Beg, Steal or Borrow – {USS Bunkerhill} Finale
by Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace

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Title   {USS Bunkerhill} Finale
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace
Posted   Sun Aug 09, 2009 @ 1:34pm
Location   Transporter room 2
Timeline   SD 12 1135hrs
The two Jarreds' walked down the corridor too the transporter room, neither spoke until they entered the room. "I know theres' another reson your here, so you can talk, its just the two of us?"

"In a short time from now someone will attempt to kill Dorian, Claire almost dies." The Captain said

The younger man stood there stunned, and shaken visaby. "Who...."

"Dorian is a fool, his actions lead to a few problems for the station in the next few months, you've got to make sure Claire is not in the line of fire, because shes' not the same after. Even telling you this isn't going to change history, but it might help you."

Jarred looked at his counter-part, "theres one other thing, how well did I do in this upcoming wargame?"

the older man laughed, "You'll do fine, here." he said flipping him an isolinear rod "this information might be helpful, it even has some information that might be helpful for the future."

Jarred took the rod in hand, "thank you Captain."

The older man stood on the transporter Pad "There isn't much else I can do, the rest in your hands now, some events are underway, some have yet to unfold, you can't do it alone, but you can do it. Have faith in your friends, and in those who will become friends."

Jarred beamed the other man back to his ship then staired back into the tranporter chamber, he knew that history could change, but only as much as he could allow it, or could he alter the path and possibly change the events that his older counter part described. He was unsure but he now had a chance to do some good and redeam himself and build a future.


Captain Jarred Wallace
CO USS Montreal (future)

Lt Jarred Wallace
CO USS Bunker Hill (present)