Incommunicado – Lock down
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Citizen Min Zhao & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian & Colonel James Darson

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Title   Lock down
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Citizen Min Zhao & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian & Colonel James Darson
Posted   Wed Jul 11, 2012 @ 5:00am
Location   Throughout the promenade
Timeline   SD57 - 15:55 (Immediately after "Freedom to Assemble")

Ashara, ever the cautious one of R'Vek tr'Khellian's children, didn't engage the security man since he'd yet to place hands on her brother or anyone else, instead sending a message from her PADD to Isha's that read: Trouble, Federation, Racists...

Rianni, nowhere near as cautious as her beloved sister had no such qualms, stepping between this Romulan she didn't know with Ashara and Trellis, "Get lost, lap dog. Your boss is finished and if you don't vacate now you are, too. Your racist tyranny is over."

"Commander Monteros, I've never had a problem with you. But if you interfere with this, then I will place you in a cell WITH Gabriel." Trellis said as he supervised his officers bringing the crowd under control and directing them to leave the area.

"EVERYONE IS TO DISPERSE, NOW!" Trellis once more commanded.


=^= "Lieutenant Trellis to Captain Tahir, there has been a riot on the promenade near the Romulan Embassy. I'm initiating emergency security procedures and I'm placing the promenade on lockdown." =^= the Trill said quickly into his communicator as he tried to keep some form of order around him as the enraged crowd still clamored for their respective targets.

Tasha had barely reached Ops after leaving sickbay and already things had gone from bad to unbearable. She slapped her chest and the com badge beneath her palm.

=^= "Lieutenant, one day you will call me with good news!" She remarked as she slammed at the door to her office. "Is the embassy the target of the riot, the cause or just collaterally in the vicinity?" She questioned as she marched to the replicator, ready to order a drink once this conversation had finished.

=^= "Sir, I'm not sure what was the precipice of the event. I just know that there was a demonstration involving a Pro-Human organization in front of the Romulan Embassy. Eventually a fight broke out between a group of Romulan and Federation civilians. Unfortunately, it was the catalyst for a near-riot on the promenade." =^= Trellis said as he continued to direct the newly-arrived security officers.

=^= "I'm advising security to restrict movement on the promenade until we can get everybody cleared out and back to some sense of civility." =^= the Acting Chief of Security said.

Tasha shook her head and gave an audible sigh. If they were not fighting on the outside, they always managed to do it on the promenade and if it was not an Embassy, it was usually the next best thing, the Box of Delights.

=^= "Understood. I will leave you to rein them in. Tahir out." =^= She closed the comm and slumped into her chair wondering what was to come next.

"Great. . .they bring some hotshot in from Earth and I'm *STILL* stuck doing all the heavy lifting around here." He mumbled to himself.

The security department had so far managed to clear out the more violent crowd-goers had been cleared out, but it was the next part that was going to be more difficult.

=^= "Ladies and Gentleman, until further notice, there will be no one travelling throughout the promenade. Please remain within your respective areas or stores." Trellis said into his comm unit so that it was transmitted throughout the promenade's sound speaker system.


Inside the Box of Delights, Yolanthe looked up, her colouring changing to an irritated shade of mustard. Throwing a bar towel in the sink she headed to the doors of her bar, and looked out, standing next to the enormous Gorn who acted as her door man. "What's Trellis panicking about now, Harry?"

The Gorn pointed up and over to the Turbolift stack, where a huge group of mostly humans were shouting for Romulan blood. "Dorian Gabriel has been stirring the shit." hissing slightly on the s sounds.

The mustard gave way to bright blue. "Well, this should be entertaining. An ineffective object meets a powerless force. Shame I can't sell tickets."

Gregori had been enjoying lunch with a potential client when the alarms went off and the lockdown was initiated. After soothing his clients rightfully jarred nerves he made his way to Yolanthe, "To his hanging?" Gregori quipped, though he did genuinely wish to see Dorian Gabriel in a noose, "Let me buy the entire front row if you do, my dear."

Min looked up from her location in the bar where she'd been entering some end of shift orders. She still had to get back up to her quarters and finish sorting out some programming glitches in her private holosuite. "Security at it again?"

"If I had a nickel for every time Dorian Gabriel or that lackey of his, Trellis, did something stupid I would have a bag full of nickles to beat them about the head with." Gregori mused, turning to Yolanthe, "Well, I suppose another bottle is in order, my dear."


Back in the hanger outside the ruined remains of the Polux, Darson was passively contemplating alternative strategies to ending this dammed communications blackout as quickly as possible. Stepping out of the way of one of the various damage control teams that had been called in to help, he couldn’t help but draw a blank.

“Need more intelligence,” he mused to himself as he turned and headed for the turbolift. Until the data was processed by the science team the station was, almost literally, blind and deaf. Luckily, communications within the station were still operational, but that was small comfort.

“If this continues,” Darson thought to himself as he entered the lift, “we could have a breakdown of society as we know it. No communication, no more ships in and out…it would be chaos. Hmm…but, then I could use my Marines to rise up and wrest control of the station. I could become supreme ruler, my very name inspiring fear and dread. I’ll take all of the rest of the station hostage and make them serve me…and then I can have those I don’t like compete in the gladiator pit for my entertainment…IT WILL BE GLORIOUS!”

Through this line of thought, he had begun cackling manically to himself, discouraging several passengers from entering the lift with the mad expy of Darth Vader.

All of a sudden, his helmet was filled with the beeping of an incoming communication from Marine HQ. He stopped his cackling, cleared his throat repeatedly, and then opened the channel, =^= “Darson here.” =^=

=^= “Colonel, we’ve received reports of a riot outside the Romulan embassy on the promenade, instigated by a Pro-Human organization. Security has started arresting violent protestors on both sides of the issue, as well instigating emergency procedures locking down the promenade.” =^=

Darson let out a mock gasp, =^= “My god…a riot!? On the promenade?! What kind of person would start such a thing?!? And…you know what? I don’t know why I’m pretending to be surprised. Things like that seem to happen at a higher frequency on this station then they did on War-time Bajor. Or regular Bajor for that matter. Alright…here’s what we’re going to do. Prep Military Police teams one and three for a hot call, but keep them on alert status, standing by. We can’t move till we’re asked for, so I’ll let you know if we need them.” =^=

=^= “Of course sir. Is there anything else?” =^=

=^= “Yes…make a note about installing a gladiator pit somewhere," =^= He then terminated the communication, redirecting the turbolift to the promenade.


Si'Lar Trellis
Acting Chief of Security

Captain Tasha Tahir

Yolanthe Ibalin
Owner of the Box of Delights

Colonel Darson