Interlude – The teacher is in
by Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace

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Title   The teacher is in
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace
Posted   Mon Oct 11, 2010 @ 5:08am
Location   Intel office
Jarred walked through the door to the intel office, it was empty accept for Chief Ayers who was in the encryption's pit working. Jarred walked into his office and set down his bag, the last twenty four hours had been busy, all he wanted was to sleep, but that job would be interrupted by another report, or another crisis.

He unlocked the locker and started to put away the gear he had used for his last mission off the station, as he was setting the phaser rifle on the rack with the rest of them. He looked over the debrief from the mission along with the weekly reports that were piled on his desk.

Jarred was going to simply ignore the pile of reports and the like when he saw a message from starfleet academy, as he read it he felt the color drain from his face, "Oh crap, cadets!"

The noise broke Craig's attention, "Boss did you say cadets?"

"Yeah, ten of them coming in forty hours, I'm not here to baby sit cadets who ordered this?"

Craig sat down opposite Jarred who was sitting at his desk still in shock, "Could be worse could be a pack of jarheads coming to play in our sandbox."

Jarred digested that statement, "good point, speaking of jarheads where is the marine liaison?"

"Never checked in this week."

Jarred visibly annoyed decided that in the morning he was going to speak to Darson about his lack of protocol, and the complete disregard for procedure on this matter, ~Oh crap I'm sounding like a responsible officer!~

Jarred and Craig decided that tomorrow was a better time to deal with the impending doom of a flood of cadets on field duty for a term, he made a note too meet with the CO about the influx of cadets. Jarred reached into his desk and pulled out a bottle of Aldeberan whisky, "Cadets, bizarre alien artifacts, and mystery departments, the only thing missing is a some political problem and a murder."


Lt Jarred Wallace
CIO DS5- 9th Fleet operations

CPO Craig Ayers
DS5 encryptions