Cascade – From The Crows Nest
by Commander Richard Dunham & Lieutenant JG Malak Muz

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Title   From The Crows Nest
Mission   Cascade
Author(s)   Commander Richard Dunham & Lieutenant JG Malak Muz
Posted   Sun Feb 10, 2013 @ 8:20pm
Location   The Crows Nest
Timeline   SD71 06.30

Rick, arms folded stood in the centre of his office looking intently at the floor. Well not the floor exactly but rather through its transparent plexi-glass floor to the hanger bay below. Crew climbed over the wings of Razor Interceptors using portable tractor beams to mount their weapons pods. Engineers continued the ongoing upgrade project for the Broadsword Multi-role Assault Fighters, placing them in mechanic pitts and encasing them in work frames to secure them as they were taken apart and upgraded with new parts. Valkyrie Space Superiority Fighters posed ready like birds of prey on the hanger deck ready to launch at a moments notice. It look like organised chaos down there but it was a well honed and skilled machine. Rick was jogged from his thoughtful revere by a knock on his door, which he always left open.

Knock. Knock. Knock. It was a quick and rapt three knocks, the Lieutenant looking in. Malak slowly moved forward. Malak would admit that the view of the birds of war were impressive, but he had to report in. He slowly moved forward and placed the Padd on the desk,"Lieutenant Junior Grade Malak Muz - reporting for duty sir." The crisp tone coming as he moved back and his hands came behind him. His feet came together in a military stance until he was advised other wise. A very by the book introduction.

"At ease" said Rick moving behind his desk and taking a seat. He gestured for the officer to sit in the chair opposite him "Welcome aboard Mr Muz. Have you done the rounds yet? Been to see the CO, XO other department heads ect? Or am I your first port of call?"

"Sir.." Malak's feet comes out to shoulder length, going from attention stance to 'at ease' stance. He then moves to the chair. He leans back and shakes his head with a smile,"First port of call. I have actually been studying the birds we have as well as the region. I was concerned about Cochrane Sinkholes.." He pauses and shrugs his shoulders,"Worst part of the Cardassian Campaign. You set a course - go to warp 4. The computer tells you it's only 30 minutes to your destination. You hit four Cochrane Sink holes and your engines slow down... Three hours later, you're at your destination. Accurate timing can make and break a battle." He glances outside to the ships,"Your squadron seem's top of the line, Sir. Are they even a year out of the ship yards?" He says, looking back to him questioningly.

Rick leaned back in his chair, placing his feet up on the PaDD strewn desk, as he looked over the desk and appraised the man in front of him. "Wars long done Lieutenant" Rick placed one elbow on the arm of his chair and supported his chin thoughtfully on his fist. "We have navigation satellites scattered throughout deep space 5 air space and the surrounding sector to give our navigation systems real time info so we can avoid things like Cochrane Sinkholes. The Valkyrie Space Superiority Fighters are around 7 moths old, the Broadsword Multi-role Assault Fighters and the Razor Interceptors are clocking around the three year mark."

"Never said it wasn't, Sir." Malak responds smoothly as he watches the man in front of him,"simply noted a point of fact." He nods his head as the information is given,"Yes Sir. I noted that, quite sophisticated." He leans forward in his chair and watches the man,"So the question is.. When it comes to an Executive Officer - What do you need and expect from me?" A brief pause,"What does our squadron need and expect?"

"Expect" said Rick raising one eyebrow "I expect your best Lieutenant." Rick leaned his head back on the head rest of his chair. "As my executive officer you will lead the weapon system check teams for our fighter wings, strategy analyse our patrol routes, receive updates from our patrols, compiling the information for report, organise reconnaissance mission, brief the wing commanders and see to the safety and well being of our pilots."

Malak watches the man a second and nods his head,"Ofcourse, Sir." He offers as the list is given to him. His hands come to rest in his lap as they continue the discussion,"Is there anything about the current affairs or missions that is not in the log and I need to be aware of? Anything that would effect the Pilot's Morale or abilities?"

"At this time we are on alert status. Here on the station and out there in the big black" he waved a hand in the direction of his window. "Some weird stuff has been occurring on this station and i bet it has something to do with that derelict they brought in. Keep your wits about you."

"Weird Stuff, Sir?" Malak offers a little bit intrigued. An eyebrow raises as he seems intrigued,"What kind of weird things - shall I be prepared for?" He offers to try to get more of a definition. He pauses a moment,"I'll begin setting up a few training drills as well.. Sir."

Rick shrugged a little "I dunno Lieutenant just....just since they brought that ship in people have been acting a little weird, on edge, easily angered or upset.....its not my area and we have not had anything odd occur down her. Have a word with security to find out what you can for me. Good idea on the drills, and double the alert ready fighters, just in case."

"I will talk to security immediately.." Malak offers as he slowly begins to rise. He nods his head,"I think it would be wise to take the squadron to a 'Yellow Alert' status, even if the base isn't there right now. That would include the extra drill's as well as doubling the alert fighter status." He pauses and glances out at the birds,"It would include additional fatigue - It's not something I would suggest for long term, but I am sure our people could handle it for the short term." He looks back to him,"Is there anything else, Sir?"

"Yeah sit back down" said Rick pointing one finger down towards the chair. He considered the man a moment longer. They had spoken at length about the man and what he was going to do, but they had not really found out anything about the man. "Tell me about yourself Mr Muz"

An eyebrow raises from the Executive Officer as the man indicates he should sit back down. He slowly nods his head as he does so,"I apologize. I figured you wanted me to get onto things fairly quickly." He sits back as the question is asked. Malak takes a moment to consider the question,"I am a Joined trill with ten life times of experience. I have been a pilot for most of my life as this host." His hands come to rest on the sides of the chair,"I served during the war.. Which I am sure you've seen my record. Personally, I prefer Cardassian, Ferengi, and Nausican drinks. I have a taste for Bajoran drinks, but much prefer their food." He considers if there was anything else,"I enjoy the company of women as much as the next pilot - It will not be effecting my performance, nor will it at any point effect the squadron. Of that, you can be assured."

~Now why did he think it would be relevant to mention the women thing?~ thought Rick to himself ~and another joined trill to boot. I wonder if he had met Rex yet? And if he is so experienced why is he only a Lieutenant JG? Hmmm a lot of questions~Rick mused to himself mentally. Rick thoughtfully scratched the stubble on his chin. "what are your ambitions Mr Muz?"

"Command. Eventually." Malak says unaware of anything that the Terran would be thinking. His eyes staying with the mans as an eyebrow raises,"Something a little more sleek then what you commonly see others want. An Intrepid Class ship, A defiant - something of that nature." He then waves his head,"I also fancy Strategic Operations. All of that to say, I currently enjoy what I do - and i am not looking to transfer out any time soon. How long have you been stationed aboard Deep Space 5, Commander?"

A Defiant or Intrepid, both very fast but both very different roles in starfleet, Rick wondered if the man considered himself a fighter or an explorer. Rick let out a little long breath before he answered the officers question, because it always...always surprised him. "Year or so maybe two. You will learn that time seems to move a little differently here, everything is very fast paced with some little calm moments"

Even the federation couldn't decide what it wanted out of an intrepid. Some technical manuals calling it a science vessel, others calling it a small frigate and 'combat' vessel. It was an intrigue, perhaps like the young Executive Officer. He nodded slowly to the man as he spoke,"I look forward to it. I don't think many fighter pilots enjoy taking it slow." He considers moment,"Perhaps, Commander - You and I can go out for a drink after duty or perhaps I can interest you in lunch at some point? It would probably make sense for the CO and XO to know each other quite intricately."

"A lot of the pilots drink at the Red Lion Pub on the promenade, but from the drinks you tell me you like I think you would be better off going to the box of delights. I think it would be more to your urrmmm....liking. But be careful a few of our pilots walk in their to drink to. They normally cant walk out and its owner is a colourful character. Let me suggest something else, I'm learning to cook Bajoran food for my wife, why don't you come over for dinner one night and try it out."

"No Sir. While I'm not saying I wont be getting a bit ... comfortable, I wont be drinking to incapacity. It's not fitting of someone who is in a senior officer capacity." Malak says with a nod of his head,"All of that will be done in the privacy of my own quarters." A slight smirk. He nods and his eyes brighten,"Have you learned to make a really spicy Hasperat? I love Hasperat. If you want good drinks, I would suggest Deka Tea." He says with a smile,"Dual dichotomy that comes with a host assisting in the occupation,"You get a mix of Cardassian and Bajoran tastes. Bajor is alright with it's drinks, but it makes really good food." His hands come into his lap again as he watches the man,"I would love to meet your wife as well. How long have you been married?"

~So he drinks alone in his quarters, maybe I should ask him to speak the with counsellor~ Wondered Rick to himself. Though he probably wouldn't most pilots did it, and he knew that most war vets certainly did. "Four months" said Rick again not quite believing how quickly the time had gone. "Im going to be making Ratamba stew"

"Wow.. Basically just married." Malak said with a grin and chuckle,"Well I look forward to meeting her, Sir." The man didn't seem disturbed or worried about the information he was giving to him. He was definetly being professional, but there was an ease of relaxation there. He watched the man a moment and then nodded his head,"I look forward to getting to duty. I'll begin looking into those occurences as we discussed, will there be anything else

"No" said Rick with a shaking his head. "Thank you kindly for your time Lieutenant. Your dismissed."


CAG Squadron Leader
Commander Richard Dunham


Wing Executive Officer
Lieutenant JG Malak Muz