Beg, Steal or Borrow – One thing leads to another
by Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian

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Title   One thing leads to another
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian
Posted   Tue Aug 04, 2009 @ 1:09am
Location   Squadron offices
Timeline   SD9 1830 hours
Jarred had never been up to the Squadron levels before, he'd met a few pilots, but never entered what was essentially there domain. He saw the Lt. Commander over in the ready room looking down at rather mountainous pile of paper work. "You got a couple of minutes, Commander?" Jarred asked.

"Ahh, Lt. Wallace." Rianni sighed, "I was wondering when you'd start showing up. Do I have a couple of minutes? Well, if you're anything like your predecessor I guess I better make the time or else. So, how can I help intelligence to make my and my family's lives a living hell for no good reason today?"

"I'm only here about a couple of matters, not about the badgering Mr. Gabriel practiced. Have you had a chance to go over the brief about the up coming wargames yet?" Jarred asked.

"Yes." Rianni nodded, she already liked this guy better than Gabriel, not that that was all that hard to accomplish, "I'm looking forward to it, going to show some of my younger pilots how we did it in the old days."

"The other matter is something that could be controversial in one way, we may have the opportunity to augment the garrison with another ship, the top four are all Defiant class variants, the other two are test-bed ships that might fill the role we need them for." Jarred stated.

"Okay, I'm always for more firepower." Rianni smiled, "Don't let this uniform fool you, I'm still a Marine, better to have some firepower we don't need then to need some we don't have."

"You won't get much argument from me on that, we have a nice selection to pick from, but there all in the bone yard at Utopia Planetia, so we're going to have to actually have a clean slate to work from." Jarred commented almost salivating.

"Well, I do enjoy that sort of stuff." Rianni smiled again, she was liking this guy more and more every second, ~How the Hell did a guy this nice ever manage to put up with Gabriel?~

"I blocked out Gabriel if your wondering," responding to her thoughts "I'm going to talk with Bruce later on, he's my engineer for the war game, I'll bounce your top three plus my one or two preferences and see what he thinks."

"Wish I could block him right out of an airlock." Rianni replied, ignoring the fact he'd replied to her thoughts, "As far as the ships go, I have a certain fondness for the Sabrewolf and Xenon classes, as well as the Nautilus, though it might not be right for our purposes."

"Sabrewolf and Xenon were on my shortlist too, but i liked the Thunder on one level, its armed a little better, and it can land inside an atmosphere, Nautilus I think started out as a science ship, but don't quote me on that, Kata was supposed to be a high speed transport, its only been out of service a few months." Jarred reported.

"Very interesting." Rianni nodded, looking over the specs, "I think for the purposes of war games and potential combat situations the Thunder could be the best choice, especially if we have to land a battalion of troops somewhere and give them some support salvos."

"I think the Thunder can support, it doesn't have the capacity to carry troops, maybe a squad on a commando raid." Jarred said looking at the PADD.

"Okay, but that still gives us a tactical advantage that you can't deny." Rianni replied, "Even without the capacity to carry large amounts of troops. Though, we could always re-arrange some things and turn the spare area into a troop bay."

"I thought about that too, it has a better cargo capacity so we could make that change, I guess the Thunder it the leading Candidate then." Jarred said with some enthusiasm.

"Okay, then we agree." Rianni nodded, "I can do some of the work on the interface, get my pilots up to speed on it. Atmospheric entry is still a hard trick to pull."

"I'm going to talk with The head of R&D at Utopia Planetia first about some specifics before we go in and start redesigning , plus chances are we're going to have to pick it up." Jarred stated "My dad is going to have a bird we're disrupting his day when we show up."

"Then let me do it." Rianni offered, "Being disrupted is always a bitch, but if the disruption is an, if I must say so myself, attractive woman, it takes some of the sting out of it."

"You've never met my dad, hes one of those hard-ass engineering types, thats how he got to be the head of R&D at the ship yard, and he's very loyal to my mom as well." Jarred said trying not to laugh.

"I didn't say I was going to try and sleep with him." Rianni laughed, "I just said I might be able to make the interruption a little more palatable for him, that's all."

"Computer time on Utopia Planetia" Jarred queried the computer

"0800 hours" the mechanical female voice said

"He'll be in the office if we want to talk to him."

"Okay, let's give it a shot." Rianni smiled, "See what we can do here."

"Computer open a COMM channel to Sarfleet R and D Utopia Planetia, Office of Jean-Micheal Wallace."

A few seconds passed as the Comm signal connected itself to the right relay and then to the office of Jarreds' dad Jean-Micheal. =^="Wallace here."=^= his dads gruff voice came through.

"Hey Dad, whats up?" jarred started the conversation

=^="Jarred!!, what the hell are up to son?"=^=

"Keeping out of trouble, hey what are the chances I can bring a team out and take a look at a ship in the Bone yard?" Jarred asked the older Wallace

=^="Phobos? Depends on what your up to, they don't just let anyone in there you know."=^=

"How about a bonafide hero of the Dominion War, Sir?" Rianni offered, "Lt. Cdr. Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian, number one Federation ace of the entire war. Now I work with your son here on DS5, and I'd like to come look around your bone yard, try to see what we could come up with to make things a little easier on us around here."

=^="Charming girl, what are you kids looking for exactly?"=^=

"We're interested in a couple of ships, The thunder, Xenon, Sabrewolf and the Nautilus."

=^="Nautilus is scheduled to be converted into a warp drive test ship, Xenon is a piece of junk has more bugs than the original Defiant did, Sabrewolf is a little monster but she could be space worthy in a few days, but the Thunder, Starfleet were a bunch of idiots taking the Hornet over that one, and she met all the criteria that they laid out originally, I can have her ready inside of 24 hours if you want to come pick her up."=^=

Jarred looked at Rianni, "What do you think?"

"I think we should take the first thing smoking to your father's boneyard, that's what I think." Rianni replied in glee.

"Dad, soon as we are finnished with some exercises here we'll be on the first transport to Mars."

=^="I'll get Glen to bring her outta storage first thing this afternoon, She won't have any shuttle craft, but I think I can scare up something, and I think we have enough Torpedoes for you as well."=^= The older wallace joked with his son.

"Okay, dad, I'll send a message as soon as we are on the move, DS5 out." and with that the comm went black and Jarred looked at Rianni, "Looks like we have a new toy to play with." rubbing his hands together.

"You are my kind of spook, Wallace." Rianni smiled, pouring them both a glass of Romulan Ale, "Here's to our new toy and diplomatic immunity as a blood relative of the Ambassador." She said, handing him a glass.

"Here to my dad, for insisting that those old ships be kept around." Jarred knocked back the ale in one gulp, "Smooth, got any more?"

"Belly up to the bar, Jarred." Rianni smirked, "I got access to an unlimited supply."


Lt Jarred Wallace


Lt.Cdr. Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian