Beg, Steal or Borrow – A new friend
by Warrant Officer Christopher Hudnall & Lieutenant JG Derick Fox

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Title   A new friend
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Warrant Officer Christopher Hudnall & Lieutenant JG Derick Fox
Posted   Fri Jul 03, 2009 @ 5:38am
Location   Turbolift
Timeline   SD9 1500hrs

As Chris walked down the hall and got on the turbo lift he found he wasn't alone on their he was fighting with his self to say hey because he didn't want to bother anyone but he wanted to to make some new friends. So he finally decided to say hey and break the silence so he turned around and said "Hey, I'm Warrant Officer Christopher Hundall but you can call me Chris or Hudnall, how's it going?"

"Derick Fox, nice to meet you," Extending his right hand...

Chris shook his hand and asked "How are you?"

"I am doing well, how about yourself" Derick replied.

"Good, i just transferred from the USS Daedalus, how long you been here?" Hudnall replied.

"I just arrived here a day ago myself. I transferred over from the USS Poseidon. Thought it would be a nice change of pace and I could step back and get a new perspective and maybe find what I am looking for."

The turbo door's opened and Chris stepped out and said "Nice to meet you Lieutenant Fox, maybe we could grab a drink later if your not busy?"

"Sure, any time and welcome aboard." Fox leaned back against the far wall of the turbo lift as the door hissed shut.


Warrant officer
Christopher Hudnall
Assistant Chief Strategic Operations Officer

Lieutenant JG Derick Fox
Tactical Officer