Beg, Steal or Borrow – Preparing to move out
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Colonel James Darson & Commander Richard Dunham

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Title   Preparing to move out
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Colonel James Darson & Commander Richard Dunham
Posted   Thu Jun 04, 2009 @ 4:19am
Location   Docking Bay 6
Timeline   15:00hrs (BACKPOST)

Lieutenant Junior Grade Duquense entered the docking area and glanced around. Fortunately, this part of the station had managed to survive the bulk of the attack and was not any worse for the wear. Damage control teams were well underway to assessing how much damage had been inflicted and how much work would be needed before the station would be 100% operation again. However, Duquense was focused on the task ahead of him more than the task that lay before his crewmates.

He set his bag down and nodded to the officer headed in his direction. From the look of things, it appeared as if he was a pilot of some sort, but he wasn't exactly sure. "Lieutenant Duquense" The officer reported to the pilot.

Ensign Watts and the rest of Tango Wing were standing around their Peregrine Heavy Class Fighters. Each one leaning on a landing strut that came out from beneath the fighters. They were laughing and joking like cocky pilots trying to push back the battle with the Romulans and the death of their own out of their heads. When the Lieutenant walked into the docking area. Each one shut up snapped to attention. "Sir" said "I'm Ensign Watts, Its a pleasure to be working with a our friends in Intel."

"At least Ensign," Duquense responded easily. "I'm not Intelligence, however, one can't really tell considering Gabriel is in command of both department now that Commander isn't here." He added. "Do any of you know where the Marine Detachment is or which vessel will be used for this mission?" he inquired.

"No telling with our Marine Cousins. Sir" Said the ensign taking out the gum from his mouth and sticking it to the under hull of his fighter for good luck. "Probably one of the Wyvern Hopper Transport? Do we know how many grunts their taking?"

Suddenly, the interior door of the hanger opened and a lone Marine in a flight suit entered at a fast jog. He came up to the group, and quickly saluted Lt. Duquense as he was the ranking officer, “Sir. I’m Sergeant Hoffman. I have your orders from Major Darson,” he said as he handed the Lieutenant a PADD, “You and Tango Wing are to depart and proceed immediately to the Pendragon for the fleet’s departure.”

Ensign Watts Picked up his helmet off the ground and began to put it on. "You guys taking one of the Transports?"

The Marine shook his head, “Major Darson will be traveling in a different fashion sir. I am your pilot today sir,” he pointed off to the side of the hanger at an unused Valkyrie class fighter, “If you would please enter the gunner’s position sir, we may depart.”

Tango Wing began their climb up their Ladders to their cockpits. Once they got in each one went through their private ritual for good luck. Then started their engines. Watts leaned out of his pit. "I can give you a ride if you like Sir?"

Duquense shook his head as he read the Padd before him. Obviously Major Darson had other plans for this mission, however he would appreciate being informed on what those plans were exactly. "That won't be necessary" Duquense responded as he grabbed his gear. "I'll be following along with Sgt. Hoffman." He replied.

Duquense followed Hoffman to the available Fighter and quickly climbed inside the Fighter. Once inside he began to perform a checklist of all radars and sensor reports. The Task Force would have the element of surprise on their side, but he knew that before the mission was over, they'd have to fight their way out.

"Ready to launch, Sgt." Duquense said into his microphone.

Hoffman grunted an acknowledgement into the mic, than completed the power-up sequence. As the fighter shuddered and lifted off the ground, he punched the rudder pedal so he was oriented towards the bay doors and slowly moved towards them, “Tango Wing, this is Green 1. As soon as we leave the bay, form up on me. We’ll be making the short hop over to the Pendragon.

Hoffman touched a few other controls, and got clearance from Deep Space 5 Operations to depart. He looked straight ahead and said to Duquense, “Brace yourself sir,” before throwing the throttle forward and shooting the tiny craft through the force field and out into space.

"This is tango wing actual, affirmative." After completing their pre-flight checks and buckling in. Tango wing launched into space. They formed up in a diamond like formation behind the Valkyrie Space Superiority Fighter. The hulls of the Peregrine Heavy Fighters sparkled with the reflections of the lights for Deep Space Five.


Sgt. Hoffman NPC'd by Major Darson

NPC Ensign Watts played by Lt Dunham

Lieutenant (j.g.)
Michael Duquense (NPC by Gabriel)
Tactical Officer