Incommunicado – The Admirals Cometh
by Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace

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Title   The Admirals Cometh
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace
Posted   Tue Jan 31, 2012 @ 9:15pm
Location   Docking levels, hangar 223
Timeline   SD52-0700

Rhiana and the small number of security officers were the only persons visible on this docking level, which was the only one capable of supporting the Halifax as she pulled along side the docking umbilical's. Rhiana had never actually seen this particular docking procedure before so she found herself distracted for a moment as the docking was completed, the audible noises of the walk way equalizing ended she looked left at the security officer, "Here we go."

As Rhiana turned to face the door she did her best military bark calling the guards to attention. Admiral James crossed the threshold first his body guard in close behind, "Rhiana, good to see you again."

"Very well sir, I'm glad you came." She paused to shake his hand "Have you read the brief on our investigations?"

"Yes, good work, I'm impressed at the fact you were able to track down one of the leaks so quickly, or was there some right place right time in play there?"

"He slipped up on contacting his handler, who is still at large so we're not done yet." Rhiana commented

"Good work, the info you collected was vital in the raid on the Paulson base, its just unfortunate we were not faster in getting there to save Jarred." Admiral Edwards commented

"Damn it Rick could you wait for a moment!" Admiral Martin James walked slowly most due to his advanced age "Well, if it isn't my favorite Romulan, how ya doing kid?"

"I'm fine sir, how are you sir?" Rhiana wasn't sure if she should treat the man like her grandfather or something close.

"Its a damn shame that the kid got it, he was the best period." Admiral James said as he walked with his cane "Now kid I expect you to keep up the work he started."

"Sir, my staff have organized a rest area for you in our offices until the memorial services, and there is breakfast if your interested." Rhiana said as she showed the way.

"Hmm, sounds good to me, how 'bout you rick?"

"Might as well, Rhiana has that Romulan senator arrived yet?" Admiral Edwards asked.

"He is due in fifteen minutes, The ambassador is going to greet him and his entourage." Rhiana commented, "Chief Ayers is also going to be present for the office."

"The Master Chief is here, I'll be damned, best comm officer I ever had." Admiral Edwards commented.

As the group entered the turbo lift, the admirals, Rhiana and finally the body guards, Rhiana broke the silence, "First time aboard a celestial class base gentlemen?"

"It is for me dear, I missed out on the commissioning because of the Minoria crisis." Admiral James said commenting about the hostage taking on the colony world of Minora where Jarred turned himself in after the rescue mission.

"I assume that Martok is sending someone with the Dakteig?" Admiral Edwards said

"Yes Commissioner Corith is coming."

"Corith? isn't he on the high council?" Admiral James said

"Yes sir, and the brother of the Chancellor himself." Rhiana commented

"That mission could have gone far worse had the kid not earned their respect, they don't like spies, but they seemed to have taken a shine, in a Klingon way to him." Admiral James spoke again.

"Katherine was the only reason he didn't end up in a prison when security caught up to him on Minora after the rescue." Admiral Edwards added.

As the group entered the small ready room they took seats around the table a yeoman came in with a cart and trays of warm food on it. "We have a few different items on the menu, including one thing I've never really acquired the taste for eggs Benedict, I believe this version is called west coast style, I ordered something called oat-meal, never had it before but I saw the Lieutenant eating it in his office in the mornings."

Admiral James laughed "That kid and his oatmeal, that also might explain a few klingons eating it on starbase 224, damn."

Rhiana didn't see the irony until she saw the blood oranges on the plate "that explains the small shipments of these oranges going to the Klingon restaurant."

As the yeoman circled the table passing plates Rhiana looked at the plate, she saw the grey-ish brown material in the bowl along with chunks of the redish orange fruit in it "He ate this?"

"Kid he had more variations on his grandmothers oatmeal recipe than I could count, he even had one that I think the Klingons took as there own, and this one is one of my favorites." Admiral James took a massive spoon full "Ohhh, thats the stuff."

Rhiana looked over at the two older gentlemen, ~ok lets go for it~ The odd taste of orange and the dried cranberry along with the odd sweet taste of oats seemed oddly pleasing "You right Admiral, this is interesting."

Admiral Edwards looked up for a second, "Too bad that Jarred wasn't here I'm sure the coffee would be flowing like nebular gasses."

"I know, he drank more coffee than any officer I ever met." Rhiana commented.

"He drank more coffee than most shipyard workers too, don't forget his dad works at Utopia Planetia." Admiral James added.

"That he did, how many cups were empty in his office?" Admiral Edwards asked.

"Six, although you could argue one doesn't count since it was half drank."


Admiral Richard Edwards (NPC)

Admiral Donald James (NPC)

Lt jg Rhiana T'sehan