We All Fall Down – Just a Heads Up - Part 1
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   Just a Heads Up - Part 1
Mission   We All Fall Down
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Wed Aug 13, 2014 @ 7:15pm
Location   Observation Lounge
Timeline   WAFD: Day 1. 22:00
Isha laughed when she read it. A deep laugh from the heart of her soul.

That Gabriel was permanently barred from service was one thing. That the 'fragrant' Trellis too was being superseded was another.

Fourteen hours into the working day, with all the troubles at school, the disastrous defense demonstration, Isha laughed.

=^= Lieutenant Katz, if you've time for a night cap, I'd like to make your acquaintance, =^= Isha said with a tap.

Sarah stood before the office of the new DS5 person.....Steiner.....and cleared her throat. Just then her comm badge 'beeped'. Raising the back of her hand to her mouth, Sarah both listened and then tapped the comm badge at her neck there by activating the comm badge on her hand.

=^=" I would be honored Commander. Just say where and when and I will be there.=^="

=^=Deck 14. The Conference Room,=^= Isha replied. She knew she was avoiding venturing out into any public area on her own, and she knew why.

Before she left Steiner's office, Sarah walked to the desk, grabbed a piece of paper and pen and started scribbling furiously.

' Both the XO and I have been looking for you but to date we have been unable to locate you. Please contact me on my comm badge when you have about 10 minuets to talk. DO NOT contact the XO yet. Please', and then she signed it....Sarah Katz, Security Officer. She then turned and walked out of Steiner's office and then down to the location the Commander had recommended.

Isha liked to imagine that she could see her colony's system through the vast picture window. Intellectually she knew that was unlikely to be true.

This could prove an interesting meeting, she mused as she turned back to the room.

Sarah was confused. She had contacted the commander as the commander had requested, however she had also asked for both a location and a time when they should meet. She was given just a location.

'That is strange,' thought Sarah to herself. 'I am sure the commander is more efficient then that. I am sure she meant to give me a time as well as a location. I know.....I will re-contact the commander and clear the matter up. Who knows? By re-contacting here I might even earn some brownie points!'

Sarah continued to walk to the Conference Room as instructed and all the time she lifted her hand to her mouth again. Indicating that she was to make a sub-space call once more, Sarah said evenly into the comm badge.....

=^="Sarah Katz to Commander.......Sarah Katz to Commander......Mam, I am sure it was an accidental over site on your part. You wanted to meet in the Conference Room but you failed to say what time. In 10 minuets, in 1 hour, in 90 minuets....you see my confusion I am sure."=^=

=^=Now, unless you are occupied, Lieutenant," Isha responded, " Otherwise, at your earliest convenience=^= Perhaps that was another Federation quirk she was going to have to get used to. On a Warbird if one's CO issued a summons, one attended immediately - at least that had been the tradition in her houses.

=^="I will be there momentarily, mam"=^= responded Sarah. 'Strange, all the commanders I have known have been a bit more understanding and thorough.' thought Sarah. 'But then again she is Vulcan.......sort of.'

Sarah continued to walk down the corridor and headed for the elevator at the end. Upon entrance, she gave it instructions to go up to the level of the Conference Room. As she approached, Sarah glanced at her watch. 'Only 10 minuets from the level I was on to my current location. Good, very good!' Sarah marched up to the Conference Room and saw the Commander in the room viewing the stars through one of the windows. As Sarah approached she saw the Commander turn and Sarah stopped and formed a 'snappy salute'. One so crisp and formal it would have made her old captain proud!