Time is Fleeting – Court Martial
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)

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Title   Court Martial
Mission   Time is Fleeting
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Sun Nov 01, 2009 @ 1:16am
Location   Earth
Timeline   SD15 23:30 (As the station begins to return to normal Time

The air was electric as Tasha entered the room. The large court was set out with at least 4 Admirals, one of which was her old friend and crutch of support, Starfleet Commandant, Rear Admiral Robert Hardy Dowel, who saw her enter and raised his hand slightly in acknowledgement.
Tasha raised her hands a little higher than he did in acknowledgement and so desperately wanted to run down and hug her old friend who had personally tried to obtain her the captaincy of the ill fated USS Hunter.
She glanced around knowing she could not approach Robert and saw a small group of spectators already waiting for proceedings to begin, one of which she knew to be Captain O’Dowds special friend, easily recognisable with the same shocking red hair as William. She could not recall her name, Anita, Agnetha or something similar.

She moved down the small flight of 4 steps to her appointed seat in the front, reserved for those giving evidence for the defence of Captain William Patrick O’Dowd, her former commander on DS5 and though she had not really managed to know him, she knew what he did in the face of the Boaoran attack was in no way negligent or surmountable to endangerment.

She pulled at her dress top, adorned with her ribbons and her husbands ‘Star Cluster’ which she wore proudly as she took her seat, a short distance from the where the rogue Admiral, Sorensen, would also be sat.

A few minutes passed as she took in her surroundings. The marble floor, the 20 odd rows of spectator seats, the judgement panel, who were already gathered and the JAG main chair, to whom the president of the Court Martial would sit.
The ceiling was at least 10 metres above her and several hovering galleries were tied off, as this court was purely by invite. The walls were a bland light grey and though several pictures adorned them, it did nothing to warm the overly large court room.

She turned when the door opened to the left of the panel and the prosecution counsel entered, followed by Sorensen, who looked drawn and pallid in civilian clothes and she smiled to herself, glad that he had at least been stripped of his rank and privileges. This would go a long way to discrediting the Admiral who had instigated these proceedings.

A few seconds later, the counsel for the defence and O’Dowd entered from the opposing door and William looked healthy in his dress uniform and winked at Tasha as she smiled warmly back at him and mouthed ‘Good Luck’.

They took their seats and waited for the Judge to enter, which only a few moments later he did, led by 2 ushers and a small security entourage.
Tasha was surprised to see it was a woman as she took her place at the centre of the court.
Everyone stood up until she sat and only when they had retaken their seats, did someone began to read the charges against O’Dowd.

The usher stepped around in front of the rostrum and tapped at the PADD in his hand.

“Now in session, the court martial of Captain William Patrick O’Dowd, Commanding Officer the USS Kilimanjaro, formerly of Starbase Deep Space Five. The charges laid before the court are as follows.
On Stardate 61047.85, Captain O’Dowd failed to follow protocol in greeting a first contact party, which led to a declaration of war between the Federation and the Boaoran race. These actions are against the treaty of Algeron ….” And so he continued and Tasha listened, fingering the PADD that lay before her with her own set of evidence.

Then began the evidence to back up Sorensens accusations and the court martial began in earnest as William was called to the stand to answer the charges.

He still held himself proudly and the height of the man came to bear as he walked past the Usher, who was at least 8 inches shorter and the Captain stepped up into the reserved box to the far right of everything else.
He laid his hands on the front panel and swore his oath.

“Captain William O’Dowd, how do you plead to the charges brought forth today.”

William looked solemn and said in a loud, clear voice, “Not guilty to all charges.” He said and it sounded rehearsed, but they always did.

The plea was entered and the counsel for Williams defence stood.

End of Part 1........

Captain Tasha Tahir