Interlude – Its the Oldest One in the Book
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   Its the Oldest One in the Book
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Fri May 07, 2010 @ 6:00pm
Location   Rh'vaurek's quarters
Timeline   SD18 - 05:00
Rh’vaurek rolled onto his back, a film of fresh sweat slicked across his skin. One arm, the one still bandaged after he was glassed in the bar fight flopped back over his head as he fell back against the pillow listening to the slowing pant of Nahir’s breath as he closed his eyes and sank into a moment of fuzzy, blissful darkness. As his own heart rate slackened Rh’vaurek felt Nahir shift and wriggle close against his side until her head was resting on his shoulder.

“Rh’vaurek,” she breathed, her fingers tracing gently over his chest leaving damp trails that tickled as the moisture evaporated, “Why does the ambassador dislike me?” she asked as her slender leg wrapped around his lean muscular one.

This particular question was beginning to annoy Rh’vaurek but right at this moment he had neither the energy nor the inclination to avoid it. He exhaled, long and slowly.

“You’ll wish I hadn’t told you,” Rh’vaurek said in a thick velvety tone that spoke of sleep as he began to twist a long strand of Nahir’s hair lazily around a finger. The thing about having information was knowing when best to deploy it - of course Nahir wanted to know, and now was the perfect time to tell her. He paused, allowing her one last chance to remain in ignorance for a little longer.

“I need to know,” the words came in a gentle insistent breath that tickled Rh’vaurek’s ear.

One day, he thought as s soft chuckle emerged from his throat, she could be one of the best, but it was clear to him that for now she believed herself to be in love, a misconception of which she would soon be relieved.

Rh’vaurek turned slightly in Nahir’s direction, disentangling his finger from her hair as he gazed into her eyes, their soft brown glaze seeming black in the half light but still gleaming with dreams of a future.

What would Nahir do with the truth?

“The ambassador dismissed you because I gave her a reason to do so,” he said.

Nahir looked confused as he had thought she would. ”You recall that you were in my office when the Cardassian Ambassador paid me a visit?”

Nahir nodded even as her brow wrinkled – she did not understand, she would soon, Rh’vaurek knew. “After you had gone he told me that he found our ambassador outside eavesdropping. Hadn’t she accused you of conspiring against her?” he asked rhetorically, “I think she hoped to find evidence to support her paranoid suspicion but she overheard something quite different,” he said the twitch of his lips the only sign of the amusement he was drawing from Nahir’s discomfort.

“You knew she was there!” Nahir accused. Her body tensed, and soon, Rh’vaurek thought, her accusation would be followed by tears – she seemed that type.

He sighed. “How could I know? My mind was in your mouth and entirely at the mercy of your lips at the time,” he said not really caring if she appreciated the euphemism. Nahir’s assessment was correct, the ambassador was meant to overhear them together.

Nahir pulled away from Rh’vaurek, drawing the bedsheet over her breasts as she sat. “I don’t understand,” she told him, her tone sharp, her fingers clutching at the fabric.

“Nahir,” Rh’vaurek said tracing a finger up the knuckled curve of her spine as he sat up, “you asked me to teach you, and I agreed to do so. You were willing enough to open your legs to get what you wanted, when you thought you could manipulate me. Why should I not use the situation to manipulate you? You clearly have a talent for ingratiating yourself and you’ve already worked out exactly when a man is most likely to agree to whatever you want him to ... I really am not in need of another analyst." He did not see the difference between Nahir's misguided attempt to use sex to manipulate her way into his affections, and his intention of making her to use sex to get him information. There was never an easy way to say this, so Rh'vaurek simply pressed on, "What I do need someone loyal who is willing to use all of their resources in my service,” he told her.

Rh'vaurek paused watching over her sagging shoulders as her breath caught in her throat, and her fingers knotted in the sheet, “Nahir,” he breathed spreading his hand over the back of her neck, his fingers into her hair, “if you shed so much as one tear I am going to drag you to the other end of this room and back by your hair,” he told her, his tone and his touch gentle as he delivered his threat. “Do you understand?”

Nahir turned her head towards him, her moist blinking eyes brimming with disillusionment.

Slowly she nodded.

“Good, because you won’t find every mark as kind as me, so learn to be careful.” Rh’vaurek smiled and leaned back pulling Nahir down with him. Once he was comfortable he continued, “I’m putting you back on the reception desk,” he told her, “t’Khellian can do nothing about it and she knows it. I also want you to keep an eye on t’Merek, her new head of security, she’s an unknown. Be your usual self with … is there something wrong?” he asked.

Nahir was trembling. “Would you do that to me?” she asked in reference to his threat, her tone numb.

“Ask Ambassador t’Khellian,” Rh’vaurek replied before continuing his lecture.

erie'Khrein Rh'caurek Raedheol
Nahir i-Orinwen

Both NPCd by Louise