Judgement – Back in the saddle
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Commander Richard Dunham

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Title   Back in the saddle
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Commander Richard Dunham
Posted   Thu Sep 30, 2010 @ 8:52pm
Location   Flight Deck
Timeline   SD 34 - 08:00hrs
Michael Duquense stepped off the turbolift and glanced around the Flight Deck for several moments. It amazed him just how much took place below the Operations Deck of the station that he was never aware of. His duties primarily kept him on OPS at Tactical and thus he never had reason to travel to other vital parts of the station. his attention was focused on a newly arrived Runabout when someone approached him.

"Can I help you sir?" said an Andorian Ensign antenna moving like to life forms of their own. He carried a data manifest for out going and in-coming traffic in one hand and a tricorder in the other.

"Yes, I'm Lieutenant Duquesne, I'm looking for Commander Dunham, he is the Chief?" Duquesne asked the individual.

"Yes Sir he is the CAG, if you would kindly follow me I will take you to his office"

Duquesne followed the individual across the Deck and towards the officer in question. Duquesne couldn't remember when was the last time he himself had flown a shuttle with tactical capabilities. Probably sometime before the Dominion War had taken place back when he was assisting the Maquis colony on Treloian IV. It would be interesting to see how he would handle one of these newer vessels.

Th Andorian lead them up a metal girded stair case up to the gangways and walkways that hung above the hanger bay. Up here was the flight control and docking control for the fighters as well as Dunham's office. They passed by various plexi glass windows that looked down to the organised chaos below. Each was a picture frame to busy starfleet officers and crew going about their business. The blue skinned alien walked up to a door and pressed the entry chime.

"Come in please." said a voice from within. The Andorian escorted the security officer into the office. "A Mr Lieutenant Duquesne to see you boss."

"Thank you Ensign." said Dunham in reply hastily taking his feet off his desk and smartening himself up.

"Hello Commander, I'm Tactical officer Michael Duquesne. I pretty much run all the guns through OPS." He said as he extended his hand to the rising pilot.

"Ah yes, I've heard of you, Mt Gabriel has sung your praises in many occasions." Dunham wasn't sure if that was true or not, but he was simply being polite. He said taking the man's had and shaking it.

Michael held back a slight smile. He knew that Gabriel didn't think kindly of him because of his 'colorful' starfleet career. However, it was appreciated that Dunham would attempt to speak politely of the security chief.

"I heard that there is a mission in the works regarding the Felcor Prime civil war." Duquesne responded. "Considering the complexity of the situation I thought I would volunteer to pilot the runabout that will visit the planet." he offered.

Dunham nodded in agreement to the tactical officers words. "Shouldn't be a problem" he said in a friendly manner. "Do you have much experience with flying these runabout models?"

"I have experience in delicate matters like this. Additionally, our current forces will be partially allocated to the Romulan/Starfleet pirate task force. I thought it would be beneficial to have someone help take the load off of their shoulders." he stated.

Dunham puzzled a moment on what the man meant by 'experience in delicate matters'
"I think that's fair enough Mr Duquesne, will you require a co-polite?"

"No" Duquesne said as he shook his head. "The only thing I'll need for the time being is a tour of the actual runabout we'll be taking on the mission and a lay-out of its tactical capabilities." he said.

"Ok, no problem, I've you'd like to follow me Lieutenant I will take you to the Runabout." Dunham got up from behind his desk. He headed out of the office back down to the flight pit below. He walked and talked as he did so " You'll be flying a Danube Class Runabout, she has a cruising velocity of warp four, a maximum velocity of warp five point four, and an emergency velocity of about warp six for Ohhh six hour give or take. She has micro-torpedo launchers, micro-quantum torpedoes, and micro-photon torpedoes, a type seven phaser array and auto modulating shields."

"Impulse engines comprise two sets of four fusion reactors, plus space-time drive coils and vectored exhaust directors. The system also includes interstellar or atmospheric intake vents and condenser-separators for fuel distillation. Control and fuel feed connections are essentially identical to any comparable impulse system. Be careful when entering atmosphere to have those intake valves open or it will be a rocky ride."

"Ok here we are...." said Dunham as they approached the runabout. "if you follow me inside will continue." They both climbed up into the front cabin. "Ok, The Danube features a front cabin for the crew of pilot, co-pilot/navigator and two mission specialists." Said Dunham pointing to the appropriate seats. "A two person transporter is at the rear of the cabin, with swappable mission modules aft of this." He pointed again. "The modular nature of the Danube allows it to be configured for missions such as personnel transport, cargo transport, scientific research, tactical, medical, etc. Above the main spaces is the warp core, which is fed by an antimatter fuel pod at the aft and its matter equivalent at the fore end. The power transfer conduits run down the bulky nacelle roots, which also contain the impulse drive reactors and various other equipment."

"If you need it....." Dunham lifted up a floor panel at the front of the cabin "The vehicles twin computer core is located under the cockpit subfloor and measures 2.3 x 2.1 x 1.3 metres. It is a standard isolinear unit, with a total of 186 isolinear banks and 53 command pre-processors and data analysis units. Subnodes distributed throughout the vehicle report to the main computer via a standard ODN system." He replaced the floor panel. "Any questions?"

Duquesne shook his head. "No, I don't think any major changes are necessary since this is going to be a diplomatic mission." He said hopefully. If the situation turned dramatically worst, then it would be very difficult to gaurentee that the shuttle could make a hasty retreat.

"What time do we pull out?" he asked.

Dunham looked at the time piece on his wrist, "you've got a few hours until they pull out. So make the best of it. If you need any time on the simulators downstairs we have one ready for the runabout class so just help yourself ok?"

"No sir, I am well versed in the manuvability of the Runabout. I'm sure I will be more than capabale to handle everything." Duquesne said, hopefully it won't escalate to anything worst.


CAG Squadron Leader
Lieutenant Commander Richard Dunham


Lieutenant Michael Duquesne
Tactical Officer