Cascade – Opening the Puzzlebox: Part I
by Commander Karen Villiers & Lieutenant Commander Steve Wyman & Lieutenant JG Gralthek Sirran & Lieutenant JG Ronan Larel & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek

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Title   Opening the Puzzlebox: Part I
Mission   Cascade
Author(s)   Commander Karen Villiers & Lieutenant Commander Steve Wyman & Lieutenant JG Gralthek Sirran & Lieutenant JG Ronan Larel & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek
Posted   Sat Mar 16, 2013 @ 8:38am
Location   Engineering Support Lab, Deck 1126
Timeline   SD71. 15:00

Rather than drag everyone up to her office Karen arranged the meeting in one of the Engineering Support Labs on deck 1126, just far enough away from the ship secured in Section C, Deck 1029 not to be able to hear them ... she hoped.

The fresh clean lab was a galaxy away from the oppressive and cavernous hangar bay and its load. Perhaps here they would benefit from that lighter atmosphere, plus the lab was well equipped and close enough to act as a base for the ongoing investigation.

A pair of auxiliary sensor specialists had brought in a small metal locker. The small placard on the lid said: Contents: Mk. VIII Interface Probe Control Unit - Psionic Variant. Underneath that was the warning: For use by certified personnel only. Sirran unlatched it and opened the lid. Inside were two black, form-fitting suits that had several wires and monitoring devices attached to them. He pulled one out, unfolded it, and held it up for examination. It was brand-new equipment, no sign of damage or wear. Satisfied, he draped it over a nearby railing and began taking out some of the accessories.

"When we're ready, the probes will be beamed into the hangar," he said. "It should allow us to investigate without further danger to anyone." He took out the support PADD included in the box and turned it on. "Well, almost no danger. I have contemplated the possibility that the operator may get neural feedback from whatever attacked Dr. Werbner. If that happens, then we'll have to disconnect right away." He looked over at Villiers, who was supervising this unusual away mission, and turned the floor over to her. "Commander?"

"I've been on the ship, Commander, I was there when ..." Ensign DeRoot said before Villiers could speak. Relieved of responsibility for the investigation she had resumed a bit more life, "Well, I think Lieutenant Sirran's proposal is inspired, the melding of psionics and technology could give us the edge," though over what Cori-Anne did not know.

Karen smiled slightly, DeRoot would never normally have been sent on the original away mission, let alone been left to run the investigation, but she had held up well. Her response to her new superior was also good to see - she wasn't one of those Ensigns who got a sniff of authority and then assumed she'd be a Lieutenant within a week.

"Noted," Karen said in a tone somewhat warmer than the one she usually managed. Until now she hadn't known that this was possible and it relieved her that Lieutenant Larel would have that safety valve. "I agree that the idea is inspired. It also gives us the basis of a visual databank on the alien vessel whilst our psionic team probe the four decks not yet covered."

Shifting uncomfortably as he leaned against a console, Steve crossed his arms and eyed the Andorian as he went through the basics of the interface probe and how it worked. "I've already gotten in touch with Commander Drakt on starbase 182. If anyone can grease the wheels with the Klingons and find out what they know about the Yevad - it's him. But until I hear back from him or one of his partners in crime, I agree with the Commander. Whatever helps us figure out what's going on with that ship and gets it off this station is a Hell of an idea." There was an uncharacteristic scowl on his face, almost as if something was bothering him.

"Has anyone any thoughts or ideas they want to throw into the mix? This isn't an ordinary investigation, so we need perspectives, people," Karen said, not sure what was irritating her so much.

Ronan, who had arrived with Kaelin, looked up from the console he was leaning against, and said "I wanted to add that the people who are going to be in direct telepathic contact with the entity need to be extremely conscious of their thoughts. We have no idea the capabilities of this entity, and any unchecked random thought could be interpreted incorrectly. We can talk about some techniques to focus our thoughts soon."

"Agreed." Not being psionic Karen could only speculate about the full risks associated with the venture, she was happy to be guided by someone who was. "Lieutenant Larel, before you attempt to make contact I think it would be an advantage to know the lie of the land. Do you believe you can operate the Interface Probe suggested by Lieutenant Sirran? My view would be that this would split your attention, and that task should precede attempts at psionic communication and be undertaken by someone else. Everyone who's been on board so far has suffered, and there's a high probability that whoever operates the probe will encounter side effects. We need you at 100% when the psionics go in," Karen looked between Wyman and Sirran inviting either of them to volunteer, or if they had someone suitable in their departments to volunteer someone else.

"While I've never piloted one of these probes myself," Sirran said, "I have heard from those experienced that it's just as easy as walking and breathing, once one has had some practice." He pulled the headset out of the box and examined it. "Counselor Larel should be able to perform his duties at full capacity while piloting." He looked at the Betazoid. "Of course, that's your call, Counselor. You seem the best person for the job, but no one will force you if you feel there's too much risk involved. I recommend a 'test flight' first to see if you feel comfortable operating the probe." He handed the headset over to Ronan.

Ronan looked at the probe headset and nodded, "I'm willing to try it Commander. Where would my 'test flight' take place?" He was nervous, but was determined to do what he could for the mission. The risks were considerable, but necessary. If he was being honest with himself, him even agreeing to join the mission was a big deal for him. He hadn't been with Starfleet for very long, and certainly had never been in a situation like the current one.

Sirran tapped his commbadge. "Sirran to Chief Aradu. Where are you set up?"

=^=We're in the corridor outside the hangar, Lieutenant. Waiting for your go-ahead.=^=

"Is the probe ready? We're going to do some test maneuvers in that area outside the hangar shortly."

=^=Yes, sir. Just let us know when the operator is suited up and we'll do the pre-op checklist.=^=

"Lieutenant Ronan Larel will be the operator. Give him a few minutes, please." Sirran retrieved the form-fitting suit from its place on the railing, examining it and then Ronan. "I'm afraid you'll need to take off the uniform, Counselor," he said. He looked around and nodded to an adjacent room. "The head is over there, I think." [ooc: "head" being the nautical term for the bathroom]

Absently, Steve scratched behind his left ear. He had no issue with Larel handling the controls for the probe, as he had never even seen one before - let alone used one. "Counselor, if you pick up any hint of anything hostile on that ship - I'd advise you to disconnect immediately." After a moment he glanced over at Villiers, "Not to overstep my bounds Commander. But, seeing someone's eyeballs explode... it tends to make you a tad cautious."

Ronan simply nodded, and took the suit. Entering the washroom he quickly changed, and felt a bit uncomfortable. The suit left little to the imagination. Gathering up his uniform, he walked out into the room, placed it on a nearby table and said "I think I put this on correctly. What's next?"

Sirran placed the headset on Ronan's head and helped him adjust it. Then led him to the gated control area, where a technician began plugging his suit's neural leads into the system.

"Have your people activate the probe in the corridor to give Larel a chance to get used to it and to ask questions before we transfer it into the hangar," Karen said to the Andorian.

"Yes, ma'am," Sirran replied.

Karen looked over at Wyman. The things that happened on this station escalated without ceremony from the bizarre to the dangerous to the downright macabre - sooner or later it was all going to implode in a cascade of disaster ... but not yet ... maybe.

"And lets check its functioning correctly before we go in," she added.

- - OPS - -
Tasha was securely monitoring remotely from her desk, having ensured with Rushtone and Petro that nobody had access to this channel. She felt anxious and she could see as well as hear that there was a great deal of tension in the lab and was silently grateful that the hangar had been segregated from the rest of the station.
"Good luck." She said aloud in a soft voice as she tapped at the viewer ceasing the transmission and made her way out from her office.

"Chief, my channel is clear. Ensure that it remains secure." She stated not waiting for a response as she strode with purpose to the transporter pad.

The technician had finished plugging in the suit's neural leads. One thing remained, a mask that attached to the headset. "This may feel a bit strange, sir. You may feel disoriented at first, but you'll get used to it after a couple of minutes. Let us know if you aren't." He put the mask on over the headset and latched it down. When he was done, the only parts of Larel visible were his mouth and jaw.

Another technician, sitting at a nearby computer console, typed in some commands to bring the system online. The interface probe, sitting in its launch cradle several decks below, performed a quick self-diagnostic and signaled all systems ready. He turned to Larel, a few feet away in the gated control area, and said, "You're on, sir. Please stand up."

Ronan had been quiet during the set-up. He had focused on calming himself down and keeping his mind clear. After hearing the request to stand up, he did so, but was a bit woozy. Catching himself before he fell, he took a deep breath and said"I'm ok. What do I do first?" The experience was... very different, but he was confident he was going to be ok.

The technician at the console smiled. "You're already doing it, sir." Outside the quarantined hangar, the interface probe had lifted off from its cradle and was hovering a few feet off the deck. The techs down there were watching closely to make sure Larel didn't crash it into a bulkhead.

"Are you getting a visual inside your mask?" Sirran asked. "You should be seeing something from the probe's optical sensors."

"Sometimes it takes a minute," the technician said. "The probe's positronic relays will read the impulses from your brain and interpret them, Counselor. Then they'll start sending information back to you through your mask and suit. When you can see something I want you to walk down the corridor outside the hangar. Here's the trick, though. I don't want to to actually walk, because you'll trip over the gate in front of you. Just think it. I want you to look down that corridor, and will yourself to move. It might take some concentration at first. I've heard other people compare it to being an amputee learning to walk with new legs. Just take your time. Don't get frustrated if it doesn't happen right away. You'll get it. You're doing great already."

Ronan tried very hard to fight the impulse to actually walk. Closing his eyes for a moment, he calmed himself then 'thought' about walking down the cooridor and seeing what it looked like. Suddenly he felt himself moving down the cooridor, and saw the sides of it with what felt like new eyes. Everything looked sharper, sounded clearer. He could see the small details on the sides of the cooridor, too small for him to usually see. Quietly he said "This is amazing. I've never felt anything like this before."

"People with naturally psionic abilities usually get the hang of it right away," the tech replied. "And you can do just about anything you want. You could go out the airlock and take a stroll on the station's outer hull."

"Let's save that for another day, shall we?" Sirran said. He was feeling an ache in his antennae and it was making him irritable. The sooner they got this done, the better.

The tech nodded and typed in some commands. "Okay, sir, I'm bringing your mission package online for you. I want you to continue walking down the corridor until you reach the last door on the left. It's an empty storage room but Chief Aradu's guys have set up a test for you there. Ready?"

Knowing that nodding might mess up the probe, Ronan replied "As ready as I can be."

"Okay, you're standing in front of the door. Stretch your right arm towards the control panel and think 'tractor.' That will activate your tractor beam and open the door."

Ronan was nervous as hell, but deterimned to do his best. Focusing on the door, he thought about having a tractor beam in his hand, and stretching his arm forward, opened the door.

"Step inside the room, sir. It looks empty, but it's really not. There's an upright duranium pole in there with an isolation suit draped over it [ooc:the type of cloaking suit that Data wore in Insurrection]. I want you to think 'scan' to activate your tricorder. The scanning display will appear right in front of you. Use it to defeat the cloak. Then stretch your left arm out and think 'phaser stun.' Your phaser is set to training mode so you won't damage anything. Start whenever you're ready."

Despite his misgivings, the engineer in Steve took over as he watched the process unfolding before him. He'd seen remote systems that used tactile based input, but this was markedly different. He wanted to ask questions, but he didn't want to break Larel's concentration. So instead he moved up besides Sirran and watched the neural and biometric readings on the console.

Ronan did as instructed, though it did take a few tries to complete the tasks. Once he was done, he said "What's next?" As much as he enjoyed the experience in some ways, he knew they had a serious mission to complete, and he needed to focus.

The tech leaned back in his chair and looked at the other officers present. "Anything else you want me to show him?"

"What else is there?" Sirran asked.

The tech shrugged. "Advanced flight maneuvers, attack patterns, alternate sensor packages, search and rescue, field triage, casualty evacuation, hazmat disposal, and so on. He's got the basics down, though."

"Is he ready to go aboard that derelict ship?"

"Sure. He's done very well for someone who got a crash course."

Sirran turned to Villiers and Wyman and nodded his approval. "Counselor Larel can make the final call, but I think he's ready for a cursory exploration of that ship." He watched as the techs helped Larel remove his headpiece for a break. "The alternative is we tractor that thing far away from the station before it hurts anyone else."

Karen smiled thinly, "Don't think that idea didn't occur to me," she said, "I just don't fancy the fallout if there is someone alive on board. Are we ready to go?"

After Ronan had his headpiece off, he nodded to the Commander and said "I'm ready. It may be a bit slow for me to survey the whole ship, but I'm confident I will be able to operate the probe."


Lt. JG Gralthek Sirran
Strategic Operations

Commander Karen Villiers
Executive Officer

Lt.JG Ronan Larel
Chief Counselor

Lt. Steve Wyman
Chief Engineering Officer

Captain Tasha Tahir

Ensign Kaelin
Medical Officer
NPC by Maja