Lieutenant Vincent Tan’s Personal Log - Last Log

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Title   Last Log
Author   Lieutenant Vincent Tan
Posted   Wed Apr 15, 2009 @ 12:12pm
[This morning, approx. 0500]

Vincent poured himself a mug of coffee as he sat down at his desk to make his log entry.

"Computer, record. This is the log of Commander Vincent Tan. It will be my final day on the Thor as we are arriving at Deep Space Five today. Helm has told me they believe we will arrive at around 1600. It will, given my mission, my last log entry using my real rank and serial number for the next few months.

"The last few days have been uneventful, barring everyone's excitement over the speed and power the Thor's engines have been generating. We have the dash here from Earth in record time. Admiral Uhlan is very happy. I, however, am not. All this means is that I have been brought the site of my dishonorable mission sooner.

"It seems wrong to be spying on my fellow officers, but duty demands it. It's hard to believe that one of my fellow officers could skim public funds, let alone channel information to opposition forces. But such things much be investigated thoroughly. Just my ill-fate for being selected for the task! I hope this case can be resolved soon.

"I must admit, though, that apart from my family at home, there is nothing to return to at the conclusion of this mission. As her executive officer has returned, I am no longer required on the Lively. I am also told that there no available Executive Officer positions elsewhere. It seems that Command School was a waste of time! I should have stayed in private practice. I could easily make more money as Head of the Emergency Department at the Alfred Hospital than as a fake Lieutenant junior grade, attempting to be a Strategic Operations Officer.

"Whatever happens, I'll need to get myself ready - remove a few pips from my collar, pack my luggage and so on."

Stifling a yawn, Vincent took a sip of his coffee. His stomach reminded him he needed breakfast. Time to end this, he thought.

"Computer, stop recording." Putting the coffee down, Vincent rose to have a very hearty breakfast, in preparation for a very difficult job.