Interlude – All apologies
by Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin

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Title   All apologies
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin
Posted   Sat Jun 26, 2010 @ 8:10pm
Location   The Box of Delights
Timeline   SD25, straight after War of Words pt 1

“Klia?” Yolanthe called out cautiously. The door to the Orion’s office in the holospa was closed. There was no immediate reply, so she risked opening the door.

An old-fashioned glass sailed through the air and smashed against the door frame at what would have been head height on Klia, but was only chest high on the taller woman. Shards flew everywhere, and she dodged back out of the door way.

“There’s been a big mistake,” Yolanthe started to explain. “That journalist is a complete chancer. There’s nothing going on. He’s just trying it on. I haven’t had anything to do with him.”

“Just like you had nothing to do with the cardassian?” There was a catch in Klia’s throat, as if she had been suppressing tears.

Yolanthe sighed. She’d hoped that Klia had got over it in the few days since she’d ended up jumping on Getal like a crazed vole. “No, nothing like that. I’ve not laid a finger on Thomas Whitlock, much to his frustration I’m sure.”

There was a sniffle from inside. Yolanthe decided to risk going in. Klia was sitting at her desk, legs drawn up so her feet were on the seat. Her eyes were pink rimmed, standing out against her green skin. “It was just a poor choice of words on his part.” The bokkai assured her friend, going over to her and kneeling next to the chair.

Klia didn’t say anything, didn’t look at her. Yolanthe took her hand and gave it a squeeze. “What’s up? I mean really up. You’ve been in a funny mood for days.”


“Klia, talk to me.” But instead the Orion girl just flung her arms around Yolanthe and started crying. Not entirely sure what to do, the Bokkai, gave her hug. “Everything’s going to be fine. Hush. Everything’s going to be okay.” She stroked Klia’s bright orange hair soothingly.

Klia wailed something, but in her own language, and so distorted by the crying that Yolanthe couldn’t understand a word. All she could do was pat her friend on the back and wait for her to subside.

“Boss?” Pelin, the bajoran barman was standing in the doorway, drying his hands on a towel.

Yolanthe looked round. “Urgent?” she asked him silently.

“You’ld better come take a look at this.” He made an apologetic face, aware he’d interrupted something. “Its not just paint. The bastard has etched it into the glass.”

The bar owner held an angry breath, then let it out slowly. “I’ll be down in a second.” When he had gone, Yolanthe pushed Klia away from her gently. “Klia. I have to sort this out. We’ll talk later okay?”

“‘Kay.” Klia sniffed, and wiped her face with the heel of her hand. “Sorry for being so wet.”

“Its not a problem.” Yolanthe looked at the large wet patch on her shirt front where Klia’s sobbing had soaked the fabric. “It’ll dry out in no time. I’ll be back soon.” She turned to leave.

“Lani?” Klia called out when she reached the door. “I didn’t mean it, about you being.. about what I said. I’m sorry”

“Don’t worry about it.” Yolanthe smiled at her friend. “We’re good.” There was an awkward silence. “I’ll be back later. I’ll bring chocolate.” She closed the door on her friend and headed back down to her defaced windows. Klia’s funny mood disturbed her, but right now it would have to wait.

Yolanthe & Klia
Owners of the Box of Delights