Cascade – It starts with a ... (Diplomatic thread) - Part IV
by Commander Karen Villiers & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & UFP Ambassador Valtek & Lieutenant Rex Mett & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin

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Title   It starts with a ... (Diplomatic thread) - Part IV
Mission   Cascade
Author(s)   Commander Karen Villiers & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & UFP Ambassador Valtek & Lieutenant Rex Mett & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin
Posted   Tue Oct 23, 2012 @ 7:11pm
Location   Diplomatic Suite
Timeline   SD70. 16:00
"May I speak?" Nahir's tone was soft, and her words had to force their way through her throat.


"Your superior may not take kindly to it," Valtek reminded her. "However, this is an open summit. Speak your mind. You will not be the first."

Nahir nodded. "Whilst I would not presume to speak for the absent Ambassador I do not believe that her position would be the one which Lleifven tr'Rul has taken." Nahir was very specific about the title Attache for the stand-in, "If our government is in support of this proposal, and if it is true that a reciprocal arrangement is offered, with Federation personnel to be assigned to one of our facilities, in our territory, along with the suggested rights for the Federation to explore fringe worlds on the Romulan edge of the Neutral Zone for scientific purposes, then I can only conclude that those in support of the arrangement believe that they have sufficient support to carry the motion through both houses of the Senate, factional opposition or otherwise notwithstanding."

Nahir paused for a moment to get her breath, she was in a unique position, she knew that, almost all documentation passed her desk and whilst officially she averted her eyes, unofficially she digested every word. "By the same measure it must be true that the agreement of the Senate will be subject to a suitable figurehead for the Stelam Shiar being in place here on Deep Space Five, with command authority, not in a diplomatic capacity. It is clear to me that the proposal will not go to the Senate until the way is clear for the proposal to be enacted without opposition from the other major powers of the Alpha and Beta Quadrants."

"Affirmative, Miss i'Orinwen. That is our most primary concern, and the reason why this summit is being held." Valtek leveled his gaze at her specifically now, whatever thoughts he was having clouded behind his calm demeanor, but his words were clear, serious, rather than the imperious tones he'd reserved for tr'Rul. "You have essentially outlined the purpose of this summit," he said honestly. "Before everyone jumps up and points a weapon at me," he predicted calmly, looking at Ven'Tak, "I would not presume you to be so ignorant as to not have deduced this for yourself." Valtek stepped out again and folded his hands behind him.

"The reason this summit has focused on Romulan-Federation relations comes two fold. The first, which is to say, how it can be done: While the Romulan government, and much of the Federation government at that - make no mistake - views this as a simple give-take circumstance, I view it as something greater. The officer exchange program will do more than allow a pass of information between us in a non hostile manner. It is also conducive to cultural exchange. We will, as you say, require to learn to work together. While I am a Vulcan, it would be irrational of me to deny the impact of emotional connection. Ordinary people will see these beings, sentient, rational, just like them. It will be difficult for them to demonize someone they are emotionally familiar with. Not only will this be good for our government relations, but it will be good for our civilians as well. Unless you forget the very charming pro-Human organization lobbying outside your embassy."

Valtek thought back to the man in the bar.

"We are now sitting in a room, speaking to one another, civilly. It is a possible thing. Miss i'Orinwen, in particular, you may recall Senator tr'Imzaier." The Imzaier House was one of the major players in these negotiations, and a proponent of Romulan-Vulcan relations. "He and I have remained in amicable contact for some time. Positions such as his are the reason why we have figures in such prominent Houses speaking on behalf of these negotiations. They do not forget the bonds forged. We each have something of value to teach each other," Valtek said, looking at everyone. "All of society is geared toward survival, and bonding during this time of duress is a way to cement a lasting alliance. Or, at least, a lasting mutual-not-killing-of-one-another." Valtek suppressed a sarcastic look.

"The second, which is of course whether or not others will become hostile as a result. Which is why I have organized this meeting in an attempt to be forthright. We are not asking for permission from outlier worlds. What we are doing is recognizing that they are just as important in this decision. That we could not do this without them. They all need, they all want. They all impact and effect. Were Andor and Trill to have similar relations, they would impact to the same degree those around them. And particularly in these times, where it is beyond crucial for this quadrant to be stable, those needs come to a head. Which is why I have enlisted the aid of every major player I could in an attempt to stabilize this, by assisting us, us assisting them, and assisting each other. This becomes less about Romulan-Federation interaction in the long run, Miss i'Orinwen. It is about all of us. This quadrant." He gave a nod to Janus and Hydel at that, which was slightly ironic, and made the Ferengi grin. He never could resist a good batch of irony when it came to Ferenginar assistance.

"Not only will we be working with each other, but we will be working with others as well through trade, aid, and materiel. I do not anticipate it will go smoothly, but that is the way of all stability. It only ever arises out of chaos. That it is chaotic now should not be the reason to preclude any possibility that it could ever stop being chaotic. As we like to say, that would be illogical."

Rex had remained silent throughout these talks as he always did. As a diplomatic officer he preferred to let the hot headed amongst the delegates to argue it out, often he just hosted the event, taking notes and maintained the peace between delegates.

His assistant Angela had been rushing around providing refreshments and passing data padds between the diplomatic party. She had left the diplomatic suite and returned a few moments later, moving over towards Rex she moved to within earshot of him.

"Excuse me Lieutenant, but I've received a message from the infirmary it appears that Mia had injured herself, would you like me to attend to her?" Angela asked with a concerned look upon her face as she had grown quite close to the young Bolian.

"Thank you Angela, please inform her how important these talks are and the she will understand!" Rex added, simply nodding to Angela as she left the suite and with her exit, he returned to the conversations taking place.

The Brigadier fixed Nahir with a calculating gaze. She had a personal motto, always watch the quiet ones. "how long do you think the Senate of the Stelam Shiar will take to deliberate?"

Nahir blinked slowly as she turned her head and her gaze toward the Andorian, "I have not the authority to speak for my government, or for the Romulan people," she said, "I would not presume to name such a time. As a citizen of the Stelam Shiar, I may say that if the Senate is in favour, then the proposal will be passed," which answered precisely no questions whatsover.

Valtek tilted his head, recognizing her words for what they truly meant.

She turned to Hydel, "And the same for the Detapa council?"

Hydel knew that the Detapa Council would jump at the opportunity. Simple suggest that the Federation was dangling some form of assistance in their direction and they would fall over themselves in appeasement.

"I'm not sure," Hydel responded carefully. "This is something that will require much debate and discussion with my people. We are at a very sensitive moment in our history." he replied.

"You waste your time trying to negotiate with these politicians!" Ven'Tak uttered forcefully. "You can see it in their shifty eyes that the word 'truth' is an unknown phenomena within their people's collective minds." He said while pointing an accusatory finger at both the Cardassian and Romulan.

"How can my people be sure that they want attempt to steal out technology" He stated moreso than actually asked. "Cardassians can't even build a functioning replicator let alone a decent starship. OF COURSE they'd jump at this opportunity.' He added.

Valtek cleared his throat calmly. "Ambassador Ven'Tak, if you would look at the PADD in front of you," he said, gesturing to the PADD indicating the Klingon provision of their discussion, "You would see that the Cardassians are ineligible to receive the assistance they require unless they pull out of both yours and Romulan sector space. There is merit to postulating that the Cardassians may be turning to more illicit activities to secure resources," he said, with the simple air of stating a fact rather than hurling an accusation, "But I would say very few of us are in a position to judge."

"The point is to make these activities lack meaning. To focus sights, for all of us, on something more withstanding. Truth is irrelevant, gentleman. It is entirely about survival. Those who would seek to gain from deception at this juncture are ill advised to do so, on good authority; they would fail to benefit, and they would succumb to the same conditions which have brought us here. Need I not remind you that this Quadrant is not stagnant, nor are we the only powers in space. There will be others coming. There are always others. I highly suggest all of you thoroughly read through the treaty agreements both proposed and amended since this summit began."

Hydel was well aware of the Klingon's concerns. While he appeared to be offended, he was quite impressed with the astute barbarian. Hydel knew that several incursions had been made along Klingon boarder and as a result several civilian mining and manufacturing installations had been seized and were currently under control of forces coordinated by the remnants of the 5th Order.

Moreover, it was well-known within certain sectors of the Detapa Council that the loss of the Tal'Shiar as well as the losses suffered during the War had caused certain groups within the Star Empire to exercise more freedom within their respective colonies than they previously had been allowed to demonstrate. Cardassia recognized this as an opportunity to make inroads in regards to the various supplies and resources in those colonies.

"I can confidently speak on behalf of the Cardassia people I say that we only seek peace and prosperity with our neighbors." He said, somewhat genuinely. He had no intention of interfere in the operations that were taking place both within Klingon and Romulan territory, but he did see this "Summit" as a plentiful opportunity to put on a good face of peace and cooperation with the other powers.