Beg, Steal or Borrow – Deadly Information. Part 2
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Lieutenant T'Pal & Lieutenant Ryan Milarno & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman & Commander Chelsea Dunham

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Title   Deadly Information. Part 2
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Lieutenant T'Pal & Lieutenant Ryan Milarno & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman & Commander Chelsea Dunham
Posted   Mon Mar 16, 2009 @ 12:24am
Location   Deck 12. Captains Office
Timeline   SD8 12h25
"Computer, locate lieutenant Bruce Freeman." David called as he picked up the cooling cup of tea from the table and took a mouthful. It was sweet, but now he had company, he had to swallow it, as distasteful as it was. He shivered, placing the unwanted beverage back onto the tabletop.

"Lieutenant Freeman is on Guardian Platform 3." The computer informed them.

"Damn. Then we can assume that he is injured and that your contact was correct with his information!" Davies remarked.

All Ayren could do was merely nodding. "I hope we are in time commander and that you can still repair whatever damage was caused..." she said. Even the Diplomat could imagine the possibilities if the station was unprotected during an attack.


== 20 minutes earlier ==

He was working frantically to get it done in time, constantly looking over his shoulder. The Bajoran looking man, now dressed in the uniform of a Starfleet maintenance crewman, would be inconspicuous as long as nobody came to close. So far the codes he had bought worked and he closed the panel, where he had rerouted a cable. He was just about to enter the jeffreys tube, when he heard foot steps. Clutching the heavy hypospanner in his hand, he got up and walked in the direction of the footsteps. A phaser fire signature was the last thing he needed. Only as a last resort would he use the phase pistol he had at the ready.

"Shit!!" he literally screamed in his head when he saw Bruce approaching him. "Lieutenant, am I glad to see you," he lied effortlessly. '"I had just seen someone in civilian clothes moving towards the maintenance turbo lift." he said pointing in the direction of the lift. The moment Freeman looked in that direction, the hypo spanner slammed against the side of his head, flinging him to the side the bulkhead. Another blow in the back of his head ensured that he would not get up for at least a few hours, by which time it would not matter anymore. The station would be blown to smitherines. As the CEO fell with a thump on the floor, the saboteur grinned and sped back to disappear into the jeffreys tube.

He crawled along until he found the juncture and opened a side panel. The energy he had rerouted before, needed to be redirected again, which he did and then removed a coupling, which he replaced with the one he had prepared. Commands would simply not reach the platform, brilliantly simple. It would seem that they do, but the the information would go into the ventilation system, meaning nothing there. With a smirk, he crawled back to the door and exited the jeffreys tube, walking carelessly to the turbo lift. His job to disable the platforms was done.

== Present ==

"Computer, identify lifesigns on same platform." Davies asked as he spun about to face the Diplomat.

"One lifesign." The computer responded.

Davies shook his head as it dropped to his chest. "I hope so too Miss Kelan. If we don't have the platforms, we don't have much in the way of offence, but at least we still have a good defence." He stated, his hand stabbing at his comm.

=^= "Sickbay. Davies here. I think we may have a medical emergency on Guardian Platform 3. Please make an emergency transport in. I am not sure what condition the chief engineer is in, so prepare for the worst." Davies ordered as he began to pace the distance between him and Ayren.

~What a way to start your command~ Ayren thought silently, as she watched the agitated man as he walked to and fro.

= Sickbay =

Ryan had gone off duty less than an hour ago and it had all kicked off almost instantly. Chelsea was in the office working through the usual mixture of anger, frustration, self-analysis and sorrow that a doctor always faces when they lose a patient. Eventually they all manage to deal with it in their own way, usually by offsetting it against the amount of lives they save, etc. but the first plunge into turmoil directly after the adrenalin disperses is a dark place.

McBain was watching Chelsea to see how she was coping and he was about to send for Ryan to see if he could kick-start her out of this one because it looked bad, when the call came in from Davis.

~Right in the nick of time!~ Ed thought. ~Every cloud has it's silver lining. This'll take her out of it.~

Within a split second of the call coming in, totally unaware of McBain's observation of her, Chelsea responded instinctively and slapped her comm badge with one hand, whilst snatching at the strap of her med-kit with the other.

=^= Adams here commander. Acknowledged. On my way. Computer immediate beam out - two to Guardian Platform 3, on my mark. =^= she responded quickly. Whilst she was talking she was already out of the office and looking around for a medic to accompany her. She raised an eyebrow at how quickly Ed appeared, ready with his med-kit over his shoulder.

=^= Energise! =^= she instructed without stopping to comment.

The two medical officers materialised on the platform and immediately saw the CEO was down. Chelsea moved one hand to the side to signal to Ed to 'secure the area' which he did by checking for any danger or intruders. There was no-one there but within the seconds it took him to look round and signal all clear, Adams had reached the fallen officer, scanned for obvious signs and dropped to her knees beside him.

She ran the medscanner over his head and neck, but her experienced eye could already tell he had severe trauma to the side and the back of his skull. Working quickly and joined by McBain, the two of them took one point of injury each and began to relieve the pressure of the concussion and repair the damaged bone, flesh and scalp.

Chelsea set up a 'field' life-sign monitor and took readings of his general condition which was poor. When Ed managed to stabilise the worst of the two wounds, she had achieved some improvement in Freeman's blood-pressure, INR and cerebral fluid balance.

"I think he's stable enough to move" she muttered to Ed who nodded.

=^= Computer. Three to beam direct to Sickbay. =^= she instructed and they all vanished in blue iridescence. Back in a med-bed with all the facilities at their disposal, it wasn't hard to take Freeman's condition up a level or two and out of immediate danger.

= Operations =

The few minutes of silence were devastating. Davies as highly concerned and paced back and forth in silence, his thoughts preoccupied.

~ If we can't get the platforms up and running...... how long to attacks..... what else has been done.... how effective are the crew..... ~

Even the beauty in the CO's office here with him, could not distract him and despite her trying on several occasions, he just nodded at her words, not listening to what was being said.

=^= Adams to Commander Davis. Chief Freeman is retrieved and stabilised, sir. He was alone in the platform but he's clearly been attacked and abandoned. He has suffered at least two vicious blows to the back of the head and the side of his face and will be kept in for observation and treatment for at least 24 hours due to acute concussion. =^= she reported.

"Thank the lord!" David remarked as he felt a wave of relief wash over him.
=^= "Well done. Thank you Lieutenant..., " A pause, the question on his mind, "Anybody else there?" =^= He asked.

=^= No sir, CPO McBain accompanied me and as per EMAP (emergency medical assistance protocol) red-delta-two, he checked out the area for danger and other casualties. There was no-one else on the platform. =^=

=^= "OK Doctor, I understand. Let me know when Lieutenant Freeman is full concious, I need to know what he knows. Bridge out." He closed the comm, turning to face Ayren.
"That was a very close call, I dare not think of the consequences of our inactions if you had not been informed."

A small sigh escaped Ayren's lips. "At least he didn't die in vain," she said quietly.

His facial muscles felt heavy, not sure of the relationship between Ayren and her informant. "Ayren, may I ask how you and your informant became so, er, um, close?" He finally found the word he was looking for.

A small soft smile tugged at her mouth. "I was invited to spend time on the "mission" ship, something he had arranged. The Romulans fell for his idea as that would only strengthen their deception, having a Federation diplomat on board," she said smiling wryly. "Of course the Romulans all used telepathic and empathic dampeners to prevent me from sensing anything except him. I sensed him the moment I got on board. He was a Romulan telepath, so that is how we 'connected'. He knew of the plan, but didn't have all the information, when he had, he came here."

His hands folded in front of him. "And, if you don't mind me asking," His head cocked to the side, "we're you lovers?" He asked in a gentle voice, belying the fact that he curious as to whether or not her informant had been acting as a double agent or if he were genuine in his interests to warn Ayren. He shook his head, "Sorry, forget I asked that, we can discuss that later for now we have more pressing thing to be concerned with.

David pursed his lips and shook his head, knowing he was near to pushing the boundary and decided to let that question wait until a later time.

Ayren sensed his concern and decided to answer him. "No, we were not....but given more time.. perhaps we might have," she replied honestly. Since he was the new CO, she needed to win his trust as she had Tasha's.

His head bowed. He had no response, except a simple "Thank you Ayren. Dismissed." He swung about not wanting her to see the look of damnation and shame that clouded his face.

CO: Commander David Davies
CDO: Ayren Kelan - Also playing 'Unknown Assailant'
CEO: Lieutenant Bruce Freeman
ACMO: Lieutenant Chelsea Adams
& CPO: Ed McBain
CMO: Lieutenant Ryan Milarno