Interlude – Next on the List
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   Next on the List
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Mon Aug 16, 2010 @ 6:34pm
Location   Isha's Office, Romulan Consulate, Deck 60
Timeline   Directly after The Truth and the 'Truth'
After t’Merek left Isha remained where she was her gaze passing every now and then over the padds her Head of Security had left. The woman was only doing her job but Isha wished that she had just left it alone, even if that was the case the Ambassador was not yet ready to read the reports they contained.

She rose and paced slowly toward the wide curved windows that made the external wall of her office. Being stuck in here was stifling and frustrating, and not being allowed to go anywhere outside without an escort was even more so.

Even Captain Tahir had noticed that Isha was not quite the same woman she had been when she left for Earth, though Tahir had been polite enough not to challenge Isha’s somewhat transparent obfuscation. But the issue that was foremost in Isha’s mind was the identity of the spy who was keeping the Continuing Committee informed of her activities.

It was not that Isha was surprised that they had someone watching out for her, just that there was a galaxy of difference between ‘watching out for’ and simply ‘watching’ – she had not any idea which this spy was supposed to be doing, and only the answer to that question would allow her to understand the Continuing Committee’s intentions regarding her.

For just one second Isha had considered asking t’Merek to look into the matter, then thought better of it, the woman was party to too many of Isha’s secrets now, and the ambassador was in no hurry to add another – apparent loyalty had changed to blackmail on more than one occasion in the past, so it was a risk that Isha was not willing to entertain lightly.

Her mind came to rest once more on Darson, it was likely, she thought, that the spy who had informed tr’Vainlli of her attack was the same one who had informed her that Darson was in her embassy making mischief …

“i-Orinwen,” Isha said via the comm., “Contact the Marine Facility and invite Colonel Darson to visit me,” she said. Isha was not one hundred percent certain what Darson wanted to talk to her about but she knew that he was not happy about what she had done for Rianni. It promised to be one of those ‘difficult’ conversations, but Isha was not out to make another enemy; she had no choice but to do what she had done for her niece and would defend her actions if questioned.

Isha planned to enlist Darson’s support even if it required her to tell him everything.