Judgement – An Unexpected Transmission
by Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Lieutenant Vincent Tan

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Title   An Unexpected Transmission
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Lieutenant Vincent Tan
Posted   Mon Jan 02, 2012 @ 10:31pm
Location   Ops
Timeline   SD39 13:30

Dirk sat in his command chair looking over the reports for his Task Group. He was glad he had some of the finest captains serving in the group. On this occasion Captain Tahir's report grabbed his attention more than the others. It wasn't every day a Constitution class popped out of a pocket in space. This both intrigued Dirk but also reminded him the Boseman incident. He needed to get in contact with the Captain of DS5 as protocol dictated and to remind her of the temporal rules.

Turning to the Ops station Dirk instructed to the Ensign on the watch, "Hail Deep Space Five, and inform them I need to speak with Captain Tahir."

The Ensign was slightly worried, the Captain had never asked on her duty shift to hail another Captain in the Task Group before and was worried something was wrong. Which the expression on her face told Dirk what she was thinking. "Don't worry Ensign, it's just a check up call. Please hail them."

"Aye, sir." Came her reply.

William Harris registered the hail and immediately signalled the Captain in her office.

Tasha was inundated with reports since the Constitution had docked and settled in bay two of the larger docking ports, thus allowing the station to fully monitor the vessel and its crew whilst keeping them on board, all except for Captain Buckley and Commander Burrel, who were both under physche evaluation with the Chief Medical Officer. Buckley was under an immense amount of stress and close to the brink of mental collapse, unlike his commander, who was surprisingly adept.
She requested Vincents presence as well as Commander Dunhams as she opened the channel as Harris put through the call from the Task Groups commanding officer, Captain Alphonse.

=^= "Captain, I have been expecting your call." She lied, not knowing who would be the first to respond to their current situation. "My report reached you?" She enquired as she smiled at the view screen, belying a swirling stomach and the start of a pressure headache at her temples.

"Yes I have and its been an interesting read. I'm actually a bit envious that you're getting a rare opportunity such as this." He straightened himself up a little in his chair. "How is the crew taking the news?" He asked.

Tasha looked downwards with a smile on her face despite the dull thud from her head. She felt oddly privileged to be embroiled with the historical ship and also took a guilty pleasure as well.
"Upbeat and eager. There were difficulties at first, or more to the point, excuses when we first brought the vessel in, but that quickly gave was to curiosity." She admitted, "The Captain, Paul Buckley and his first officer, Commander Catherine Burrel are currently being examined by our Assistant Chief Medical Officer and once cleared we are hoping for a formal tour of the Horatio."


In Sickbay, Ben Kensington was running routine tests and diagnostics but he was about to give the all clear as soon as he and his staff had repaired a few minor injuries and ailments.

=^= Kensington to Captain Tahir =^= Ben hailed.

"Excuse me a moment Captain." Tasha excused herself whilst replying to her Assistant Chief Medical officer and keeping the channel open to Captain Alphonse.
=^=" Doctor Kensington, thank you for responding.We are on an open channel with Captain Alphonse of the USS Imperator," Tasha did not feel the need to tell Ben that he was also the Task Group Commanding Officer, "Any updates on our special guests?" She enquired with cheery smile on her face, especially for Dirk's benefit.

"We have all our guests under observation and one or two undergoing care and treatment. All life threatening aspects have been stabilised and none of our patients are in imminent danger Captain." Ben replied, sensing something wrong. "I sent a comm message to Dr Dunham as soon as we started receiving news that casualties would be arriving, asking her to return early from her honeymoon and I am assured she left at once and will be here with us within hours." He added reassuringly.

Tasha gave a singular nod of affirmation, trying to maintain a level thinking head whilst still eager to take a tour of the Constitution class starship AND meet her crew.
"Thank you doctor. Captain Alphonse, do you have any queries for Doctor Kensington or should we wait for Dr. Dunham to arrive?" Tasha threw the floor back to Dirk

"With the interactions you've had Doctor, what is your opinion about how they will cope well with working in this time period, if the need presented itself?" Dirk asked, he knew it was a question more for a counselor but he knew Kensington would be able to give him an answer to some point. He didn't want to ask the question but if for some strange reason the crew of DS5 weren't going to be able to get these men home he wanted to know.

"There is an element of shock, some who still haven't been able to absorb what has happened to them and some in denial. All of those are natural reactions and we don't foresee any problems rehabilitating and acclimatising those. Some appear unaffected, which is encouraging at this point but we should like to see some adjustment take place. However it's all a matter of 'baby steps' for now. All in all, there are no red-flags." Ben replied optimistically and with confidence. ~ Chelsea would be proud .....~ he thought.

Again Tasha shook her head acknowledging the Assistance Chief Medical officer and his brief but intelligent report. She rubbed her dampened hands underneath the desk out of sight of Captain Alphonse.
"Once we have both examined and interviewed the crew of the Horatio, I am sure that we can find places for them both here on DS5 and within Starfleet, that is of course, given approval." She stated mater of factly on the open channel.

"Consider it given Captain. If they wish to work let them." Dirk replied. There was no sense in letting the crew of the Horatio wonder what they would be doing. Besides the approval had been given it was just a matter of waiting for it to be formally given. "Speaking of work I'm sure you have a bit yourself Captain and I've held you up long enough. If you don't have any questions enjoy your tour." Dirk added with a grin. Still slightly upset he wasn't there to go on one himself.

Tasha gave a solemn nod and allowed her lips to curl upward in the slightest of smiles.
"Thank you Captain, I am sure we will find it very interesting. Tahir out." She said allowing Alphonse to close the channel before rising to greet Vincent who had chosen to wait at the doorway.

"Lieutenant, you heard what our TGCO just said, so let us waste no more time and take a look at our museum piece." The smile now highly evident once again as the eagerness to take Buckley back to his ship and get a brief insight into the past.

"Aye aye, Captain," Vincent nodded, briefly uncrossing his arms to give a somewhat relaxed salute. Tasha's excitement had rubbed off on him slightly, but he still had his reservations. "I will contact the necessary parties and some unnecessary ones as well; I'm sure one or two engineers would be quite disappointed if I deprived them of the opportunity to volunteer themselves for a tour of a Constitution class."

"Indeed!" She remarked as she tapped her comm.

=^= "Doctor Kensington, I just wanted to say thank you for your help there, I am sure it was constructive in our report to the Captain." =^= Tasha praised.

=^= Thank you Captain, all part of the job. =^= Ben answered modestly and went back to his work, smiling to himself, quietly pleased with the praise.


Captain Tasha Tahir

Cpt. Alphonse
Played by Bruce

Lt. Ben Kensington
ACMO - NPC by Chelsea