Beg, Steal or Borrow – One trail lost, another found
by Arrival Kaia & Arrival Alexandria Marshall

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Title   One trail lost, another found
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Arrival Kaia & Arrival Alexandria Marshall
Posted   Thu Jun 04, 2009 @ 5:51am
Location   Kaia's Ship, Deep Space
Timeline   SD8 14:00 hrs
Kaia held the isolinear coupler to the circuit above her, A few flashes of light and the whole panel began to glow warmly. Kaia smiled in response and slid out from under the panel.

The next wave of modifications had been completed, and Kaia exited the darkroom. She tapped her personal comm unit hooked around her ear. "Hey Nat, the ghost and the darkness have been reconfigured and are ready to try out. How's the probe coming along?"

Natrina spoke. "Almost done with it."

"Excellent, we'll be coming up on the site where we were attacked soon. I'll meet you in the bridge after I make a quick stop at the galley. Do you want anything?"

"A bowl of soup please." She said as she worked.

Shortly thereafter, Kaia stepped onto the bridge carrying a small tray. She seta small bowl of noodle soup and a beverage down at her own station before taking the rest over to Natrina and setting it beside her. She looked over Natrina's shoulder.

"Sometimes I kinda feel bad for the feds and all their protocols. I don't recall ever seeing a fed eating on the bridge."

Natrina spoke. "It was not always like that, at one time the Federation was quite liberal."

"Indeed. Hmmm, by those graviton bursts, it looks like our little friend is still out there. Let's give this ruse a try." Kaia returned to her station and took a slurp out of her soup before pulling up the specs on her newly installed systems. "The ghost and the darkness are initializing. Boot-up diagnostics are nominal."

"I'm synchronizing the probe's output to the ship's transponder. This will eliminate any chance of detecting a transition when we release the probe." Natrina mentioned as she typed at her console. "Almost done."

"The darkness is on standby. Ready to engage."

"Launching probe. Graviton burst on my mark. Three... Two... One... Mark."

"Darkness engaged, cloaking field active. Inputting course deviation. Sensor feed coming in... Looks like it's working. Whatever was following us is now following the probe."

Natrina smiled. "And that's what I'd call a job well done."

"Nice work on the probe. I'm reconfiguring sensors to opperate more effectively under the cloak. You were conscious when the pirates fled, do you remember what their heading was?"

"You want something sneaky done right, the obsidian order is your best choice." Natrina commented. "As for the pirates, the sensor logs had their heading but it looks like you wiped them right before the marines came and searched the ship."

"Whoops..." Kaia looked to the side sheepishly before continuing typing at her console. "Damn, well, It's been long enough that their ion trail is no longer in the immediate vicinity. Take your best guess and we'll micro-warp till we pick something up. The ghost is warmed up and standing by..."

"Hang on a minute." Natrina said as she recalled the events that occured during the pirate attack. "They were running silent, but they took some damage from the drones I set up... Maybe..."

"You got something?" Kaia replied.

"Indeed I do!" Natrina replied elatedly. "Instead of searching for discrete ions, we can follow the spikes in apparent background radiation."

"Then let's go! Activating the ghost..."