Beg, Steal or Borrow – Explain Yourself
by Lieutenant JG Petro & Alderman Dorian Gabriel

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Title   Explain Yourself
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Petro & Alderman Dorian Gabriel
Posted   Sat Jun 13, 2009 @ 2:00am
Location   Quartermaster's Office
Timeline   SD 9 - 07:30hrs

"Dorian, are you happy to take full responsibility of the security department?" David asked bluntly, even though he could order the man so, he would rather give Dorian the option. A day was not really enough to fully experience the complexities and depths of security, but he could see that as a intelligence officer, he was also a damn good security chief.

Gabriel raised a brow. "Why? Is the Nausicaan unable to perform her duties within her substandard abilities anymore?" Gabriel asked wondering why he had not seen nor heard from the looming creature today.

Petro overheard the comment and stormed up to Gabriel. "What would you know about standards?" she barked. "or manners for that matter."

Gabriel looked at the Enlisted individual standing before him. He recognized Petro immediately as Rakka's little friend that always followed her around. Without Rakka, Gabriel wondered what she would do for companionship. It appeared that she had found something new to occupy her time: Insubordination.

"Standards, Warrant Officer, the same in time of an emergency." Gabriel said as he narrowed his eyes. "Standards which are in place to save lives, Warrant Officer. Perhaps you should review those the next time you *think* about accepting such a daunting task." Gabriel said as he continued to observe Petro's response.

"Some standards need to be set aside." Petro said, feeling the lump rise in her throat. "Would you rather have had it unattended?" She asked. Before he could reply she added another quip. "Standards, I've heard, are something that seem to fluctuate to suit your own personal goals."

Gabriel hesitated for a moment before responding. "What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Gabriel asked, with the demanding intent obvious in his voice. "Explain yourself, Petro. Go ahead, there's no rushing mob coming to attack you, nor is there a hulking Nausicaan to stand up for you." He said, crossing his arms.

Petro glared at Dorian. "I stand up for her." She said. "At least I don't arm prisoners and provoke them to attack another officer." Petro said, having heard of the incident from Rakka. "And don't pretend to deny it." She said, her gaze fixed on him, though the tension in her neck was growing.

"The hell are you talking about?" Gabriel said in a lowered tone so that nobody beyond Gabriel, Petro, or Davies could hear their conversation. "I've never given a prisoner any form of a weapon." He said, "Perhaps you should stick to your duties instead creating fantastic conspiracy theories." He replied.

Gabriel continued to eye Petro as he took his seat as commanded by Davies. He planned on having a long talk with Petro about what she had just accused him of. A long chat indeed. . .


Petro sat in her office, awaiting the new Chief of Security to have his words with her. She tried to think about what she would say to the man but everything came through in a jumble. She looked at her console, bringing up the recent logs of various events as well as the requisitions of various materials. As she looked at the items that had been requested she realized that many of them were replacement items for the intelligence department. Gabriel had been in charge of the Intelligence department and it stood to reason that he was the one that was responsible for the requests. Just as she was about to read who signed the forms, a shadow loomed over her desk.

Petro looked up to see Gabriel darkening her doorway. She swallowed hard and stood. "Come in." She said, her voice soft and quivering.

Gabriel looked at the woman for several moments before entering her office. Small, timid, unsure of oneself. Those were the first words that Gabriel thought of whenever he thought of the Warrant Officer. A woman unsure of her abilities or even her place in the world. Lack of confidence was an understatement when describing the more evidence flaws that seemed to exude from her. It seemed like a natural fit that she would cling to the Nausicaan for support and companionship in such a symbiotic relationship.

"Where the hell do you get off making a blind accusation like that?" Gabriel said, not caring for much formalities with the woman, even in her own office.

Petro glared at the man, his rudeness and disrespect of others becoming more and more intolerant. "Not so blind an accusation." Petro said. "In addition to the requisitions is your hatred of others. It makes perfect sense that you would be the type to do just what I said you did."

"Is that what you think?" Gabriel asked rhetorically as he moved closer to her desk and put his hands upon it. "You have no idea what you are talking about, and it is speculation like such as that which can lead to the end of a person's career, Warrant Officer." he replied.

"And accurate speculation that, when substantiated, can lead to the end of another person's career, Lieutenant Commander." Petro said, leaning forward and no longer feeling the timidity that usually loomed over her.

Gabriel leaned back from the woman's desk and crossed his arms as he observed the woman. "You seem so sure of other people, yet you doubt your own performance, if not your own existence." He said. "You walk around this station as if you seek to receive permission from mere bulkheads to even breathe the very artificial air that fills this station." he said intently.

"Perhaps." Petro said, her voice softening just a little. "but I'm not so full of my own agenda not I see it's qualifier in everyone else."

Gabriel continued to stare intently into her eyes. "What is that supposed to mean?" he inquired.

"Think about it." Petro replied. "You worked in Intelligence and have become so self absorbed that you probably think that your way is the only way things should be done. Then, when you're offered the Chief of Security position you do nothing less than to insult the person that came before you."

"The person that came before me was an ineffective and incompetent Nausicaan. It was amazing that she was able to accomplish anything outside of finding time to flirt with her subordinate Riley and that was before her woefully nonperforming staff allowed an assassin to kill an officer and almost the Captain." he added.

Petro stood, placing her free hand on the desk. "You can't see past the outside of anyone can you?" She asked accusingly.

"I now see that your people are a confused race. Both gender-wise and everything else of any importance." He said as he slid a padd across her desk. "There is a list of requisitions that I'll need for the Security Department. Try not to have any wild hallucinations while handling this task." He added as he turned and began to walk out the door.

Petro slid the PADD aside without looking at it. The anger inside of her boiling as he yet again insulted her friend. "If the prevention of an attack and consequent deaths are what are used to determine competence, Lieutenant Commander, then you have failed far more than most." She said, her voice strong and sure now. "You," she said, pointing her finger at him, "did not prevent the sabotage on the Guardian Platforms. You, did not prevent the sabotage of the shields to keep them from going down. You, as the head of the Intelligence Department did nothing to prevent the attack nor the deaths that came because of it."

She rested her free hand on her hip. "You who are so busy finding fault in everyone else because of your own hatred filled agenda failed to do anything to protect this station."

Gabriel stopped. Her comment made him think back over all the events that culminated into yesterday's tragedy. What had led to the saboteur coming onboard the station and taking down the shields and Guardian Platforms. What had led to the arrival of the Romulan fleet and what provoked their attack. All matters returned to the same individual that was the catalyst for it all.

Gabriel turn back towards the J'naii and walked back towards her desk slamming his hands down. "The one common denominator in the entire series of events leading up to yesterday is that mendacious Romulan that is allowed to stalk this station's decks. If I had things *my* way I would've had her ejected off this station through a torpedo tube long before any of us were dragged into this mess. " He spoke smartly.

"I suspect that if you had things your way the only people that would be allowed to breathe would be the ones of your choosing." Petro snapped back. "Then you could live in your perfect little world."

"Unfortunately, we don't live in perfect world and therefore I'm forced to work within my confined abilities. With that being said, I *expect* that order to be fulfilled, or do you have a problem with that?" He asked rhetorically.

Petro glanced at the PADD, picked it up and scanned it quickly. "Actually," she said, reading. "This subspace recording device. Item number four two three nine five nine." She stood and stepped over to a stack of drawers. She opened the middle one and turned to Gabriel. "I have one here. It was ordered a while back but then the order was canceled after it arrived." She reached in and retrieved the device.

Gabriel nodded as he took the device. "Thank you" He said as he began to leave the office. He looked at the device in his hand and began to formulate how he would get close enough to the Romulan Consulate to put this device to good use.

"Good day, Warrant Officer," Gabriel said over his shoulder as he left.


Lieutenant Commander Dorian Gabriel

Warrant Officer Petro