Time is Fleeting – Pre-Game Breifing
by Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Commander Karen Villiers & Lieutenant JG Petro

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Title   Pre-Game Breifing
Mission   Time is Fleeting
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Commander Karen Villiers & Lieutenant JG Petro
Posted   Sun Sep 20, 2009 @ 12:31pm
Location   Ops
Timeline   SD14 09:57

Dirk walked into the room and realized that he was the last one to arrive. "Sorry to be late just wanted to make sure that one last thing was taken care on the Daedalus before I arrived." He walked and sat down.

Admiral Morgan looked sternly at the new Captain. "I hope it is since you have made us wait two days, also is the Bunker Hill ready? I do not want to delay this any longer."

"Yes both ships are ready." He added to the remarks. "If you don't mind, we are ready to start immediately."

"Permission granted this war game will begin as soon as you reach your respected ships." Morgan looked towards the Bunker Hill and Daedalus captains.

"Ensign Luciano Commence with our plan please." Dirk turned toward Commander Davies. "I hate to spring this but since this is for data gathering I figured this wouldn't cause any problems. You should be reading a couple of visitors just as we are gone. Good luck." He added disappearing in a shimmer of blue light.

As the shimmer dissipated, David looked confused at the cryptic message Captain Alfonso had given in departure and he shook his head as he made his way back out onto main OPs, leaving the Admiral in the COs office to examine the reports that would be coming in.

Davies paced the Ops area. The time was fast approaching to get the 'War Game' underway. He scanned each of the consoles and the crew that manned them.
He shook his head as he began to worry that there was not nearly enough crew on deck to carry this event through and decided to make it a little more realistic by changing the stations alert status.
Laying a hand on the Chief Ops officer, David leant down to wards his ear.

"Officer Rushtone, upgrade our status to Amber and fix an open link to the Bunkerhill and the Daedalus and have Ensign Petro report to Ops." He ordered then stepped down off the centre rostrum moving towards the specific console set up to monitor all the activities that were about to set off.

"Aye sir, channels locked and open to both ships." Robert replied with a tap to his console.

{USS Bunker Hill}

"incoming message from DS5 sir" Marti reported

"Put them through" Jarred looked up at the viewer "Wallace here."

= DS5 =

"DS5 is ready to begin. Are both ships prepared and ready to start?" Davies called in a calm and clear voice as Petro arrived promptly on the Operations deck.

Petro stepped towards the Commander but, as was her custom, kept a modicum of distance.

David beckoned her closer as the replies from both ships came through.

"I guess we're ready start." Davies stated, examining each of the crewmen at their stations. "Daedalus? Are you ready to commence?" He asked.

= Daedalus =

"Yes Sir. Give us the word and we will start." Dirk replied to the inquiry. Of course technically he had already started but he had given a warning to the Commander.

With a press of the single white button on the console, David signalled Commander Villiers in the secondary Ops station, to keep a watchful eye on events, their own ace in the hole as it were.

"Everything's ready here," Karen acknowledged, it was just a matter of waiting for the right moment - it was identifying which moment that was which was the tricky bit.

There would be no verbal communication, just a single word that had been agreed upon by the two of them. Karen would have control of every amp of electricity available at her disposal, to send out a full EMP that would disable every ship within 20,000 kilometres of DS5. The only problem would be, that it would also shut down every system on the station until the backup generators kicked back in.
Only 2 people knew of this, Karen & David.

"Very well, let the exercise commence." Davies stated, pulling his shoulders upward and refraining from looking up to the main window above them, where the admiral would be watching so carefully.

Petro followed his gaze, still not sure why there were going through this exercise. It seemed pointless to her considering they had just won a major incident with the Romulans and the ordeal with the Boaroans wasn’t that far in the past. She couldn’t help but feel apprehensive.


Commander David Davies

CWO2C Robert Rushtone
Chief Comms by Mark

Lt. Jarred Wallace
CIO DS5/ CO USS Bunker Hill

LTCMDR Mikeal Akerfel
XO USS Daedalus

Cmdr Dirk Alphonse
CO USS-Daedalus

Ensign Petro
Quartermaster - DS5

Commander Karen Villiers
Executive Officer. DS5