Judgement – Final changes and wrap up
by Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw

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Title   Final changes and wrap up
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw
Posted   Mon Feb 14, 2011 @ 12:16am
Location   SS Bradshaw
Wayne had spent the last few hours pouring over reports from the Hawks he was looking for someone who would be a worth person to be promoted to captain of the ship. Normally such a thing would be easy and would follow seniority and experiance more then anything else. However it was proving to be harder with this ship. For some reason dante did not like keeping people aropund who knew their jobs rather he wanted people who were unquestioningly loyal to him. However there was one person who seemed to know her stuff and had the savy to command the ship. She might not have been in the top officers of the ship but she knew the business and would make a great CO with a little more seasoning.. It was this person that he would be meeting with in the next few minutes.

He walked into the meeting room and the young lady quickly rose to her feet. "relax rebecca you are not here to be punished or anything like that infact you are to be rewarded for your dedication." Said Wayne calmly as he took a seat across from the young officer.

"Sir I do not understand there is no way I should be in line for a reward of any kind." Said rebecca

"Normally that would be the case. However given what happened with the Haks CO and looking over the crew as it stands you are the most experianced person on the crew and one of the few who is not totally and blindly loyal to your former CO. I want you to take command of the hawks and get her back to DS5. From there I will disband the crew and send them to other ships leaving you to pick a crew that you want to work with from an experianced and seasoned group." Said Wayne calmly

"Alright sir I think I can do the job your asking me to do. however there are a few that I would like to keep with me, people who were not totally loyal to dante but who knew their jobs and were good enough at them to make their bosses look good without drawing attention to themselves." Said rebecca as she accepted what was being handed to her and mentally got herself ready for what might be a very difficult trip back to DS5.

"Fair enoughand if the crew gives you any trouble do not hesitate to call me. I will be staying in transporter range as well as comm range until we get back to the station " Said Wayne calmly

"Alright sir I will hopefully see you back on the station then." Said Rebecca as she rose from her seat and gave a quick salute before walking out the door and back to the transporter room to take her back to the Hawksa and her new command.

"Transporter room I want you to keep a lock on the hnew captain of the hawks just in case there is trouble. Weapons I want a passive weapons lock on the Hawks engins and weapons systems. if something happens over there I want the ship disabled but not distroyed." Said Wayne bluntly

"Aye sir." Came the replies from both people

~I hope I do not need this but I just have to wander what will happen to her over there.~ Thought wayne as he walked back to the bridge and gave the order for the three ships to head back to the station.