Judgement – Repaying a Debt or is it a Date
by Romulan Diplomat Rhiana ir-Ralatak t'Riuurren & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)

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Title   Repaying a Debt or is it a Date
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Romulan Diplomat Rhiana ir-Ralatak t'Riuurren & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Sat Oct 08, 2011 @ 3:42pm
Location   Various Locations
Timeline   SD39 1945
=^= Quarters, DS Five =^=

Zane arrived a quarter to 8 feeling that doing dinner around 8ish was a much better time than 7 or earlier. He never understood the need to do dinner early than again he was always a night owl rather than a day person. Hitting the chime he waited until Dana answered the door still trying to decide if this was a date or just repaying a debt in sense.

Dana was putting the finishing touches to her makeup when the chime sounded. She was not sure if this would lead to anything, but made the assumption that this was a date rather than a business meeting and as such, decided to dress up for the rare occasion that she had male company. She glanced around frantic to see the chronometer, fretting for a moment that her mysterious scientist was early but the clock displayed the fact
that she was unusually late. She cursed herself just loud enough for her and her pet Guinea pig, Tiggles, to hear.

"Give me a minute!" She yelled from the padded seat on which she perched and finished carefully applying the chocolate brown pencilled line around her green eyes. Rushing a little, the line widened just off her lower left lid
but not knowing how close she would get to the hunk at her door, she decided there was no point in worrying too much and did not want to keep him waiting incase he changed his mind.

Rising barefoot form the stool, she called for the door to open to afford her beau entry as she deftly slipped her feet into her green satin low heeled shoes that accentuated her Aqua strapped dress that fell mid way down her shins.

"I'm sorry, just finishing up." She remarked pulling a band into her Auburn brown hair and feeling that she was now heading into unfamiliar territory though she was more than impressed with the scientists garb.

Zane was wearing blue jeans and a nice black light weight dress shirt untucked. This was as formal as he came. He wasn't a big fan of dressing up but he decided that he should look nice if this turned out to be a date. "Evening, how are yo......." He said before he saw her, "wow!"

Dana felt herself relinquish a blush. "I'll take that as a compliment." She commented with a wide grin as she picked up the neatly folded blue chiffon scarf from her desk and wrapped it twice around her bare neck.

"Where are we heading?" She asked in a casual manner as she approached Zane not sure whether to take his hand or kiss him on the cheek and decided to stay a metre from him whilst he finished absorbing her with his eyes.

"I was thinking of that place you mentioned." Zane said reaching out to take her hand. "What was it called again?"

Dana shrugged her shoulders. "I don't recall naming any," She allowed herself a wicked grin. "but I was thinking of La Paninis, if you fancy Italian but as you're paying, the choice my dear scientist, is entirely yours." Her fingers danced across his forearm as she led him through the door.

There was no contest from her beau as she led them to maitre D' and she whispered in his ear.

He cast a glance at the man with her and cocked his head sidewards before offering a smile and a sweeped arc of his arm as he led them to a booth and placed a small flower in the thin stemmed vase and lit the thick red candle that began to offer up its flickered dance that cast shadows across the cheesy red and white checked tabled cloth.

Dana settled into her seat on one side of the table as Zane settled into the opposing seat.
She saw that he was not really comfortable and she was not sure if it was the ambience or the company.
"Are you okay?" She asked softly, her hand resting on his.



Customs Officer Dana Pugh
By Tasha


Civ Zane Donovan
Civilian Contractor
(Apb Rhiana t'Riuurren)