Things Past – Exit light....Enter night....take my hand...
by Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace

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Title   Exit light....Enter night....take my hand...
Mission   Things Past
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace
Posted   Thu Aug 01, 2013 @ 2:43am
Location   Mars station (Decommisioned G-type starbase)
Timeline   16 days before "Little ship of misfits"

Three runabouts were in the fight lane for the decommissioned G type starbase, the lead runabout codenamed 'Drake' had two pilots, five officers in the back area reading and relaxing, and a cloaked figure standing behind the pilot and copilot looking out toward the old space station.

As the three small craft approached the pilot of the lead ship transmitted the clearance signal and the automated approach systems engaged, the three ships resumed there coarse. "docking station 6." the hooded figure said.

As the three ships maneuvered around the collection of twenty ships they approached the small Obreth looking ship with two stubby wings on it, upon closer examination the lower hull was missing too. The truth was this ship had been rebuilt around it being only a test ship, basic facilities to go out test out the new systems and a return, it was never intended to undertake this mission, but it was the only thing available too the man who was going to command her.

The three runabouts approached the shuttle bay, the group stopped, the hooded figure looked out the view port, "Lets get too work.

The ship was boarded by two men in EVA suits, near the engineering section. They managed too get the power online, then life support the duo sent a simple transmission "Party time"

This was going to be far from a party, they had 48 hours too get the ship running and they had to be at their first destination in 7 days which meant they had to have the engines working and ready for warp nine, they also had to get some of the other freakish systems working since many were integrated into the ship.

The groups transported off the runabouts' and rematerialized to the stale smell of the ship they were going to be part of her crew. The intercom whistled "Crew of the Dawnstar, looks like we have our work cut out for us, four days to have the engines ready, and this bucket of bolts space worthy, I want a full rundown in one hour of what we need to do, Wallace out."

Jarred led a group on to the bridge the helm and command chair were covered with heavy covers, the other stations were duty, but looked serviceable, Jarred stood next to the command chair and pulled off the cover in one movement. "OK...lets see what else works."

A younger man took the cover off the helm station "Is this bucket supposed to have this simple of a helm?"

"This bridge was layed out similar to the Intrepid class, I think this may have been the test ship for that configuration." Jarred paused "How functional is the helm?"

"Thrusters are on line, station keeping mode, no warp functions yet, impulse is not online either."

"Engineering what is your time table?"

"Impulse is six to seven hours away, warp drive is as we were told, the device is functional, and the other systems in the brief are functional, just a case of powering them up." Darryl said

"Ok, keep me apprised."

the helmsman spoke up "The device is on standby according to my read outs, but not charged, there is something called the shadow cloaking system that is showing green on the board, is this the electromagnetic morphing device I read about?"

"No Jason its a prototype cloaking device, it was intended to alter the physical color of the ship then make the ship invisible, the invisible part didn't work too good." Jarred commented.

"So its more morphing than cloak." Jason commented

"Yeah...we can hide but we can't disappear."

The hiss of the turbolift doors opening and the engineer emerged from inside "Warp drive is going to be six hours the device needs a cell to be useful."

"So six hours to find any other surprises and we're in business." Jason commented

"Considering what has been installed in this ship its a case of making sure nothing has been ripped apart that might be vital." Jarred said as he looked at a console that had been removed at some time.

Darryl spoke up "This thing is nothing more than an over sized Wallace Class ship, basic weapons, shields, a bizarre warp drive, and a camouflage system."

"Six hours until we go, then 36 hours to Corsica Colony, this is going to be fun." Jarred mused.


Post by
Jarred Wallace and Crew of Dawnstar