Cascade – The Night is Dark, and Full of Terrors: Part 1
by Lieutenant Commander Steve Wyman & Commander Karen Villiers

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Title   The Night is Dark, and Full of Terrors: Part 1
Mission   Cascade
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Steve Wyman & Commander Karen Villiers
Posted   Wed May 01, 2013 @ 5:22pm
Location   Main operations
Timeline   SD 72 1415 hours
The turbolift ride up to ops from shuttlebay 26 was silent. Steve was still intimidated a bit by Sharas, despite all they had been through over the years. The two men had worked together on the Hyperion, and Sharas was at Steve and Ceridwen's wedding. But for all that, Steve still saw Sharas as the imposing headmaster who did not abide failure from the cadets under his command.

When the lift doors opened, Wyman immediately sighted Commander Villiers at a console, discussing something with a junior officer. "There's the Commander now, Sharas." he explained, gesturing in her direction as he led the intelligence officer across the way.

"Excuse me, Commander? This is Lieut..." Steve started, with the intention of introducing them and smoothing the way toward Sharas getting what he wanted quickly and easily.

But the Andorian was far too impatient for that, cutting Wyman off mid sentance, "Lieutenant Commander Sharas P'Trell, deputy chief of intelligence for starbase 182. Is there somewhere we can speak in private, ma'am?"

"My office," Karen replied shortly certain that Tahir would want to know about this; but the Captain wasn't here, was she. She was still at lunch and Karen was damned if she was going to wait around for her to get back, or to communicate with her for that matter. "This way," she added.

With a simple nod, P'Trell followed after her, leaving Wyman standing there still perterbed at being interrupted. He stood there for a moment with his index finger raised in an attempt to interject until the intelligence officer called out, "Come along, Mister Wyman."

Hearing a snicker come from the Ensign operating the console Villiers had been at, Steve barked out, "Get back to work, Ensign!" before stomping off after them.

Karen did not sit but leaned slightly against the edge of her desk. "So what is it, Lieutenant Wyman?" she asked as her fingers began to drum on the edge of the desk behind, "and friend."

The latter was both unprofessional and hostile, but that did not register even in Karen's legal brain.

Sharas came to parade rest and took a deep breath before launching into an explanation, "Steven contacted my superior officer, Commander Drakt, for assistance with a ship you currently have detained. A ship which he identified as belonging to the Yevad. Drakt utilized contacts in Klingon High Command to ascertain exactly what the Klingons know about the Yevad, and dispatched myself and a subordinate to obtain the data from a contact and deliver hard copy of it to Steven."

At that moment Wyman held the isolinear rod P'Trell had given him and gestured to it in an exaggerated manner. The Andorian just glanced at him out of the corner of his eye before continuing." As this data is highly classified and the nature of my assignment requires a certain level of discretion, no flight plan was filed for our departure from starbase 182. Indeed, officially, my colleague and I have not left our posts. I would appreciate if the same level of discretion were exercised on this leg of our jouney - that no record of our arrival or departure appear in your logs."

Karen nodded, "That can be arranged," she said easing herself into her chair, "have you reviewed the data?"

"While I had the opportunity to do so on the voyage here, I did not. The way Commander Drakt's contact was acting when he gave me the isolinear rod, I felt that the less I knew - the better." Sharas explained.

"And I haven't had the chance yet, Commander. I brought Commander P'Trell up here to you right after he gave this to me." Wyman chimed in, leaning around the large blue wall which was obscuring his line of sight.

"Very well." Karen rested her chin on the palm of her right hand and looked between the two men, given half the chance they looked as though they might both start using elbows to get to and stay at the front. "Take a seat, both of you," she said rolling the rod between the fingers of her free hand.

With a quick nod, P'Trell took a seat and motioned for Wyman to take the other. "I understand that the need for the safety of this facility is your utmost concern. However, security can and should be maintained at the same time." the Andorian explained, clasping his hands in his lap.

"Well given that you've been trusted to bring us this rod you can be trusted to see what it contains," Karen said as she slotted the rod into an aperture on her desk. The first record that came up on her screen was dated close to a hundred and fifty years in the past, the second was more recent and tallied with the date of the incident referred to in the diaries that had been provided by Lieutenant t'Sahen. In both cases the result was the same.

Devastating defeat.

To be continued ...

I'm going to bump the station day up this weekend so we can post when I do that. At over 1500 words I've split what we've done so far and we can continue in a part 3. Thanks for the great JP. :)