We All Fall Down – Chains forged in Life
by Lieutenant Commander Maritza Soran (NPC)

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Title   Chains forged in Life
Mission   We All Fall Down
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Maritza Soran (NPC)
Posted   Mon Sep 22, 2014 @ 9:49pm
Location   Soran's Quarters
Timeline   SD 02 2350

Soran entered her quarters after putting in 8 hours trying to sort out the Strategic Ops office. It had been on hiatus since the Kzinti war had moved major fleet activity away from the end of the beta quadrant border lands. But with the new agreement, it was going to be busy. Protocols and propriety were paramount.

And then there was the necessity of taking on all aspects of the Second Officer's role, and with Wallace's abrupt and sudden departure, covering off which aspects of the Xo's role would consequently fall to her.

She put the pile of padds she wanted to read over the next day down on the glass desk, and reached up to start undoing her braids.

A voice interrupted her thoughts. "Cushy place. Not bad for a backwater outpost. More than you deserve."

Soran jumped, but didn't turn. "Go away, Amy."

"No." Amy replied. "You don't get off that easily. I don't get to pick up the pieces. So neither do you."

The trill went back to unpinning her braids, methodically working around her head, dropping the pins into a waiting dish. "I'm not going to stop. Trill needs me. So I have to move on. You're my past. You're ancient history."

"Really?" Amy sneered. "Keep telling yourself that. I'm still here. And I'm going to stay. I'll be with you everywhere you go. You owe me. And until then I'm going nowhere. I'll be there when you close your eyes and dream. I'll be there when you have to face yourself in the mirror. I'll be there every time you try and escape into a crowd. You can't forget what happened. I'll make sure of it."

"As if I could forget." Maritza turned to face Amy. As usual the human looked terrible, eyes sunken and slightly unfocused, skin pale, hair greasy and limp. "I never did anything to you Amy. The Kzinti did. If I had the time again, believe me, I would do it differently. But the past is past. You should move on."

Amy hissed a sneer. "I don't think so. Someone needs to be your conscience, remind you of the corpses you climbed over to get where you are now." Amy's voice was rising in volume and pitch.

"But not you." Maritza went over to her carry-on, holding the few possession she still had, and flipped it open. She pulled out a long thin metallic tube.

"You can't get rid of me that easily," the human spat.

"Yes, I can." Soran corrected, and pressed the end of the tube against her thigh. There was a sharp hiss of air as the contents were blown into her circulatory system.

Amy - poor dead, destroyed, murdered, Amy with her exposed brain so full of thin probes it was so much mushy grey jelly in her skull - vanished in a rush of antipsychotics.

Maritza let the tube fall from her fingers. It hit the floor with a hollow ring. She stared at it for a moment, unbelieving thst it had come to that so quickly. Barely a few hours on board and the ghosts were already coming for her. She would not let them win.


Lt Cmdr Maritza Soran
2XO/Chief of Strategic Ops