I am Kivan Ta'Gas, my father was Legate Delet Loker." He stated firmly, still gathering his nerve. "And I assume that would make you. . . .my family." He said.

Tharek looked on with mild disbelief at the boy. "Legate Loker, my cousin, my own flesh and blood fathered you? Don't be preposterous."

Kivan expected for the man to be blunt, but not so rude and discourteous. "Legate Loker served on Bajor during the Occupation, did he not?" he said, his resilience remaining. "From what I could piece together, he served within the Kendra Province. He selected my Mother as one of his. . .'comfort women'" Kivan said, his eyes fixing a steel glance at the man as he fought back the anger at the thought of his mother being so disrespected by another person.

"Whether you like it or not, we are kin." Kivan said assertively as the Cardassian continued to examine him.

"Whether I like it or not." He repeated the boys words. "Your father was a credit to my family, and eventually to his own." Getal stepped forward, standing only a fraction taller than Kivan. "The fact that you are in a Starfleet uniform, on a Starfleet station, in Starfleet space gives me great cause for concern. You haven't achieved anything for Cardassia. Why should I even recognize you?"

~What an uncaring bastard. . .~ Kivan thought to himself. He had heard that the Obsidian Order Agent was particularly cold, but he figured that it was merely a front to protect himself from the horrors of war. But now, as he stood before him seeking to form a connection, this man had simply pushed him away.

"The fact that I'm alive means that I care about our people!" Kivan shot back. "It was the brutal militaristic ways of Legate Loker that led to our home being burned to the ground!" He shouted.

"The militaristic ways of our people ensured our continued survival until this day. Legate Loker did what needed to be done. What have you done for our people?" Getal said, moving even closer to the younger Cardassian.

~. . .what have I done?~ Kivan thought to himself as he looked over the Cardassian's shoulder and saw how close he stood to the edge of the rail. Throwing the brutal dictator over the railing to his almost certain death would be doing a lot for the people of Cardassia, Kivan pondered as his fist clenched and his muscles tightened as he began to move forward to. . ..

"And who is your new friend here, Getal?" A voice said, piercing through the obvious tension of the two Cardassians. Ambassador Hydel Turvan clasped his hand on the shoulder of the younger Cardassian, hoping to distract him from whatever it was he planned on doing.

"Hopefully I was not interrupting anything, but I couldn't pass the opportunity to share a moment of camaraderie between my fellow Cardassians." Hydel said with a smile. "Getal. . .why don't you introduce me?" he stated, more so than suggested.

Getal looked at the young boy and smiled. Ta'Gas' actions would've been his last alive. "This is Kivan Ta'Gas. Half-born son of my cousin, Legate Loker."

"I was just leaving" Kivan said curtly as he brushed off Ambassador Turvan's hand. "I guess you weren't the man I was looking for after all." He said said dismissively as he pushed past Tharek and made his way down the promenade.

"Well, well, Tharek, I see that your winning personality works wonders on your own flesh and blood!" Hydel said sarcastically, taking some pleasure from the family turmoil. "At this rate the only person wishing to attend your funeral will be that color-wheel of a consort you seem so infatuated with." He smiled.

"That boy is not my family, nor will he ever earn the privilege." Getal shot a sharp look at Turvan. "Have you made any progress considering our discussion yet?" He said, ignoring the comment about Yolanthe.

"Of course I have, the question is: When are you going to make your move?" Turvan stated calmly as he kept his eye on the despondent Starfleet Officer who made his way into the crowd.

Ensign Kivan Ta'Gas
Assistant Chief Engineer

Ambassador Hydel Turvan
Cardassian Embassy
Cardassian Union

Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal